Your mom??????!

by Jesse silas
(Texarkana tx)

Your mom doesn't have to recruit you, you are automatically in..... You need to know more about what's in store for you with this company. I have been in now for about 3 years and live it!

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After reading these, it seems the critics don't actually know about TN...
by: Anonymous

As the subject of this thread indicates, the $2,200 membership is one-time and includes YOUR ENTIRE FAMILY - two generations up and unlimited below you. There is no "selling your parents/kids" as they are already covered by the membership.

I am looking into this for my wife and I, but this website is full of misinformation as far as I can tell. Believe what you read on the internet with skepticism.

I can afford to lose $2,200 to find out if this is a good deal or not. If it is legit, then I plan on selling the crap out of it using my OWN methods - not TN's. It would have to suck pretty bad to not pay off $2,200 in my 8+ family's lifetimes.

Just be glad you are not involved.
by: Anonymous

Just because mom got suckered into this, you don't have to. AVOID.

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