
by Kathy0611
(Kansas, USA)

Is there any place we can post the fake pics they are using? I realize it is not the pic of who the scammer is, but it would give us all the knowledge that it is indeed a scammer.

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Jun 23, 2024
Romance scam
by: Anonymous

Thank you for building the site. It helped me find out about a few Romance Scammer on FB.

ED: You are welcome

Oct 12, 2022
Been scammed ,now I know what it’s about .
by: Maria hmw

A good looking man’s picture is used on POF dating site saying he is MERVIN CLARK, age 59 from Kansas! Working as a Physician at St Luke’s hospital in Kansas City, Missouri (the real person on the picture is in fact a doctor, I found his photo on male-

The scammer using the doctors photo Is from Nigeria. Do not give out any personal info of yourself, send no money or gift cards such as iTune or Amazon cards.

These scammers are out to take your money and you will never meet the person who you think you are in contact/texting with and your money if you send any is gone for good.

Jan 30, 2019
Upload photos
by: Anonymous

How to upload photos here?

ED: you can post pictures when you start a new submission [but not when you are adding a comment to an existing submission] - use the page below and you can see photos there and you can also post your own story and photos there:

Nov 01, 2018
Carl Christopher
by: Anonymous

BEWARE of Carl Christopher. He is on Instagram only, contacted me, claims he lost his wife to cancer and has a daughter in boarding school in London and is working on a partially submerged oil rig off the coast of Turkey, claims he went to school in Scotland, lived in London, recently purchased a home in Trenton NJ.

Sweet talker, Queen, Pretty, Sweet, Cupcake, Sugarplum, always had an answer for everything. I pressed him until he gave me his address and its a warehouse, not a mansion.

He never asked for money but 1000 questions.


Aug 24, 2017
ID the photos
by: Anonymous

If you want to id the photos of the man you THOUGHT you were talking with....go to TIN EYE took seconds only to find the one I was looking for.

Feb 03, 2017
Posting pictures
by: Sharon Henson

Kathy, I'm not sure if anyone has answered your question, but there is a way to post pictures of the person you were sent. I just posted the pictures of the man I thought I was talking to.

I think it's good to get the images out there so others will know when they see them that you are being scammed by someone. Also to remember and realize that the images we are being sent have been stolen from someone and the person in the pictures is a victim also.

When you write your own page, you have the option to upload four pictures. My posting is called Steve Vig - Oil Rig Engineer. I want as many people as possible to read my story, see the pictures of the handsome man I thought I was talking to, and just be aware that this can happen to any one.

Thank you.

Mar 11, 2016
Lahm Lisbig
by: Anonymous

I had one as well and deleted it

Sep 16, 2015
lahm Lisbig
by: Anonymous

Yes I agree I had one but deleted it

May 05, 2015
Hi Anonomys
by: Terri

One way you can see hundreds if not more fake profiles is to go on Not one of them are real. I research the names they give, and of course nothing matches up. Whoever these people are they cannot spell or speak correctly.

They are all trying to scam you out of money by lying their butts off and saying they are looking for the love of their life! As soon as you say hello, they want to immediately go to Yahoo chat for some reason.

I have gotten 2 pictures of the same man with different profiles, and then 2 profiles of the same man that forgot he already talked to me. lol,, For me this is interesting and I am rude to some of them because they are irritating.

Just do not give out any personal information and you will be alright.

Good luck to you.

May 04, 2015
Posting Pics
by: Terri

It would be great if the scamers actually had pictures of themselves to be posted. But they continually scan the Internet for pictures that other people post and take them to make a fake profile, and this is why you will never find the name that matches the cities, or the pictures for that matter.

May 04, 2015
we need to know their faces
by: Anonymous

I totally agree with that.
It would help a lot to se the identities the scammers are using and also the pics they have stolen from other peoples profiles.

May 04, 2015
Theyre not only from Nigeria
by: Anonymous

There are romance scams and dating scams everywhere on the Internet. If you want to see thousands of them, go to There are false pictures and profiles on 99% of everyone there whether they are male or female.

Please do NOT let anyone talk you into giving them your computer password. One of them tried to tell me something was wrong with mine and asked for my password for 10 minutes then I can change it after the 10 minutes.


I would NEVER do that for anyone.
Do not believe anything that you are told by people you have not met.

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