Robert Magnussen an engineer from Alaska (I don't know whose photos he used)

by Anna

Sorry for my English. I met on Tinder a 39-year-old Norwegian from Oslo who, as a teenager, moved with his mother to Alaska to Anchorage after the death of his father. There he graduated studies. He is a building construction engineer.

Divorced because his wife is addicted to drugs, in rehab. Children 15 and 10 years old (Patrick and Mathew) stayed with him, they are under the care of their mother and babysitter Rosa. His wife took his house and two cars. Now He is under contract in Turkey in Istanbul. A glass skyscraper, he also gets employees at its disposal.

When he will finish the contract he wants to move to Europe and relocate his family. About after 1 month conversations due to the poor quality of the internet in Turkey, he cannot pay for the equipment and asks for help. He shares his bank account to help him do transactions. In two days, he sends a screen of email from the bank that due to suspicious actions on his account, it is blocked for 11-14 days.

So she is temporarily without means to live and asks for sending a little support to the caregiver because there is nothing in the house and he is worried about his boys. In about two weeks, it turns out that in order to unlock the account, he has to personally sign the documents in a bank in Alaska.

He can't move to Alaska because he has to pay for the equipment first. Only then will he get paid himself and be able to pay the workers. In the meantime, it turns out that when the equipment reaches the port, he can't pick it up because he has to pay customs duties. He can't do that because his account is still locked.

He raises money but he has no friends. His mom can't help him too! He raised some money from one contractor and one colleague, but he still lacks a certain amount to the full amount he needs. He assures me he'll be fine. I don't have to worry. He only wants a small support sent to the caregiver again.

Of course, all the time he assures me about his love forever and he can't wait me to be in his arms.

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Apr 14, 2024
I found the man in these photos
by: Anna

His name is Jared James. He is a public person, podcaster, coach and he is speaking about inquiries in the housing market. He knows that scammers stole his identity.

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