Nigerian Dating Scam - I've been there

by Catherine
(Sheffield, UK)

I am a widow and after just over two years my friends told me to try internet dating. As I was in my 40's I thought I would join a site for over 40-plus dating which you pay a subscription for and I thought would be safe.

I started chatting to a guy who said he was english born but his father was american. He was working for the united nations as an orthapedic surgeon which I thought was a bit of a story but I went along with it.

We were chatting for a few weeks and he suggested going onto messenger as it would save money on subscriptions. He told me things like he was also a widower and told me about his wife etc. This went on for 3 months.

I gave him my mobile and he rang me each evening and we would chat for 5 or 10 mins at a cost to him not me. He even rang me when I was on holiday in Spain. When I came back we chatted for another couple of weeks and then he asked me for some money so that he could home and we could be together.

I was so gullible for the love but as soon as he asked me for money I cut him off completely. The best advice I can give you is if anyone asks for money or your bank details to transfer money into - cut them off totally and report them to the site you originally met on.

I also did some checking on other sites and also facebook and reported him on each site in a hope that nobody else can be conned by him. But I will say if they sound too good to be true cut them off and don't even say anything to them just get rid of them as soon as possible for the sake of your heart and in a lot of circumstances your pocket.

They pretend to be soldiers, working in Pakistan and also in jobs that will pull at your heart strings to make you fall for them as soon as possible.

Please take this warning and be very careful and forget about how you feel when you find out, and get them reported to whoever you can.

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Jan 05, 2025
Please add the name
by: Anonymous

Please add the name.I might have come across the same guy.

Nov 13, 2024
UN surgeon big scam
by: Anonymous

The guy says he works as a surgeon for the UN in Beirut, recently transferred from Gaza. He says he has a daughter studying in the UK and his wife died. He contradicts himself because he makes up lies and forgets what has said. He changes versions of his lies because he's maybe chatting with so many people and saying similar stories so he forgets what he said two days before.

First he said his wife died while asking for divorce, then said that she died while giving birth to her second kid.. Suspicious stories. He also says he can't go on vacation because nobody applies for him to go on vacation. To questions about the war he could not answer.

His English is not good at all, full of mistakes. He pretends to be half German half American. He didn't ask me for any photos nor money, but I detected the scam after about a month.

I immediately blocked him and deleted all the chats. He contacted me via TikTok and asked to move to whatsapp. I moved to Telegram, and his Telegram name was Privateryann. He used a pic of a white good looking man of about 50 yo.

Oct 30, 2024
Raymond Steve
by: Anonymous

Claims to be an orthopedist in Syria. Has he tried to scam anyone else?

Dec 14, 2023
So Right
by: Anonymous

The same thing happened to me and I researched this same guy that said he was deployed in Syria as a doctor. He has gone under several names.

Same picture and same guy.

Nov 24, 2023
John Rowland (Douglas)
by: Anonymous

This guy with a Facebook profile name of James Roland (later found out by digging...last name is Douglas) friended me on Facebook. I watch too many episodes of "Catfish" on MTV to fall for it.

But I let him go on for a day...and then blocked him. I was thinking of turning the tables on him and asking him for money!! Lol!!

Nov 24, 2023
Recognize This Name?
by: Anonymous

He found me from a comment I made on Twitter now X.

Similar story: a surgeon on contract in Damascus, from South Carolina, one son in boarding school, wife and daughter died in a car crash. Very charming and seemingly humble, I have lived in Europe; my late husband spoke with an accent but wrote the proper grammar.

I called him out, 'You write with an accent. You are a doctor. I think you should know better. He came back with a plausible reason. He is on X, and a surgical mask covers his face. Coming home soon and wants to meet me in person.

Red flags popped up, and I called him out to catch him. He is good, smooth, caring, and humble. I tried finding him on professional sites, but nothing came up. He asked for nothing yet.

Like many women here, I believed in people until proven wrong. MY finding this site has provided that lesson.

Blocking. And Next, how and where to report? Can it be anonymously?

Oct 11, 2023
Anesthesiologist from Ukraine
by: Anonymous

This guy I met in dating app Aisle, claimed to be from UK and studied in King's College London but native Indian named Aadhik.

We started talking on WhatsApp when he told that his mother deceased when he was 7 and dad working in UK in a bearing company.

He was posted in Ukraine for a 2 years program treating soldiers. This story was enough for a red flag but I wanted to check on it on what he does.

He told that he never visited India but then his photos were from a Cafe in Delhi. I found that out with Google lens option. When I confronted it to him he answered 'LOL, I mean I never had a vacation in India or visited as such but was there for business trip'.

He called once but was not ready for a video call. Reason given military base doesn't allow WhatsApp calls. He talked or tried to talk in British accent.

Ultimately he asked to move to Google chat within 3 days of talking on WhatsApp.

That's when I decided to block him out.
I did not end up being exploited. Thankfully.

I would say to all, beware. You are strong. Don't be fooled emotionally. World has cruelty. Save yourself.

Don't open up to strangers.

Aug 05, 2023
Franck Valguez24
by: Anonymous

Got a simple 'Hello' this evening on Instagram. Claims he's 43, he follows over 7,000 people, has 20 posts. Had a look at Facebook, and found 5 different accounts, which was red flag no. 1.

I said his English was good, he claims to be a Parisian. I looked in each of his profiles, some of his pics were liked by numerous Nigerian/African descent.

He is looking for 'a sincere and honest woman, and distance is no problem for him'. He mentioned sincere and honest quite a few me cynical...I wondered why he would want someone 10 years his senior...and if you see his pictures, and I was him, I'd probably go younger than me.

Do the homework, like in earlier posts, it's too good to be true.

I've stopped following him, taken my profile off his account, and blocked his messages now.

They prey on the lonely and vulnerable, I maybe both, but I'm also not stupid. I've always been wary of chats on social networks.

Stay safe ladies, stay secure and stay strong!

Jul 16, 2023
This Stuff Is Still Happening
by: Anonymous

Ladies do yourself a favor and block these scammers because that’s all they are. I went through this in 2017 with a man claiming to be a Doctor working alongside of the US Army which was a lie.

They will say anything to get you to send them iTunes cards money etc so don’t fall for this bs stay safe and report these scums.

Jul 16, 2023
Reply to Tinder anonymous
by: Anonymous

Hi, Just to add more info. If indeed he was a real gemologist he could be verified by the GIA registry. GIA = Gemology Institute of America, which is global.

If he owns/rents all those properties there is no reason to ask for any type of gift, phone or other cards.

He would have lots of money to purchase them. These scammers go to all lengths to take every penny you have and them some. Unfortunately Tinder will do nothing about it. They don't care.

We must protect ourselves from these parasites who thrive off lonely people.

Be well. Be safe.

Jul 16, 2023
Clément Sclippa
by: Noele

Clement Sclippa is a crypto and brokerage scammer. Clément Sclippa au Cannet (06) est un arnaqueur.

Jun 04, 2023
by: Anonymous

Met Andre Hernandez who said he was a gemologist, parents German and he was born in Sheffield however his accent did not match. Had houses in Melbourne U/S and had just sealed his contract for an apartment in Monaco.

Having done a little social media searching nothing was found for this Gemologist. He also states he has the state of the art phone. Vertu Signature unable to trace calls, so unable to facetime.

He is supposedly residing in Bristol so a few days later he informed me he has just sealed a contract for a new mine in Brazil so he would be off. So when he arrived in Brazil he messaged me he wanted €200 for an ITune Card because without it he was not able to work.

This went on for a couple of days. I know of these scams BUT I just want to highlight some gullible person might be taken in with this man’s good looks as it was all a fake and false identity.

TINDER must do more to protect.

Apr 24, 2023
Jeffrey Augustine
by: Anonymous

Jeffrey Augustine reached out to me as well and is a SCAMMER. Not long before he begins requesting money.

Good luck!

Apr 24, 2023
John Kingsley
by: Anonymous

John Kingsley is a scammer and he’s been around quite some time scamming women.

Apr 23, 2023
Jeffrey Augustine
by: Anonymous

Has anyone been contacted by him

Mar 25, 2023
John Kingsley?
by: Anonymous

Does anyone know if there are a lot of these scammers on the Nuit app? A guy who claimed to be in the marines named John Kingsley added me. First he said he was born and raised in Texas then he said his father was Texan but he lived in Madrid with his mother.

He claimed they both died in an accident and he was also a single father. Never got to the point of asking for anything but I felt uneasy about the whole thing.

Mar 23, 2023
He changed his name and location
by: Anonymous

This sounds like the guy who contacted me. He goes by the name of Richard Moore, claiming to be an orthopedic surgeon who works for the UN in Kabul, Afghanistan.

We texted a few times, then I got a really bad vibe. Blocked him and reported him to Facebook.

Feb 16, 2023
by: Anonymous

Beware of

I have reported many times.

He is dangerous

Feb 06, 2023
"Another one" is right!
by: Anonymous

Just wanted to respond to comments by the person who wrote "Another one.." and all of you other dear women out there. She is so right! So many of these scammers have exactly the same story, give or take a few details.

Nowadays I can see them coming from a mile away.... Also, their FB page or other social networks almost always has photos of flowers, hearts, and dogs. Sometimes they post philosophical sayings, too. T

hey do all of this to make themselves look sensitive and romantic, trying to appeal to women. To me, it's all a bunch of b.s.

Click on their "friends" tab and you will find that they either have no "friends" or their friends are in Nigeria or Gambia.

Don't believe them for an instant!

Block them! Stay safe.

Feb 06, 2023
Another one....
by: Anonymous

Here's another one for you girls! Dan Rodgers. Befriended me on Facebook and I accepted because we had a friend in common. Turns out my friend has no idea who he is. This guy told me he is an orthopedic surgeon working in Yemen but his home is in Los Angeles, CA.

He said his wife died in a car accident 6 years ago and his 17 year old son is in boarding school and has a caretaker. Seriously?? Can you think of a better story? They all use the same one!!

Anyway, like I said, he is on Facebook under the name Dan Rodgers. Beware!!!

I had my fun with him for a couple of days because I knew the whole time he was a scammer, and then I blocked him. I just don't understand how women fall for this kind of stuff, please!!!

Be smart! If he sounds too good to be true he probably is!

Jan 30, 2023
Lookout for Ericson Davis
by: Anonymous

They always come with new names. Ericson Davis is on Facebook trying to scam single older women. If they work in the oil fields or have to travel because they just gained a new contract, more than likely it's a scammer.

I know people are lonely, but try to think rationally rather than emotionally. Just remember, don't give anyone money. The minute they start talking about money woes, lose them in the wind.

Jan 18, 2023
by: Anonymous

If you see someone named Adams Powell or George Robert...they are the same man. I talked with George Robert on Facebook for about two months. After gaining my trust and feelings, he began begging me to buy a $500 Steam card.

I refused repeatedly and finally blocked him on Facebook. If you search for Adams Powell, this is the same man I been chatting with. Never any phone calls, only chatting.

He is really a 17yr old Nigerian. He confessed to me under the George Robert profile. I reported it to Facebook but they did nothing. Adams Powell profile is also on Plenty of Fish. I reported his profile also.

If they look good and has a professional job title...they probably are scammers

Jan 11, 2023
Algerian man
by: Anonymous

Has anyone had any contact with a man named 'Lyes Belkacem'?

Jan 11, 2023
Robert d Luther and Augustine Jeffrey
by: Anonymous

Robert d Luther - Scammer name

Augustine Jeffrey from Delta state Nigeria

Have been chatting for 18 months. Long story.

If anyone has had him contact them pls tell me

Nov 02, 2022
Never trust any of them
by: Anonymous

Ladies and gentlemen. Please do not be fooled by these manipulative scammers. Their goal is to lie, cheat, steal, leave you penniless and heart broken. They are only out to secure themselves all of your hard earned money, 401k, investments, inheritance , properties and homes.

Doctors, CEO’s , Generals , Fashion Models are not on these sites looking for you. They will glamour and romance every penny from you. But scammers are trolling for prey.

Please don’t fall for their tricks and fraud.

Be safe and be well.

Nov 02, 2022
Lucas lars Mokolaj
by: Anonymous

This is the name of the fake doctor on a mission to Ukraine! We talked for about three weeks - a little less! unfortunately I also sent him an apple card! He sent me some photos and I tried to search on the internet but nothing!

Then yesterday he sends me an email address! I look for it on the internet and zaaaac!

Nov 02, 2022
Dating sites are to meet people
by: Anonymous

Remember that dating sites are an intro tool to meet someone not become pen pals. You can’t develop true feelings until you meet someone. And never ever go for a "distance relationship". You’re looking for a partner not hassle. Be wise!

Oct 15, 2022
In my case was a man calling himself Dr. ALEXIS ERIKSON (heart surgeon for the MSF - Doctors Without Borders
by: Rose Anne

I was like a stupid person sharing my feelings and details about my life for less than a week until I woke up from the dream and asked him for a picture of his passport. My son knows this program that you take any picture and find out if it has been taken from the Internet. Bingo!

We found exactly the same picture but, same background, same finger holding the passport, same numbers. The only difference was the picture and few small details. I wish I could put the pictures here for you guys to see how pathetic the fraud was. Very poorly done. I was starting to fall for this guy.

I am a 51 separated woman with a teenage boy and looking for a stable relationship. I put myself in one of those paid sites to find someone but he didn’t find me there. He sent a message asking me to add him to my contacts on INTERNATIONS app.

Aug 25, 2022
Military Scammer
by: Anonymous

Do not deposit that check. He will then have your account information. He is most likely some guy from Abuja Nigeria.

Generals and military in general aren’t online looking for women. Nor are doctors.

Aug 25, 2022
Military scammer
by: Anonymous

Rowland is a scammer. Saying he is a general in iraq. False spelling of a real James McConville so he is definitely a scammer.

Stay away from him. Wife died in car accident 2 years ago. Says he has a son Nathan in LA with a nanny who used a cc for $80,000 plus for herself.

That was the story he told me. The son is bogus. Sent me a check for $73333. I did not want it. Now he is calling me a scammer.

I want the to send it to him but he never sent me the address.

Beware of military scammers.

Aug 25, 2022
Peter William Lugard anyone?
by: Anonymous

Lieutenant in Syria, daughter lives at home in his house. He’s retiring soon and wants to get married and enjoy his retirement with someone like me.

Yeah yeah yeah. Yea Im attracted to his pics, whoever they are of, not him I don’t think. Wouldn’t it be nice if it were true. He’s on match

Aug 24, 2022
Lucas Fredrick Thiago
by: Anonymous

This guy messaged me through messenger and then very quickly moved to WhatsApp.

He is an structural engineer who lives in California, aged 44 and his mother has died, but his aunt is still alive, (But Sick)

The texts are broken English but what struck me odd is he sent me a number of photos and a video of himself in a car but this video had no sound.

He wont do a video call, but when i called him out for being a scammer he said he would prove it by video calling me which he did for 10 secs, it looked like the man in the pictures so i believed him.

I can't work out if he is real or a scammer. I feel like he is a scammer but with live video calls, photos and a video I just can't tell.

He hasn't asked for money but it has only been 3 weeks..... Anyone else talking with this guy?

The other odd thing is his Facebook has got taken down twice now but it does get reinstated.

Aug 18, 2022
Nice try guys
by: Anonymous

Both of the would be scammers contacted me on Messenger. I blocked the first one and don't remember his name. Claimed to be a student, needed money for books until his loan/scholarship came thru.

Yeah, NO! The other one is Rian S. He claims to have a teen daughter whose mother passed away. He never asked for money, but I figured it was coming. Cut off and I'm not sorry, I just don't have time.

Aug 12, 2022
Same Guy different Lady
by: Carolyn USA

Hi Katherine. My Name is Carolyn. I too have been in an online relationship with Steve for over 5 months. His Son is 14. It's been 3 years since your contact so was his son 14 at your meeting? He said he was in Iraq at the end of his contract and would not fly him home. They gave him a 90 day extension. He said he couldn't access his bank account.

He didn't notify the bank he was leaving the country. He asked for $2,800 for a plane ticket. I didn't have so he didn't get. I did however start sending him internet money and $500 for a school excursion. He planned on coming to GA to meet me.

He never showed.

He said he would come in October. I don't believe it. He gave me an internet phone number instead of cellphone number. Refuses to tell which town he lives in in the UK. All red flags.

Yet, I am the love of his life and he is sending romantic songs. Telling me how he misses the arms of a woman. However, he sent a love letter chat with someone else's 1st and 3rd paragraphs and blamed it on a malfunction on his keyboard.

I asked him what did he take me for? He's GREAT AT WHAT HE DOES! Complete and perfect gentleman.

Aug 11, 2022
by: Becky

I can’t remember his name but he told me he had a son and his wife had died and he was working in Dubai doing construction work!

I put his name into google with "scam?" and his picture and his name instantly came up as a scammer, and this was two years ago and I can’t remember the name.

Jul 22, 2022
by: Anonymous

I wish I had read this before it cost me

Jul 09, 2022
Orthopedic Dr. with UN Military, he is a widower
by: Anonymous

Simply playing Words With Friends, free online word game. Most games are with bots. One week ago a new player asks me to join a game, I did. Then I get a message, "Hi, how are you?" Me, "Fine." Him, "Where are you from?" Me, "USA. And you?" Him, "I was born in Germany, but moved to Florida, and now I am in South Sudan, with the UN military." Me, "Why are you there?" Him, "I am an orthopedic surgery. What is your job?" Me, "I work for the UN and the FBI as a data security analyst. I help them look for scammers."

Him, "oh ok so what is you marital status"? Me, "I have just divorced my 4th husband. What about you?" Him, "I lost my wife 6 years ago I have one daughter do you have kids?" Me, "Where is your daughter now?" Him, "in Florida living with a nanny." .... LOL!

Meanwhile, every word he adds to the game is the simplest one possible, just wants to keep the conversation going until he finally asks for my email address, which he won't get.

Just thought I'd share that these characters pop-up on non-dating sites. And... his story matches those here on this site, even if the location and names differ.

Good luck everyone... don't send email addresses, block them, don't send money.

Jun 25, 2022
Widowed Military Surgeon
by: Anonymous

We all sound like we have similar stories. Perhaps, we should post their "pics" to see if it's the same guy. Yesterday, there was a man named Christian Moore who just wanted to be friends with me. He said he was a military Dr in Yemen on contract.

I stupidly friended him on Facebook and he text me non stop and tagged me in a post on my page saying he is now friends with me. My friends all told me it was a scam. I immediately blocked him. I went back to my Facebook messenger page and all his comments disappeared. Just my responses were left. Here we go again the Tindler Swindler.

Ladies, Beware!!

Jun 08, 2022
Nigerian scammer- Denye, Lorenzo, Sheila
by: Anonymous

Has anyone been scammed by a Nigerian going by Denye and his brother Lorenzo? They have a long tragic life story they give and just need some help starting their company. Something along the lines of their parents dying tragically and the older one, Denye, is having to take care of his siblings.

I believe it was a scooter company? They have a long list of other stories they give:
-house struck by lightening ruining all appliances
-health concerns with medical bills
-attempts to immigrate to America but gets scammed by a person supposedly helping
-younger sister needing sewing machine to start sewing company

And the list goes on.

May 31, 2022
Richard Sullivan
by: Anonymous

He states he is in Dubai and his passport got taken. He has a wife who died and two small kids. He is working on a construction job

May 28, 2022
Joel Peterson/Eric Leonard
by: Anonymous

Was just sucked in by this guy. Sounds like the same story but now going by Eric Jason Leonard. Can't find him anywhere on the internet. Engineers have an international association so if their name isn't listed BEWARE.

He is REALLY REALLY GOOD AT WHAT HE DOES. He plays the long game and even asked me out for a date prior to being called away on a "contract" in Turkey as a civil engineer on an oil rig. Sent me a ton of pics and said his mom and dad both had passed. Half Greek half British.

After 3 weeks of chatting he said a "pipe" had a hole in it and he needed a special tool to fix it or he would lose the contract. He had "lost" his phone and needed me to pay for a tool and have it shipped and he would pay back with interest.

The name he asked to send money to was veronica lickert and then there was another name Christopher Thompson. Absolutely an intricate scam and I am so worried for all of the vulnerable females out there. Because when you're on a dating site you're looking for true love and this guy knows it. Cut your losses and if they really love you they'll find you when they are back "home"

May 26, 2022
Paul Taylor
by: Anonymous

I have a man who says he is a dentist in London but has to go on a peace mission to Somalia. He had asked me to be a mother to his daughter. He sent me photos of his daughter, mum and dad and even sent me a video.

He keeps asking for an English WhatsApp to activate in Somalia while he is away.

May 21, 2022
Alvin Ferdinand
by: Anonymous

Met him on a dating site and he stated he is a Doctor living in Damascus and working for the British Army and suddenly he asked for me to receive a package with all his belongings at my home.

he will send it with a diplomat person and then I would have to pay a fee...a great scam!!! Found him on Facebook because he did the same to other's really a shame!

May 16, 2022
Re above
by: Anonymous

What was his name and what did he look like? Any kids?

Apr 14, 2022
Rian Morrison
by: Anonymous

Anyone here chatted with a guy named Rian Morrison? He is an American surgeon UN employed in Syria. Wife died of birth complications. Has an 8 yr old daughter.

His grammar is perfect. When I asked him to send a good night selfie, he did post one. Hasn't asked for any money yet. But he is not rally into texting. I asked to videocall and still waiting for that to see if he is a fake dude.

He is very good looking. Typical photos of scammer - wearing his lab gown, photo of his car, dog, etc.

Hasn't been asking for email, etc

Apr 08, 2022
Pricha Scott
by: Anonymous

Be careful of Pricha Scott (He said half-Thai, half-American) Claiming to be a marine engineer on a 4 years contract, 2 more years left. He said he's a director of operations here in his department. 39 years old, lost his parents (his dad died during a car accident and his mom has cancer).

Messaged me via Instagram and straight away moved to another platform, after talking for only one week he said he loved me, and wanted to be with me but I knew He was scammer.

He wanted me to apply for his leave "so we could be together" email address provided (there was a fee for me to apply).

From United Kingdom office and is required to pay 3500 USD, Cyprus 6000 USD Italy it require 4200 USD, from affiliated body in Malaysia . Will pay 2750 USD, West Africa office pay 805USD, United State 8000 USD while Indonesia 2150 USD, Thailand $6000 Philippines 3550 USD while Belgium 1000 USD, Turkey $6000,Pakistan $6050

What companies do this? Is there any company that we have to go to apply for a vacation instead?
I called him a scammer and he was furious.

It's so funny

Apr 03, 2022
Mike Miller...
by: Anonymous

This guy just posted on my Facebook. He said he had been trying to contact me which he hadn't. I did not respond. I am glad you wrote about this guy here. Thank you

Apr 01, 2022
Zoosk Dating Scam
by: Anonymous

Hello All,

I am currently in communication with Victor Rowland Jarvinen - Dark hair, blue eyes, doctor who says he lives in Tampa and used to work for MSF. From Finland with Spanish background.

I was suspicious from the beginning because he "fell in love" very fast after a few days of chatting. Once he reached out to me on Zoosk he wanted to switch to Whatsapp and hangouts for chatting. He called me once on the phone and could barely speak English.

He has since shared with me bitcoin dealings and that he is in YEMEN now awaiting medical supplies. I am just waiting for the request for money. I am keeping him on a long leash in hopes that these scumbags may be caught. Take this as a warning.

Mar 09, 2022
Catfish on Facebook Randy nelson/ adama keita
by: Anonymous


Adama Keita Surgeon with NATO. Catfish scam on Facebook. Appeared on a random comment trying to gain friendship.

Fake person.

Feb 15, 2022
We need to come together to out these scammers.
by: Debbie

I was just scammed by a man on an online dating site. I had no idea, not even thinking it could be a scam - I'm really angry. As I was doing research, I can't believe how many women are being scammed like this.

Everyone has names and details they want to compare so I made a Facebook group so everyone could come together and we can keep these jerks from doing this to others. Here's the link. I hope you all consider joining.

Also, the man I was talking with is from Netherlands, a widow, an architect and an interior designer AND he has an actual website! His name is Lucas Schneider - beware!

Jan 29, 2022
Paul Anderson scammer
by: Anonymous

Beware of a man who says his name is Paul Anderson and that he is an orthopedic surgeon in the US Army and was widowed because his wife died in childbirth having his third child. He has two daughters Epperly and Mary and says he is in Yemen Israel and he says really nice things to you and tells you he loves you and then he wants you to give him money or a Google card because he can’t get into his account in the US so he wants you to give these cards so he can continue talking to you on his computer.

He is on Facebook and then he wants you to go to hangouts because of security reasons and Yemen so please don’t get involved with this bad man because he is a scammer I fell hook line and sinker and I got myself hurt. He saw on Facebook that I just had lost my husband so he wanted to chat with me and make me feel better but this is all a lie. He sent me his picture of a very handsome person but he is not from the United States but he is from overseas somewhere so don’t even accept his friend request as it’s all a scam to get your money.

He says he loves you to make you fall in love with him and then he hurts you all the time

Jan 28, 2022
Friend scammed
by: David prince

A friend was scammed of over 100000 pounds by a Nigerian scammer under the name of Brandon. Supposed to be a general in American forces.

Says he has a son who needs help for schooling.

Jan 18, 2022
by: Anonymous

I received a Hello on my Instagram from Usama Ahmad who claims to be a surgeon working in Yemen for seven years. He is a widower who lost his wife 60 years in a gas explosion and has a son called Nelson who is studying in Dubai.

He has a picture with Jamie Fox. When I wrote back that the U.N doesn't hire nor send doctors to Yemen he went ghost, so beware. I already knew about this scamming for money online con artist.

Jan 15, 2022
Fernando Chris Orthopedic Surgeon
by: Anonymous

Very similar story!!!!!

We met on ConversationExchange! He told me he is a Orthopedic Surgeon working for the UK government on a contractual basis. Now he is contracted out to Turkey and stuck there due to Covid, waiting for the UN to grant his paper to go back to the UK! (by the way, scammer, the story seems a bit illogical! I may be too naïve, but don't understand why UK government contractor needs UN to grant a paper to go back to the UK!)

At the beginning, he sent me two pictures of him, one with him sitting in front of a house and one of him with his BLACK dog! Maybe good looking by normal standard! (another lesson to you, scammer, culture difference! The eyes in the one with the black dog appear too intimate to be sent to a Asian women/girl on FIRST contact!)

Similar stories lines: he has a 17-year-old daughter in the UK, widowed and can't access his bank account! He also said he is the only survivor of his family and grew up in the UK with his grandma who is now very sick!

Other similar signs: bad English for someone who grew up in the UK and a doctor; very strong accent for someone who grew up in the UK; only communicating by text, rarely by voice chat and never by video (excuse: dysfunctional camera).

Dec 18, 2021
Mike montemayor
by: Anonymous

Stolen identity. Scammer. Someone’s profile but not picture. Very kind and sweet. Photos are good looking. 66/years old. Looking for info. Lives in Granada CA.

Children in Australia. Liar liar pants on fire. Beware. He is fishing for info

Dec 17, 2021
Love scammer "Michael Slier"
by: Anonymous

He sent me a message on telegram. A few days later he sent a picture and told me, he's Michael Slier from Portland and he is a doctor working for the UN in Yemen, a 58 year old widower with a 14 year old son, his wife died while giving birth to the second child.

His English is bad being American and a doctor! My English is not so good cause I'm from Germany. At this moment I searched for doctors in Yemen and found lots of information about scamming.

He wanted me to write on Hangouts, Gmail or WhatsApp. I told him, I only use telegram :-) Yesterday he sent me another pic with him and his black dog.

There's also an account in Facebook with another pic.

The scammer has stolen the pictures. I think the real man doesn't know that. How could I find out who's the guy on the pics to inform him ?? Maybe somebody knows this man ??

Dec 15, 2021
More suspicious profiles
by: Anonymous

I didn't get sucked in because I smelled a rat from the beginning. Be careful on Twitter if somebody has a profile that says he's a doctor but he somehow has time to send you personal messages.

Such as, Tony Frederico, he says he's a surgeon and single dad from Austin, Texas, posts a picture of his dog Jack. I tried looking him up and there's no doctor with that name.

And then there's Dr John. Roalnd (that's exactly how he spells it, looks fishy from the beginning, and I couldn't find him either), "A physician who specializes in the diagnosis and surgical treatment of disorders of the central and peripheral nervous system including congenital anomalies," complete with a photo of him and his doctor buddies in surgical masks.

After chatting with him a few times, I noticed his poor English and I questioned where he was located, and he said he was on contract with the United Nations and is a citizen of Germany. Yeah, he's probably in Nigeria.

On Twitter, if you look to see who they follow, you'll find it's almost all women. These are all the ones they'll try to prey upon.

Be careful out there!!

Dec 12, 2021
I was just pinged on FB by a VERY similar profile
by: Anonymous

Orthopedic Surgeon from L.A. widowed with 2 kids and working to help women and children injured in Syrian war.

Dec 09, 2021
‘It all began on Quora…’
by: Anonymous

I am still befuzzled as to how this girl ‘found’ me out of her 700+ followers!! "Message me." Innocently enough. Lucky my wife got a text from me that was intended for ‘Maria’ (sent in my excitement with my first ‘EBay Card purchase’ and I came around to my senses.

My wife found the profile picture for ‘Maria Hutson’ actually was that of Lelu Love, ‘ the Internet’s most interactive porn star (lucky me) but I do not know WHO was the writer who wooed me with words of love and devotion!

And who didn’t want to give me up to my wife without a fight!! I almost lost my wife, my mind, and my money.


Nov 30, 2021
Maxwell Wilson scammer
by: Anonymous

Yes I had a guy calling himself Maxwell Wilson, American Maltese and after a few weeks of building me up and having many talks about the future the story continued onto him getting a contract for his vip logistics company.

It was all very exciting and I did have the feeling this wasn't right as I'd heard it before but I went along with him flying with his team to Zurich and then the destination to Istanbul in a ship organised by him and the team taking petroleum products to Turkey for the client.

Along the way the ship got damaged and the sea guard came then required them to evacuate, so they could weld the ships damage and work on the oil spillage.

In the rush and him transporting his team out to safety he left his bag with 75k in it and cards that was apparently stolen by the sea guard.

It for me was all plausible as I've dealt with people in these lives before and they were real in their jobs.

After 2 days of arguing and dealing with his situation I gave him the benefit of the doubt and yes transferred 5k euro to the apparent sea guard accountant Ludmilla Stenkenko at PRIVATBANK UKRAINE she's obviously real.

I questioned everything I was just wanting to believe the best in him.

Anyway after that they could leave on the ship and then the navy stopped them at the border and he asked for another 17k and I then knew, so a lesson learnt.

The worst thing is I'm grieving from the guy in the photos I fell for early on, it's heartbreaking so protect your selves ladies as it takes time to then heal, and if it's too good to be true it probably is. No man will be so perfect in this day n age sadly. That's just a fact.

I know who this is and its a guy who is Nigerian and before the scam began his photos were all over the net but now there's nothing to be found of him.

Nov 26, 2021
More scammers
by: Anonymous

Watch out for this guy JamesAllen on wwf’s - a cardiologist in Antarctica e-mail

Family killed in a car wreck except for a 14 yr old named Evans.

Also names of other scammers Warren t. north Germany. Paleo d. Rome engineer. Williamsure Fredrick j. Engineer. Andy b. Works in Mexico bio chemist Cassie daughter.

Nov 21, 2021
Reply to 'catfish from Moscow'
by: Anonymous

This sounds like a scam in every way possible. The scammer will give false information about why they need the money, and almost always will make fake promises to pay back with even more money than they originally asked for. Accounts are frozen, or they are deployed or stuck somewhere the account cannot be accessed.

Please, tell your friend not to refinance her house or give this person any kind of money. She will never hear from him again nor get back that money if she gives it. This is what scammers like this do, the same old story amongst the majority of them.

Using fake names with someone else's photo, will not video call. Use hangouts or other unsecured platforms to message and voice call. Report this guy and tell your friend walk away.

After my 7 year relationship ended, I was very vulnerable and for the first time came across catfishing online. I immediately blocked the individual and never allowed anyone to speak with me again as they were asking for money and gift cards and whatever else they could think of.

I lost my dad and these scammers are so heartless, they still are asking for money always going after someone that is going through or has gone through a hard time.

I really hope your friend sees sense and just walk away.

Block him. Never look back and be safe.

Nov 21, 2021
To Catfish From Moscow
by: Anonymous

I never heard of this man but just like all the rest of them he is only after one thing which is her money had a man told me the same thing working alongside the Army as a doctor but I come to find out it was a lie that the man your friend is chatting with is nothing but a scammer.

Tell her to please do not send him anything as she will not get that money back or see him ever. Report him to what ever site she met him on and do some searching to see if he’s on other sites selling the same stories.

Check the UN list of Doctors to see if his name is on there and reverse his image and also never ever send anything to these men period and as always stay safe and report these men.

Nov 21, 2021
Catfish from Moscow
by: Anonymous

Has anyone here heard of a guy named Riegert Stroud? He is asking my friend for $13,000 which he will repay within 2 weeks with $40,000.

Supposedly a orthopedic surgeon attached to the US Army, originally from Russia, widowed, 1 daughter living in Florida. Was attached to the US Army in Afghanistan, shipped out to England and is in need of money to get back to the US and see his daughter.

Gave my friend attorney info and banking information. She said he has 2 mil in the account but is locked out because he was overseas working.
TO me it sounds like a catfish situation but my friend is trying to get her house refinanced to raise the money and is asking friends for money to send to him.

Pls. let me know if anyone here has any information that I can give to her.

Nov 15, 2021
Mike Theopulos, Mike Henderson
by: Anonymous

BS, similar story as you read in the comments. Surgeon with UN from San Francisco, now living in Somalia, 1 son in boarding school in US, widower. The story does not check, his English is not US. Lies you can easily spot.

Nov 14, 2021
Paul adams zachary
by: Anonymous

Anyone else been chatting to Paul, same story, orthopedic surgeon, widowed, wife died during childbirth of 3rd daughter, other two live in USA.

Undying love, don't break my heart etc etc. He's back on Facebook, beware!!!

I chatted to him for a week, that was enough. Gorgeous photo of a man but is it him!?

Nov 13, 2021
Same story
by: Anonymous

Laughable on his part. The Government doesn’t care for your children in your absence unless they have been removed from your care due to abandonment, abuse or neglect!

Nov 13, 2021
Same story
by: Anonymous

I have been chatting to Paul Adams Zachary, widow, wife died in childbirth to 3rd daughter. 2 daughters in care with the gov until he can leave Israel. His job is Orthopedic surgeon??!!

Same story as all these others

Nov 12, 2021
Orthopaedic doctor scam
by: Anonymous

I was contacted by Derek Chandler who says he is an orthopaedic doctor working in Yemen with the WHO. I am very computer savvy so it didn’t take long for me to uncover his fake Facebook page.

What is scary is that he had a corresponding Instagram page and LinkedIn profile that all corroborated his lies. He was using the photos of an Argentinian actor. He said his wife had died and he has a daughter in Los Angeles while he is working with American troops in Yemen. Things didn’t add up and I challenged him, alerted Facebook, Instagram, and LinkedIn.

All of those profiles are down now. It makes me happy because he had been posting there for a few years. This was a long rooted scam of his. I wonder how many people were caught up. He operated those sites for a few years but I figured him out very quickly and those profiles are gone now.

I am sure this won’t stop him. So sad, he will come back with another name but at least he has to start over and the most suspicious thing on Facebook is when you see someone’s profile is recent and they haven’t posted in years past.

At least his investment from past posting to make him sound legitimate has been broken by me.

Be careful out there… Scammers

Nov 06, 2021
Another name
by: Anonymous

Victor Jarvinen, surgeon with MSF’s in Yemen- same story, attractive pics of doctor with dark hair blue eyes. Report and Block ladies.

Oct 11, 2021
Fransisco Mateo
by: Anonymous

I forgot to add he has a profile on 'Uniform Dating' which is 'SweetSisco'.

Not sure if he's on any other dating sites.

Oct 10, 2021
Fransisco Mateo CDC Epidemiologist
by: Anonymous

This is a reply to the message left by 'anonymous', about Fransisco Mateo. I was talking to the same person, with the exact same job and areas that he lived. We were talking from around July 21 until lately I cut it off.

He is not who he tells you he is. He plays a really good game, getting to know someone, making plans then cancelling, avoiding phone calls and hours on end will go by until he replies to messages.

Has he told you he's in or has been to Wuhan? That he took a contract and has a DUI against him for a mistake back in Maryland, USA?

If he hasn't, he will eventually ask for money. Don't fall for it or give him any compromising pictures he can use against you.

I cannot say who it is behind the messages because he is very well spoken. Is this his phone number by the way 07418320658?

Its a burner phone. Cannot connect calls, only through encrypted app-signal.

Oct 07, 2021
by: Anonymous

Your story is exactly the same as mine...everything you said is exactly word for word the same thing as I am going through even your description of this man.

The man is beautiful, deep blue eyes, dimples, killer smile, muscles, but I had to get away from him. I loved him so much, it almost killed me. I was 70 when I met him on Facebook, and still with my looks he was 44. I am so broken.

Even my age and his age. It has been 2 yrs now that I've been with this liar and I am about to cut him off at the knees. I too am so heart broken. I fell for this beautiful face of his and I was also thrown out of 2 banks for fraud that I did not commit.

Every single damn word you wrote is my story too.

I just copied your story and emailed it to him. I think he knows what's coming next. He uses the name Christopher Montpetit. I'm sure he isn't the real Christopher Montpetit.

Oct 07, 2021
Andreas Ethan
by: Caroline Lawyer Sheffield

Yep this guy has as at Oct 2021 created a profile as an orthopaedic surgeon on Plenty of Fish. Wife died of leukemia and he was forced to put his son in boarding school to be cared for and works for US nations!

I was immediately suspicious when his WhatsApp came up as a Number abroad and he said he feared I would finish with him if we spoke as his accent is so bad. For goodness sake don't go there because if it sounds too good to be true it IS too good to be true!!

Any guy who messages you straight away morning and night with endearments and multiple hearts is not mature even if not a faker. You have a name so make them use it. Endearments are earnt not bandied about


Oct 03, 2021
Fransisco Mateo
by: Anonymous

Fransisco Mateo is a scammer! Run while you still can unscathed. Unfortunately, he scammed my friend of a lot of money constantly asking for iTunes cards and money.

He is a Nigerian who has stolen someone else’s identity. Block him immediately and report him to scamhaters.united on IG. They will report him to IG and have him taken down.

Good luck!

Oct 02, 2021
Scammer posing as an Epidemiologist working for CDC
by: Anonymous

I have been talking to this guy, calls himself 'Fransisco Mateo'. We talk via text messaging using the signal app.

Has anyone else heard of him? He says that he lives in London, UK. Originally from Brazil and lived in California

If anyone has any info let me know please

Oct 02, 2021
Be careful ladies
by: Anonymous

Maybe someone heard about Rico Foster UN in Syria and Gabe Ronny UN in Norway(Oslo)? Both of them sent me a request on Fb. Same story, video call very short (few seconds), the voice was interesting.

Both of them wanted iTunes cards. One needed me to request for an emergency vacation, and he said I needed to pay for it.

I think both of them are a scam.

Can you help me please? I didn't send any money of course. Thanks

Sep 20, 2021
by: Anonymous

I got scammed (well he tried). He claimed to be a soldier in West Africa. We talked for a while and everything seemed normal. Then one day he gave me a sob story about not eating and how his friends get packages and he doesn't.

That's when he started asking for money.

Block and delete. Don't fall for it

Aug 14, 2021
Keith Mesch
by: Anonymous

Has anyone had any contact from the above. It sounds too good to be true ?

So romantic but can’t video so I’m suspicious.

Please tell me my gut is wrong.

Aug 14, 2021
Larson Grey
by: Anonymous

Unfortunately, if the family has indeed done all of that and she still doesn’t believe he is the scammer that he is, it may be time for an intervention with a psychiatrist. He is 100% a fraud and will strip her of all she has and not stop until he has her banking and personal data if he doesn’t already.

If she participates in his requests with receiving and depositing checks and then forwarding the money, she will be caught and charged with money laundering like so many others.

Lastly, check out and most importantly have her review scamhatersunited on Instagram. They are quite good and will assist taking him down. What is his current IG account and how is your sister communicating with him?

Aug 14, 2021
Larson Grey
by: Anonymous

Thank you Anonymous 13/08/2021. The family know this guy is a fake and have tried everything to persuade my sister but he has turned her against us. We have done the photo reverse imaging, given her stuff to read around romance scam, tried to get her to watch tv programs on the subject and even had the local police talk to her to try and make her understand but have got nowhere.

Any suggestions would be appreciated, thanks all.

Aug 13, 2021
Mark Hector, Orthopedic Surgeon in Yemen
by: Anonymous

For the past 2 weeks I've been taking with a very handsome man by the name of Mark Hector. He told me he was from a town near me but has been working with the WHO for the past 2 years in Sana'a Yemen as an Orthopedic Surgeon.

I immediately Googled his name but found nothing, and I then did a Facebook search and again found nothing. When I asked him about it, he said I wouldn't find him. I thought that's odd, but continued talking with him.

I asked for pictures of him and where he was, and he sent me pictures of a very handsome man. Again, my gut kept telling me something was wrong. Why was a man this handsome interested in simple ole me? And the pics didn't add up. He wasn't in any of them, they all looked like Stock photos from an Army camp. I asked if we could talk and he said the Taliban watches/ listens for any type of radio signal so it would be very risky.

He finally did make a video call, and the person on the call was the person in the pics, so at that point I thought it was real. But less than 1 min into the call it dropped. I didn't hear from him again for 2 days, until I sent an email to the email address he'd given me for Hangouts. We started another Hangouts conversation.

A week goes by and we kept taking. Again, my gut kept telling me something wasn't right, so I confronted him with it. He said he was hurt that I wouldn't trust him. Being the fool I was, I apologized and we continued for another week.

Then today, I tried looking him up again on the internet under Dr. Mark Hector, Orthopedic Surgeon. I figured I'd find SOMETHING. Instead I found this article.

When I confronted him with this, he again got very defensive and started attacking my mentality, saying he knew this would happen and if this is how I loved someone. I explained that I was simply looking out for my best interest. His last comment was "You can think what ever you want, do what you want but don't forget this day" to which I replied believe me, I won't.

I was able to get a copy of a passport, which I'm sure is a fake, along with all of the pics he sent. I'm going to try to find out who the gentleman in the pic is by contacting the authorities.

My heart is broken, but I feel more stupid for not listening to my gut sooner.

I hope my story along the the original story helps someone else before they give these people any money and waste anymore time and heartache

Aug 13, 2021
Larson Grey
by: Anonymous

Larson Grey is a scammer and your sister should run while she can! Larson is not a Dr. stationed in Afghanistan. It’s all a made up story to scam your sister. She should not send him money or gift cards. She also shouldn’t provide any personal information.

If she is communicating through Google hangout she should get off of that platform immediately and block him.

These scammers seek their prey very carefully and specialize in vulnerable women.

Lastly, under no circumstances should she deposit any check he might send her as she will face money laundering charges.

Good luck!

Aug 13, 2021
Larson Grey
by: Anonymous

Has anyone come across a Larson Grey? Usual story says he is a doctor in Afghanistan etc etc. My sister currently being scammed by this low life but she believes he is real.

Aug 11, 2021
I only have one comment
by: Anonymous

Stop sending these liars money as that’s all they want. I’ve heard these same stories over and over so check these low life’s out and if their names are not on the UN list of Doctors that will tell you these scum are nothing but scammers.

I ran into a lot of them with the same stories and what ever you do don’t go on hangouts as that’s their main platform.

Aug 10, 2021
Thomas Christian
by: Anonymous

I believe I was about to be scammed by a guy on fb. Same sob story, widowed, two sons. A UN orthopedic surgeon working in Yemen. Lol this is so ridiculous that they use the same story over and over. I literally spoke with him for a day before my intuition told me somethings off.

So I did some digging, and his fb is super bare. Cannot find him doing a reverse search. Somethings off. I checked out the likes on his fb pics and they’re all guys from Nigeria hahaha how lame are these guys.

They can’t even make the profiles they use seem somewhat believable.

Aug 07, 2021
by: Alice

Richard Harrison picked my name from face book and we started chatting on messenger and then he asked to change to hangout. He told me he was a widower and has a son in boarding school in Los Angles. He was an orthopedic surgeon in Yemen so I played his game and he asked me to get him a google playing gift card and he said go to Walmart.

It was all so real so I did purchase the card and a week later he wanted a steam card for a better connection. I said no then he told me his son turns 15 and he likes a computer game but had to ship it to Arkansas to his teacher so he gave me the name and address in Arkansas then he said the teacher had called and said Peter needs a new computer for 900$.

That’s when I had enough.

I reported him to the government and there was no teacher and that it was a scam so I told him to go to hell. I haven’t heard from him again so be aware. The Government said no American DR goes on a dating online site so run the other way.

Stay safe

Jul 27, 2021
Richard marsh
by: Anonymous

So this Guy started talking to me on Instagram. He sent me pics of him on the army in Afghanistan. He told me he loved me within two days and on the fifth day he wanted me to help him Transfer money to his daughter.

When I told him I'm not an idiot he CAME clean and told me his name IS Frank and he Scam's people out of money and he is sorry!!!

Jul 27, 2021
Scott Markson
by: Anonymous

After he asked me for money and I declined he stopped talking to me for a few days then came back in full force threatening to blackmail me as he told me he wanted out of Syria and I had to help him.

I told him no and have blocked and deleted everywhere that I can think he can pop up…vicious SOB

Jul 25, 2021
JOHN ANDERSON NIgerian Scammer
by: Anonymous

Pretends to be in the US military and works as an orthopaedic surgeon, widower, young daughter Sara. Talks about God and looking for romance. I have been to the US myself and he knew nothing about where he said he was from, Arizona.

English is broken and sounds like a Nigerian. He comes on strong with the charm but basically the guy is a dumb ignorant ass and you would have to be a fool not to recognise this as a scam by the utter nonsense he speaks.

This guy is active on Quora NOW 25th July 21.

I did a simple search and found the scam, can't actually believe he is still using the same lame story.


No matter how lonely or in need of a partner, DON'T be taken in by these losers and their criminal low lives. Warn other people that you know who might fall victim to them.


Jul 24, 2021
Frank Logan
by: Anonymous

This guy keeps popping up with different names. I was messaging him for a while and he was telling me all this stuff about raising his 12 year old daughter and a grandson and being in Germany and all this other rubbish. He wanted me to marry him and take care of his kids and wanted me to send his daughter a $200 game card mmm.

No thanks…blocked and deleted and he has appeared with about 5 different names since then but always uses the same pictures. He supposedly works overseas in different countries as an oil rig engineer…

Jul 20, 2021
Paul K Jason
by: Anonymous

Anyone been approached by this guy? Says he’s American and self-employed as a business consultant and says he’s 48 but looks older. He says he was born and raised in Minnesota but his profile lists he’s been in Nigeria????

Alert !!!!! No such name listed on Google

You can find anybody on Google if they really exist!!!

Jul 13, 2021
Frank Gregory - Yemen
by: Anonymous

Same story, Dr. Frank Gregory orthopedic surgeon working in Yemen for UN, widow for 3 years, wife died from leukemia, has a 12 year old daughter in a boarding school in LA. Contact was made initially through Instagram and soon after he asked my email so that we could chat using hangouts.

He said that other technologies were limited on base. I saw your comments here and did a reverse image check and discovered that the photo belongs to Dr Michael Miroshnik, who also has an Instagram account. I alerted him to the situation and them proceeded to make a complaint in the scammers fake Instagram profile and blocked him there and in hangouts.

This is his Instagram fake profile:

Jul 11, 2021
by: Anonymous

My situation is the same as yours. I sent my love of 2 yrs money to get him to me, he wanted to marry, was a widower with 2 daughters. I am now financially ruined, accused of fraud by 2 banks. He always had a story, a new crisis would pop up. He said he was in a ship in the Black Sea, Turkey.

Christmas holiday most bosses and some crew went home, leaving the rest of crew of 6 men without pay money, and one man died. My man said he tried to help the man by giving him some of his own meds, and he man died. Said he would be arrested by Turkish Police.

It was always something where he needed more money. He broke my heart, ruined me and I left him. He also used guilt on me and said he was going to die there on the ship, and no one but me could help him. His family disowned him cause of me.

The man is beautiful, deep blue eyes, dimples, killer smile, muscles, but I had to get away from him. I loved him so much, it almost killed me. I was 70 when I met him on Facebook, and still with my looks he was 44. I am so broken.

Jul 11, 2021
by: Anonymous

I’ve been texting to a love for over 2 years now. He says he was held ransom for a death of a friend and needs 5,000 $ and only gets 5% of money sent to him.

I’ve been sending him money left & right & he always has an excuse for not coming home from London. I’ve just about given up on him as he is a liar and just wants more & more. I’m blocking him now and putting him out of my life for good!

He has broken my heart and took my money. I’m out of work and just had surgery and he doesn’t text me on weekends so I’m done as he’s the biggest Scammer around

Jul 07, 2021
Another Orthopefic Surgeon
by: Anonymous

I’ve started playing Words with Friends again. I mostly play with people I know, but do start a couple of random games here and there. The last three have been the same type of scammer.

Born overseas. Orthopedic surgeon working for the UN, asks to chat on Hangouts or WhatsApp and asks for text and email. The most recent one I said small world, you’re the 3rd ortho surgeon who’s started chatting with me in the past 2 days 😂

It appears he has blocked me on Words with Friends after I said I don’t use WhatsApp and wouldn’t give my email 😂😂😂

God, I am sick of these lying, scamming, thirsty MOFOs!’

Jun 30, 2021
Oli Rig Engineer
by: Anonymous

Well.....I guess I have met this troglodyte as well. He even said I had missed him by a day as he just flew out of Portland, OR and was headed to a contract job on an oil rig. I had told him I lived in the same area. He seemed thrilled.

We talked for weeks everyday and then he said he had "mechanical issues with his machine" - sound familiar. He went by Boune, 59, wife died and he had a 9 yr old daughter. Went to school in England(Lancaster University), lived in Chatsworth, GA, and was currently living in Stafford, OR.

He will ask for Google Play cards. I met him through Facebook when he will get pushy and likes to use guilt.

I reported him to FB.

Jun 20, 2021
Here is the list of doctors in the un.
by: Anonymous

Jun 15, 2021
Bruno Deval
by: Anonymous

He is a scammer. A Physician in Paris, France. Sweet talker, nice looking pictures of someone else. Don't fall for him. All he wants is money from you. HE HAS NO MONEY HAHA SAYS HE SENDS IT ALL TO HIS DAUGHTER WITH HIS SISTER AND SOMETIMES HIS DEAD WIFES SISTER.


Jun 15, 2021
Orthopedic scammers
by: Anonymous

I was texting this Orthopedic working in Somalia Martin Alex and he told me he was 50 yrs old, lived in San Francisco, had a son, and he’s widowed. He sends me his sons Gmail who sent me a picture of him and a short video from work which was nice but the 3rd day he said that the Dr called him that his son was very ill and was bleeding a lot and he had to send 1000 in order to get operated.

I told him drs don’t call its the office that calls, and second drs are not going to let you know someone will die and he asked to lend him the money and that he will pay me back. I told him I don’t have any money but he wanted me to take a loan.

He called me and I knew it was from Nigeria because it’s not the same time. He told me I was heartless and I told him to get someone else.

I’m not done and they should stop these scammers and they have all the information of these people so it’s crazy

Jun 13, 2021
Romance scammer suspect Nigerian
by: Anonymous

John Anderson, a Nigerian scammer. Does anyone have his True ID? And true pictures, as he uses pictures of Grant Cardone on his romance scam.

Jun 03, 2021
Fernando Wilton/ Anthony Richards
by: Anonymous

The same story happened to me yesterday. I was sent a friend request from Facebook by the name of Fernando Wilton then hangouts ext. His name in hangouts is anthony richards. 1-2 hours after our conversation, I got suspicious and googled both names as orthopedic doctors working for UN.

Then I noticed that he used photographs of Fernando Gomez Pinto, a well-known doctor. I understood from the LinkedIn and Facebook that there are hundreds of fake accounts with the same photo but different names as orthopedic surgeons! and I took a screenshot of the fake accounts and sent it to him.

Jun 02, 2021
Becareful fans
by: Anonymous#1 fan

Yes lots of scammers even Santana asking for gift cards. Lots of widowers with kids looking for Moms

May 26, 2021
Carleo Mazzchoti
by: Anonymous

Never ever go onto WhatsApp or Google Hangouts with these scammers. That is how they get access to your contacts. Never accept an invite from someone you don’t know. If you know they are a scammer (block and report them).

May 26, 2021
Carleo Mazzocchi
by: Anonymous

I received a message from Facebook dating from a good looking Orthopedic surgeon with The WHO living in the suburbs of Houston. Immediately I did a reverse image search of photos which are of Tom Ernsting a gay male model and former Olympian swimmer.

So I knew before communicating that this person was a scammer, I just wanted to find out what his technique would be to have me empty out my wallet to him. He said that he was in Houston not overseas and was widowed with a foster daughter. We started corresponding on WhatsApp and moved to google Hangout. He refused to talk over the phone, a video chat snippet was of Tom, so we texted back and forth.

Within a couple days he was telling me that he loved me, and asked what I would get him for his birthday coming up, I asked what he wanted and he said Amazon cards. I asked how I should deliver the Amazon cards to him and he said just photo graph the numbers and send to him.

I blocked him, shortly after he calls me from another phone number, and hearing his voice for the first time it was an African accent and he asked why I blocked him. I told him why and he became angry, then I blocked the number he called from.

I implore always do a reverse image search and never give money to someone you've never met.

May 25, 2021
Dr. Scot Markson
by: Anonymous

He is a scammer and you are wasting your time while improving his scamming skills by being his "friend". Why befriend someone that you’re aware is scamming other women. Scamhaters United on IG always advise against friending these guys as you are enabling them to scam someone else. Unfollow and block before it’s to late.

May 24, 2021
Dr Scott Markson
by: Anonymous

Neurosurgeon in UN in Syria, widowed with son in college. Nice looking man but the way he speaks with his words makes me a little suspicious as he is from San Francisco CA also spending a few years in Texas, Italian American.

He should be able to write better rather than choppy sentences like English is not his first language. I said I would be his friend but have stipulations that he will never ask me for money or be a clingy friend...first sign of that and he will be blocked

May 22, 2021
Another scammer
by: Anonymous

Donald Herrington, United Nations orthopedic doctor, is another scammer. He could not even answer simple questions about being an ortho doctor. Do not friend him as his profile is fake.

May 21, 2021
Vincent Hilton
by: Annie

I received a friend request today from Vincent Hilton, an "Orthopedic Surgeon at UN Security," went to school at San Francisco State University, widowed and we even have a 'mutual friend' whom I quickly contacted.

So I'm immediately suspicious and start googling him which brought me to this Nigerian Dating Scam site. I haven't seen Vincent's name here but the whole "Orthopedic Surgeon at UN Security" shows up a lot.

Good looking 50's something guy and definitely too good to be true. His Facebook page even has cute kittens on it (jeez!), some news videos and seems to go back a few years but I imagine that can be staged.

Thank you for starting this site.
xo Annie

ED: you are welcome

May 18, 2021
by: Anonymous

Nigerian scammers are prolific at present. Photos are being hijacked from innocent peoples accounts. I was naïve up until recently. The following names are what I have found.

Micheal Lugard
Micheal Lugard Aart
Michael Lugard
Michael Lugard Aart
Gilbert Thompson
Gilbert G Thompson
Thompson Gilbert

Each of these use photos that are stolen. As to who the real photos are of I don't know but wish I did. I do know that the person behind the Micheal in my case is a Nigerian. He exposed himself to me.

May 11, 2021
Dr Sam Aiman / Gabriel Prado
by: Anonymous

Dr Sam Aiman aka Samual Aiman aka Dr Samuuel Aiman Bodashka, Nephrologist Surgeon DR in Baytown Texas USA, coffee lover, Love Wisdom. Conversation quickly went to WhatsApp. After months of communicating I found out he was a scam after doing a google image search, finding out the images used are an innocent man from Brazil, Dr Gabriel Prado.

He claims his mother is dying, then hunger & homelessness after winning you over. Loss of visa and facing deportation & jail time without help. He fakes suicide. Guilt is a big part of everything.

Im sorry for anyone who has been scammed by this human without a soul.

May 10, 2021
Francis mark
by: Anonymous

Any info on him?

May 09, 2021
UN Doctor Scam
by: Anonymous

Same guy - friended me on FB as Devaraj Deva. He said he's an Orthopedic Surgeon with the UN in Iraq. Widow and has a 15 year old son in the UK living with his teacher. We went from FB messenger to Google Hangouts and then said his name was Mark Anthony. Chatting with me all day.

It was fun but at the end of the day when he said something like it was destiny to bring us together or something cheesy like that, I had a feeling he is a catfish. And once I started googling him and saw all this other fake orthopedic surgeons with the UN - bingo.

I'm grateful I only wasted one day with this loser and not more.

May 02, 2021
Scott Allen, Anyone?
by: Anonymous

This just happened this afternoon, and I already blocked him on FB and Whatsapp and reported him. Orthopedic Surgeon, widow, working for the UN in Somalia. It sounded like BS from the beginning, but I played along but knew I would block him SOON, and this makes me livid, these idiots.

Oh and he also had a son, and I was feeling sorry for him but then as the conversation went on, I kept thinking, this is all fake, fake, fake.

I am so sorry for the people who have been hurt by these idiots!!

Apr 29, 2021
Keith Mesh
by: Anonymous

You block him and report him regardless of whether or not you have money. He’s a scammer and a liar. Good luck!

Apr 28, 2021
For Freddie Johnson
by: Anonymous

Sorry that happened to you but please don’t ever send these scammers money as you will never get that money back and always check them out on the United Nations list of doctors working for the UN as these men’s names are not on that list and they just want your money so always stay safe and stop communicating with these scum.

Apr 27, 2021
Dr Freddie Jonhson
by: S.

I have been scammed by this doctor named Freddie Johnson. He works for the UN and wants to keep that a secret. Widower too and has children. I sent him more than 10,000$ so he could come visit me. I just sent him another 3000$ because he cannot pay himself. The FBI is on the case and the RCMP is ready too. I’m sad but he will pay.

Apr 27, 2021
Orthopeadic Surgeon in Yemen
by: Anonymous

Yep, I got this scammer about 4 days ago. Claimed to be named Samaila Abbas, an LA doctor working for the UN in Yemen for a couple of months. Is in love with me after 2 conversations, kept asking, "where are you and what are you doing", "do you have a boyfriend", "I feel so connected and moved by you", etc.

You get the point, anyway, knowing that physicians licenses are public information, I looked him up, no one exists with this name. I looked up his number, 914 area code, which I know to be NY. Since this all didn't make sense to me, I asked a few questions after a few conversations, reported and blocked.

I thank goodness I am smart enough to see the red flags and not fall for the newest scam on the market. When I researched the name he gave, it mostly came up as a Nigerian used name.

Get a job, a real job, and stop scamming people who don't trust what you say since it doesn't make sense, lol!

Apr 26, 2021
by: Anonymous

I also have been speaking with a Orthopaedic doctor from Sansii Yemen. I have just talked with him but he was texting on WhatsApp with me for about a month.

Something felt wrong from the beginning. His name supposedly was Henry Wilson. A widow with a young son.

I broke off all contact after doing some research. I feel very stupid for letting it go on that long. Never asked me for money but repeatedly claimed he was in love with me.

Word of caution, if it sounds too good to be true, it probably is a scam. I believe it’s called CAT FISHING😡

Apr 17, 2021
Another "surgeon"?
by: Anonymous

Anyone ever heard of Richard Marsh/Joel Heck? Widower with two daughters?

Apr 13, 2021
Keith Mesch
by: Anonymous

Ive been talking to this guy for awhile now. He’s stuck on a rig as it’s broken and needs parts - no one to help him - wants money from me to help and then will come over to me and we can sail away etc

Ive sent him a gift card for 50.00 so he can sell on for food but wants more. I Have no money to send so he gets nasty and blocks me then Unblocks me and says he loves me but I’ve abandoned him like the rest of his small group of friends

He has no family at all, he’s very handsome, a silver fox who says he’s lives in California but has an Italian family origin. 6 months wasted on this man if he’s not real.

What do I do as I don’t have money

Apr 12, 2021
Dr. Robert Shewn
by: Anonymous

This guy is a master Nigerian scammer. Report and block him! And PLEASE remove yourself from Google Hangout (if you’re on it), do not provide personal information and DO NOT SEND MONEY OR GIFTCARDS! Good luck.

Apr 12, 2021
Dr. Robert Shewn Orthopedic surgeon
by: Anonymous

Has anyone heard of Dr. Robert Shewn Orthopedic surgeon? He claims to be from Maryland Baltimore but parents from Brazil. After being in Turkey he is now in a UK camp but he is a US citizen and being retired and has no money to leave the camp. He cant have video call because they has closed that option he says.

I can feel it´s something very wrong but l dont know how to find the truth.

Has anyone heard about him?

Mar 30, 2021
WOW - So I'm not crazy
by: Anonymous

Thank you all for posting. My latest is a Surgeon with the UN named Randy - currently in Yemen. Born in Brooklyn. We haven't gotten too far, just seemed too good to be true, though he did provide clear and meaningful texting. He hasn't asked for anything yet but I'm done.

I also want to warn you about men who work in the Oil and Gas industry - had 2 of those ask to go to What's App, then one continued to try to get to me through other phones after I cut him off. I deleted WA.

Just can't trust anything, which is really sad.

Mar 28, 2021
Orthopedic surgeon in Yemen
by: Anonymous

I was on Facebook dating and I received a message from "Thomas". He claims that he is an orthopedic surgeon and he's in Yemen but he won't answer my questions and he will be back in the states in a couple of weeks. His parents are dead and he has no other relatives.

He immediately asked to go to a different app. He always call me "dear". He won't video chat or talk on the phone. Some of them will begin a sentence without "I" instead; they begin with "am" broken English grammar is lacking.

DO NOT INTERACT WITH THESE EVIL CLOWNS. Look up the telltail signs of a scammer.

Mar 26, 2021
by: Anonymous

There is a device called a Magic Jack that will conceal a scammers location, and the network is YMAX. My scammer had a phone number for my state and told me that he lived in my state when not on assignment in Yemen. After he vanished from my life I did a reverse image search of this phone number and noticed YMAX the network for Magic Jack, which I then googled and learned about Magic Jack which a caller can make free calls anywhere in the world as long as the phone number if it is a USA or a Canadian phone number this physical location of the phone can be located anywhere.

I plugged my scammers phone number into Beenverified which showed a map of both Africa my scammers physical location and of my state in the USA of the phone number, my scammer told me that he was in Yemen and that his phone was a satellite phone which I learned cannot be used indoors.

Mar 21, 2021
Dr. Timothy Richard
by: Anonymous

Folks, I read the posts on this site because I had suspicions about a fella who contacted me via FB. As so many have posted, he claims to be American (said he was from Chicago in my case), has a 13 year old son in boarding school in the UK, works as a surgeon with the UN in Yemen, and a widowerike me.

After one Messenger exchange, he then tried to initiate a video call via Messenger. I did not respond. We've been communicating through Messenger for several days. He always asks about me, but won't answer my questions. A couple days ago he asked me to download the app "WhatsApp." I looked it up, it made me feel uneasy due to the things the app can access (like all your contacts) so I didn't do it.

He has been rather insistent that I just do what he asked. I said no. Today I finally had the chance to search him on the internet & came across this post. He's the same guy. I blocked him immediately.


Mar 15, 2021
Dr. Donavan Sebastian
by: Anonymous

What a story! Contacted me on social media and said he's an orthopedic surgeon working for the UN healthcare in Istanbul, Turkey. He educates the students on surgeries. The work consists of bone fusion, things like lungs, heart, and other treatments. Not sure what an orthopedic surgeon has to do with lungs and heart??!!

He had said he was born in Brooklyn, and when he was 3, taken to Paris because his dad moved there for work. He's fluent in English but has an accent.

In 2004 he came back to the states and settled in Washington DC. He met his wife in Brooklyn, and it was a crazy love. They had a son, and then his wife and her dad convinced him to move to Turkey because her dad worked for the organization and they needed help. Then they divorced, but he's on 6 years contract.. rigorous contact. He works and lives in the base, and the government provides food, clothes, and all necessary things.

He said he wants a video call. Video calls were weird, it was dark, and I couldn't even see his face clearly, but his accent was not French. He also sent a bunch of selfies. I can't tell if it was the same person from the video.

I got very suspicious. Oh, did I tell you that he loved me from the 3rd day from the day we started chatting? He sent me love stories (copied from the internet), hearts and kisses, was extremely polite, making future plans with me, said he wants to open his hospital (hmmm), and everything sounded terrific but too good to be true.

He hated my questions, and his reaction to my questions was like, I don't trust him even after our video calls, and if I don't trust him, we need to stop our conversations and our relationship. We even 'broke up' twice when, in his opinion,' I was persistent with my questions.

Remember, I'm already highly suspicious at this point? I made him come back to me both times because I was so curious to know the conclusion to this beautiful love story

As you all know, these guys know what to say to make you the happiest woman on planet earth. 😉
One day, he said that he would ask his supervisor for a vacation to come to see me in the states (hooray). But unfortunately, his supervisor denied it and wanted me to write him the details about me, like my official name, where I'm from, and where Dr. Sebastian will meet me.

I was shocked and said I'm not sure if I want to do it. He'd said he's cool with me if I don't do it. He understands. But one day, he got so upset with me for not doing it. His tone changed, he became angry. I was shocked!

Later that day, I worked long hours and shared some level of details about my work issue. My work is related to financial fraud. I honestly did it on purpose, and guess what he was so curious as never before and started asking me questions (he never was interested in any level of details of my life).

So I became so impatient since I already got a clear picture of where this romance was going, I decided to confront him. He let me finish saying what I was going to say (I had a lot); he told me that I was wrong, I don't know anything about him, and his story is true. He thanked me for everything, wished me a happy life, and blocked me!

It's my ten days 'love story' in a short version. I wish I could share the pictures and his fake doctor's ID for you ladies to be aware of this fake doctor.

ED: you can post pictures when you start a new submission [but not when you are adding a comment to an existing submission] - use the page below and you can see photos there and you can also post your own story and photos there:

Mar 12, 2021
Found me on Yahtzee App
by: Anonymous

"Neurosurgeon" Robert Mangal Robinson who claims to be in Syria on a peacekeeping mission and claims to be from Los Angeles, widowed with a son in boarding school. This wasn’t even a dating site or social Media forum.

He played against me in Yahtzee for like a month before sending me a message. I didn’t fall for any of it and questioned him on every statement.
I googled some of his messages and he follows every scam trick in the book.

A tip I can give if you are curious if someone is a scammer is just google their messages. Pushing for info I asked what the hardest thing about being a "neurosurgeon" is and he sent a very long nicely worded statement. It was copied from the first search result of "hardest thing about being a neurosurgeon"

Quite an unoriginal scammer but sly none the less

Mar 11, 2021
Dating scam
by: Anonymous

It appears that an orthopedic surgeon is trying to scam me. He claims he works for the United Nations and is now in Yemen

Mar 06, 2021
Again as Thomas Larry
by: Anonymous

Similar story.

Added on Facebook.

Name of Thomas Larry.

Apparently a Orthopaedic surgeon working in France military.

Grew up in Manchester but from Paris etc


Feb 28, 2021
A widow
by: Anonymous

I'd like to share that he's resurfaced on Facebook Match, but I couldn't get this page over enough to check the boxes below. I rotated my screen to do so now. He's going by Kelvin Goodman, M.D., said he's with the UN. He talked me into getting the Google Hangouts app, since I wouldn't share my phone number & didn't really want to take our communication private. I used a very old email address. His was


Thanks for sharing your story. I just told him that he was BUSTED and will delete that app.

Feb 27, 2021
James Henderson.
by: Anonymous

Definitely a scammer. Beware. Very polite and nice looking. But he got a bit testy. Works on an oil rig in fact he is the head honcho and part broke and he was being held responsible. Ordered a part and it was finally being shipped? BUT he had to use his own account to pay and then the oil company would reimburse him.


I had received an email a couple days previous on email about his stories about having to pay etc from his own account so I was totally aware and have read too much about scammers.

In fact, I totally led him on about being in love etc. SO. I PLAYED HIS GAME FROM BEGINNING AND WASTED HIS TIME.



Feb 27, 2021
by: Anonymous

I've been a victim of a scam and lost money. I was on Quora and read about a woman who lost $100,000 to a scammer, and the money was borrowed from her parents. She writes that she found out about and they were able to recover all her money, and the company keeps %10 of whatever's recovered.

I was intrigued and found the website and wrote a message about my story. Shortly thereafter I received a call from one of the companies agents, he had a very strong African accent, I thought I won't be biased and just listen to him, and he promised that he would recover all my money and they would keep %10 except they asked for a retainer fee which needed to be paid to them in bitcoins which I've never used, so I asked if I could pay with my credit card and was told that bitcoin was the preferred payment. I was told that Elon Musk was happy to have discovered bitcoin.

I agreed to their services but would not pay until my money was recovered which the agent reluctantly agreed with but I told him that I don't make snap decisions that I had to think about it.

Day #2 this agent requested to be allowed my number for WhatsApp which I gave to him, and within a few hours he was calling and messaging me incessantly on WhatsApp which I ignored because I had not made a decision.

Day #3 He called me continuously when I was at work, so I excused myself and went to a place where I could have a private conversation with him, and he became very aggressive and abusive, so I thought about it and decided after reading a website about this particular business that the website as glossy as it is presents numerous red flags.

After my conversation with him I decided that I was dealing with fraud and blocked this agent from contacting me further. I then went back on Quora and read many, many testimonials about this business that recovers monies lost by individuals to scammers, but it seems that many of the testimonials may have been fraudulently written.

I didn't want to throw bad money after bad money and lose more money if they had taken my money and disappeared as I would have had no recourse because the agent told me he was in London.

Be careful out there.

Feb 22, 2021
Herman Bredesen
by: Anonymous

Hi, I had a very similar experience a few years back. Unfortunately that experience cost me a lot of money, ruined my credit score, identity theft and fraud. The man that I talked to for over a year used a business man life coach/ influencer identify and personal pictures.

We were supposed to meet on several occasions. He said he was in Finland, he did have a European accent. I am not so sure about Finnish. I tried to stop his pictures on numerous dating sites and they refused to take it down. Who was the life coaches pictures that was used? I am wondering if it is the same scammer??

Your post reads so familiar. It’s a shame you can not trust people. Be well. Be safe.

Feb 22, 2021
Dr Stephen James/Hariom Singh A WARNING
by: Anonymous

This man contacted me randomly on Facebook wanting to chat with the story that he was a UN Doctor specialising in Cardiology working in Syria. He is a widow with a 14-year-old son. Same story as many others, bad grammar and spelling so I strung him along for a bit and checked him out.

He was using the pictures of a real Dr. David Samadi, a Urologist from new York.

He is FAKE and a SCAMMER. Please be aware.

Feb 20, 2021
Herman Bredesen
by: Anonymous

Another one to watch out for. Stole his profile pics from a life coach with a public profile. We were supposed to meet but he got "called out of town for business".

Said that he was from Norway, yet the accent wasn't Norwegian. Another oil rig scammer. Stay away from them and the POF dating site.

Feb 20, 2021
Another one
by: Anonymous

Hi! I just managed to dodge the bullet. Chatted for less than a week with a "dr mike Franklin".
Today he said he needed to transfer his "vacation funds" as he couldn’t get access to them once he leaves Yemen.

I checked the UN’s list of current doctors and yeah of course he isn’t there. I tried to reverse google the pics he sent me. Nothing comes up. He must’ve stolen them from some profile.

Anyways. It’s the same story as everyone else here:Lost his wife x amount of years ago. Has a 15-year old son in boarding school. Claims he’s from Colorado. Works as a surgeon in Yemen for the UN. Lovey dovey VERY fast.

Thank the gods I didn’t send him anything.

Feb 19, 2021
How long have you been talking to him?
by: Anonymous

Hi, how long have you been talking to this guy? Did he say he’s American working for the U.N? What site did you meet him on? Sounds like a possible scammer. I would never give anyone money if I had never met them in person and especially someone who claims to be doctor but be careful if you choose to continue talking to him. These people seem to know exactly what to say judging by some of the people that have fallen victims.

Feb 19, 2021
orthopedic surgeon
by: Anonymous

Hi All, I have been talking to this guy who says he is an ortho surgeon and working in Somalia. He only has 6 months to be there and he wants to come to the States and open his own hospital. I don't mind talking to him but it stops when they ask for money. He wants to spend the rest of his life with me. Him and his son

Feb 18, 2021
by: Anonymous

How do I add a new submission to add photos ?

ED: you can post pictures when you start a new submission [but not when you are adding a comment to an existing submission] - use the page below and you can see photos there and you can also post your own story and photos there:

Feb 18, 2021
Name on this orthopedic surgeon please
by: Anonymous

May I please know the name of this orthopedic surgeon.

Feb 16, 2021
James Henderson
by: Anonymous

Scammer who is a sweet talker, nice looking, took a while to get to the scam. He works in Texas on oil rigs. I played along because if they work on oil rigs they are usually scammers. Good looking white hair and always wears sun glasses in pictures.

Brown eyes, tall at least in the pictures he uses in his profile! Said 6' 3. I figured he was a scammer so I played along with about how much he loved me. I said I loved him etc.


Feb 15, 2021
by: Anonymous

He sounds like a Keith Mesch - he said he was original from Italy and lives in California now - his profile also removed after a day or so. Keith did exactly the same With me other than he was on a rig. After two-three weeks said his machine broke and needed money to repair as bank frozen so read posts below.

Tell her to beware as they start like you say they are in love and get intimate and then something will turn up that they will need money. I promise this is what will happen so block these men.

I did and he tried to call me and text me in another phone.

Keep us posted

I just wish we could upload pics and numbers in here

ED: you can post pictures when you start a new submission [but not when you are adding a comment to an existing submission] - use the page below and you can see photos there and you can also post your own story and photos there:

Feb 14, 2021
Benedict - Gemologist in San Jose California
by: Anonymous

My good friend has met a fellow off of Facebook. His name was Benedict. Says he’s a gemologist. Says he’s from Italy but lives in San Jose. No mutual friends. Just requested her to accept him as a friend. She started to talk to him right away and he requested they talk on What’s app.

A day later his Facebook profile was off of Facebook. He sent a picture "of himself" lying on a beach in a bright green neon speedo. Good looking Italian looking man. I warned her it sounded like a scam and to be careful.

He keeps telling her how much he is falling for her and they are starting to get more intimate. I am worried for her. He hasn’t asked for any money yet as far as I know but it has only been about 2 weeks.

Anyone else heard of this guy out there?

Feb 14, 2021
Catch them
by: Anonymous

Yes I agree would love to

Feb 14, 2021
Let's stop them!
by: Anonymous

I got scammed. Isn't there a way we can help each other and bust these guys? I would really like to know how to catch them. Im chatting with one. Someone please tell me how!

Feb 11, 2021
Not Happening!
by: Anonymous

Met a guy on an online dating site on TruMingle who says his name is Ryan Allen Samson and he is stationed in Kuwait with a 12yr old daughter. After chatting on hangouts for about a week, he says he is starting to be emotionally attached to me already !!

I said Wow..okay. Do you usually get so emotionally attached with someone you barely know?! Then I blocked him! Glad I am no longer on that dating site!!

These scammers are at an all time high!


Feb 06, 2021
I See The Same Thing Is Still Happening
by: Anonymous

Ladies please stop communicating with these men they are nothing but scammers. I know I been there so check their background out and do reverse images and report and block them and for gods sake please don’t send them any money. That’s all they want from you so notify the FBI about these men as they are not Doctors or working on a oil rig or have kids in a boarding school if they can afford that then they don’t need anything from you so please be safe and Report them.

Feb 05, 2021
Scammers on Instagram
by: Anonymous

I had another one of these people add me on Instagram today. His profile contained 6 or 7 different pictures of him with friends, a dog named "Target " and other people. Said he’s from Alabama and is in the Navy stationed in Syria.

Divorced, 11 year old daughter living with a nanny in the U.S. Says he’s returning home in April. Asked if he could email me or talk on Google hangouts.

Be careful ladies.

Feb 04, 2021
Scammer from Damascus Hospital, Syria Dr Frank Bradley , Orthodox Surgeon
by: Anonymous

Ive been a close friend of Dr Frank Bradley stating that he works from Damascus Hospital , Syria as Orthodox Surgeon. For 2 years we have been intimate with all my trust for him and I was swayed with his promises for me to be his beneficiary of his hard earn money for 5 years that he has not received yet from the UN volunteer mission as a doctor.

Moreover, I was dismayed when he asked for money to pay all the requirements for the VAT and other expenses especially for a Diplomat to deliver the briefcase of money door to door at my house.

Moreover, he tried to ask me to send 1.5M PHP for the sake of delivery by the Diplomat courier. But then he is not happy when I sent that money and he asked me to sell all my property, my house my ATM salary, and my pension monthly to be sent all to him.

He entertained me when I mentioned about money but he ignored me when no money was involved in conversation. My problem now is that all the money I sent to him we all borrowed and I am now facing a case of swindling by a scammer. I was taken for a ride. with such huge amount of money I sent.

Help me with whom I will report this to? Im so scared and frightened of what will I do next for all of this?

Please Help Me. Thanks God bless you all.

Jan 31, 2021
Blocked “Dr Stephen”
by: Anonymous

So I just blocked Dr Stephen lol and he or she realized it very quickly and started calling and texting me from another number. Pretty creepy. Thinking I should delete WhatsApp.

Jan 31, 2021
Run as fast as you can
by: Anonymous

The area code and phone numbers are all fake. I speak because I've been financially ruined by one of these people. His number was a local area code, we did video chat and he was extremely educated. I fell for it and just trying to move on with my life.

None of these scammers are real, all the same sob story! Please, save your money and walk away, I wish I had.

Jan 31, 2021
Stephen Thiago orthopedic surgeon working in Yemen for UN
by: Anonymous

So this really attractive guy named Stephen Thiago added me on Instagram a few days ago, claims he is an orthopedic surgeon working in Yemen with the UN. Said he’s originally from Michigan. Claims to be a widower, parents passed away when he was a teenager and the only family he has is a 16 year old daughter who doesn’t live on the base with him.

Asked if he could call me today but I declined. Hasn’t asked for money and is really speaking somewhat normally although some sounds like a foreigner could be texting.

Has anyone had this guy contact them? He said he was deleting Instagram and now he’s been talking to me from WhatsApp. The area code to his WhatsApp account is a Minnesota area code. I have pictures if anyone can help identify.

Jan 31, 2021
by: Anonymous

Has anybody heard of him? Sounds too good to be true. Oil rigs in Texas. Has not yet asked for a thing or wanted to change to hangouts or anything

Jan 30, 2021
Kabul Afganistan
by: Anonymous

Received a friend request from Dr. Larry Spencer Orthopedic Surgeon from Dallas TX, however doing contract work in Kabul. I NEVER fall for this, but I continued to fish. Long story short, I realized when he/she began saying that facebook wasn't safe in Kabul due to the Taliban & asked for e-mail (NO), google hangout.

This person would NEVER answer questions directly, but with Okay, Nope, miss spelled words, incorrect diction, punctuation & complete sentences I told whomever that this site was enccrypted & would not allow further conversation. guessed it...."Crickets"! My heart goes out to the person that is oblivious to the fact that they are using him, his information & portraying a fraudulent scam involving him. This is HORRIFIC, DISGUSTING & PAINFUL for all involved.

What can be done if anything to curb this????

Jan 22, 2021
Alexander or Fred Baruch
by: Anonymous

I met this guy on fitbit app. He said he was a medical doctor in Connecticut at the Salvation Health hospital working under a contract that was just ending to help with covid patients. He said he got a new contract with the United Nations & had to leave right away for Somalia. He told me they froze his bank accounts for security purposes & was worried about that.

He professed his love early on and always wanted pictures of me, saying what a beautiful smile & beautiful eyes I had. He called me from over there & the phone kept cutting out. He said they told him he needed to register the phone. He asked me to contact "Somalia Outreach by email & register under his name saying he could only have one person registered to him. As soon as I said I wanted to be registered to him, Outreach told me that would cost me $1,000.00 for the phone to be connected for the entire time he was there, which would be until the health of the people was raised to 60%.

He said the food was so terrible he could barely swallow it & It would cost me $1,500.00 for a food subscription so he could get better food. Then he said he developed an ulcer & the next thing I knew, he was in the hospital, needing surgery!

Outreach told me it would be $7,000.00 for the surgery which had to be paid before they could do it because they had to bring in a specialist. He had also asked for $1,617.00 to pick up his equipment he had sent over there that he needed to treat his patients.

He also asked for Google play cards ($500.00 & $200.00) to pay to keep the phone working until I paid for it. He sent pictures of a very handsome man in scrubs with a name badge.

I can't believe how gullible I was, but they play on your emotions when you are down & lonely.

I contacted the U.N. (After I was out $2,700.00) that Outreach assured me would be paid back when his job there was done. They told me this was a scam & to discontinue contact immediately! I also reported it to the Federal Trade Commission & the State Police who told me the same thing.

I have since changed my bank account numbers, gotten new debit & credit cards, & changed my phone number & changed my email!

Please be careful ladies. If it sounds too good to be true, it probably is!!

After I didn't pay for the surgery, Outreach told me he had a cardiac arrest & was in a coma! He called me the next day & begged me to pay for the surgery so he wouldn't die.

That was when I cut him off!!

Jan 22, 2021
Brent Conway
by: Anonymous

Typical as everyone else. Sweet nice. Even picture and video were the same. In Baghdad and needed money. Could not get to his banking for a stupid reason. Call would not go through. Steam card, Stay away from him!

Fortunately I heard about this site!!!!!

Beware, be safe from these blood suckers and money suckers.

Jan 22, 2021
Keith Mesch
by: Anonymous

Somebody in here please must have pictures of this guy - he’s is a fraud for sure and I have blocked him but I’m so concerned that he nearly had 5k from me that I took out on a loan - says he lives me from California but in a rig in Texas !!!!!!

Machine broke! Workers hate him. Sent me bank details of navy federal bank with a women’s name as the account and then I thought hang on who is this woman! Nearly did it. So despairing for pictures to see if it’s the same guys as I’ve been sexting ? How sad am I x

Jan 22, 2021
by: Anonymous

Anyone dealt with this man? I've been with him for 16 months now, and have been in love with him but reading all these stories, I realize he has done all the same to me, hit me up for money.

Stories of suffering. Two daughters, with a wife who passed from cancer 9 months before we started chatting on Facebook. Moved to hangouts wanting me to help with iTunes, Steam and Apple cards.

Working as a marine mechanical engineer in Turkey or London on a rig ship. I trusted him completely, he put money into my bank account and it turned out to be fraud. Two bank accounts closed on me for fraud. He claims it wasn't him. He has all personal information on me. I Am so scared now I am going to block him now.

I reversed imaged him, and nothing came of it. I am now terrified he will do more damage to me. $8000 from bank fraud, on top of my own $20,000 debt. I am just an old woman on SSI and am now in deep financial trouble.

I am so scared.

Jan 20, 2021
Brento Conway
by: Anonymous

Scammer with same symptoms. The nice sweet words and then waits a bit then cannot call because needs a $650 calling card. Cannot get into his banking account blah blah blah!!!


Jan 18, 2021
Keith Mesch
by: Anonymous

He is a big time scammer! Report him and block immediately.

Be thankful you got out unscathed.

Jan 18, 2021
Keith Mesch
by: Anonymous

Anyone heard of this guy. Been talking for a few weeks and he now needs money as his machine broke and he’s on an oil rig. He’s so cute and charming and good looking says he’s 52 and divorced. Had a video call but connection was poor

Why do these men want to scam and play on emotions.

ED: You can read many posts about Keith Mesch here from Jan 13 to Jan 16:

Jan 18, 2021
by: Anonymous

He is a scammer and wanted a $650 calling card. He gets very sarcastic and upset if you question him at all. Do not fall for him. It is not about you, just the calling card.


Jan 08, 2021
Robert Hans
by: Anonymous

I received a friend request from Robert Hans. We talked for a couple minutes on Messenger. Before too long, I got the story of him being a widower, has a 12 year old daughter and is In Somalia on a private assignment with the UN Ambassador as an Orthopedic Surgeon.

Sounded too good to be true and obviously I was right.

Jan 08, 2021
Dr. Fernando Dawson
by: Anonymous

Hi everyone,

Please beware of a new scamming profile under the name of "Fernando Dawson". As I previously read in another comment, he pretends to be an orthopedic surgeon from Irving, Texas and working in Yemen with the UN.

His account is brand new (created January 2021) and he has no followers, yet follows SO MANY WOMEN. I did a reverse image search with his profile picture and I came across a tangled web of fake LinkedIn profiles and twitter accounts. I knew right off the bat that he was fake and I'm just toying with him and having my fun at this stage.

Be careful and stay safe everyone!

Jan 05, 2021
Patrick Williams
by: Anonymous

Anyone heard of him ?

Jan 04, 2021
Dr. Clegg -Vigorh Clinic
by: Anonymous

I am embarrassed how gullible I was. I know better my mom was scammed a few years ago. She was about ready to send "Frank" 20,000 and luckily I caught it. She was asking for help sending an attachment with her banking info.
I received a message on Facebook dating from Dr. Michael Clegg and we started chatting. He asked for my email because he is not on Facebook often. Then it was WhatsApp.

Text book move. In hindsight as I reread the messages so many red flags that I missed. He stated he was a Human respiratory specialist. He sent me a link to Vigorh Clinic where he "consultants" and at first it looked legit. I did google search the latter and its not Legit and none of the drs listed were real and no other info online but the link he sent me.

He said he just moved to Eugene and is from Ventura, which ironically I lived in Ventura for awhile and he never answered any question's about favorites spots. He also said he is involved in groundbreaking treatment of life threatening diseases with Doctors without borders.

He was a widow and lost his mom a few weeks after. Luckily we only commutated for a few weeks. What was my wakeup call was his last message "I hardly slept because I got a urgent summon to go to Bahrain so I can get my license, that is all that's remaining for us to go public. I will be leaving for Bahrain soon as I find the next available flight my dearest I am upset I wish we met sooner you are my good luck charm Yada Yada Yada.

My response: Good morning to you! What exciting news. How long will you be there? Maybe we can have a Virtual date before you leave. I have exciting news myself. My brother and his wife are coming to visit. I have not seen them since Christmas 2019. They live on the east coast and I don't get to see them often. We are celebrating, his wife officially became a FBI agent who will work in cyber security. Cant wait to tell her all about you.

I Immediately blocked him from all social media. Took screen shots of all of the photos and commutations. I am beating myself up that I did not realize sooner. If they sound too good to be true, then they are.

Dec 19, 2020
Catherine Morgan - Atlanta Georgia USA
by: Anonymous

This person has a profile on LinkedIn, she states she is 35 and is a caregiver (previously worked on the grocery mart) and she states she is looking after her sick mom. Contacts guys requesting connections. Soon after she contacts you via WhatsApp she asks if she can exchange pictures (just profile photos) and then states she has lost her job and her landlord is about to evict her and her mom, and she asks for help and gets angry because she is showing feelings towards you and you will not help.

She contacts you early on the morning ; Atlanta is -5 hours from the uk so she is sending messages at 2-3 in the morning. I video called "her" without letting her know I was going to and found this phone being operated by 2 coloured males wearing t- shorts and sandals.

They dropped the phone when I said busted and they hung off. Be careful out there. I was lucky.

Dec 18, 2020
Orthopedic surgeon based in Afghanistan
by: Pam

Hi, just want to warn any woman who was like me not to fall for this, because I kinda did, I'm 50 years old, not bad looking, but definitely not a youngster, he was a bit younger, very good looking, knew what to say, romantic. I'll call "grooming process " I was over the moon texting like a 20 year old, I own my own house, have nice cars, yes, cars, great job. Obvious I have money. Then it came and he wanted money, and my heart sank, because deep down I knew it was too good to be true, and no I did not send money, I got hurt and started making fun of him, and he blocked me !

Dec 17, 2020
Karl Schultz
by: Anonymous

Sad part about this is there is a commander in the Coast Guard who is legit. Someone took his identity and was using it to scam me. He lied like a rug. Wife cheated on him and he divorced her. Has a daughter Lauren who is the love of his life.

Fell in live with me. Can't get his money $7000 to go to London to take his daughter to Hartford CT for Christmas and he was retired. Needed $3000 from me and would pay me back as soon as I went to visit after Christmas.


Be really aware ladies

Dec 17, 2020
Donald Paul
by: Anonymous

Donald Paul is a Nigerian scammer. There is no son and he isn’t a Dr. The gift you sent went right into his pocket! These men aren’t Christians or god fearing. They worship 2 things, their gang leader and $$$$.

Ladies, PLEASE DO NOT FALL FOR THESE DEPLORABLES, do not communicate on hangouts and above all, never send them any personal information or $$$$,

On IG report them to @scamhaters.united. They will have them shut down.

Good luck and stay safe!

Dec 17, 2020
Michael Morrison doctor
by: Anonymous

He told me he was a doctor and called michael morrison and sent me pictures of himself and said he worked in a busy hospital in Amsterdam and being a nurse myself i asked him a few medical questions he could answer if he really was a doctor.

Anyway he always had an excuse why he couldn't face time me then after 2 months i told him if he really loved me he would show himself to me or i was blocking him as he uses Instagram hangout watsapp and dating sites so he told me he would tell me the truth if i still spoke to him.

I agreed to so i could see his real identity and he video called me and he was 29 not 39 like he told me and when he was the doctor Nigerian and his name was Tejiri TJ for short he had a twin brother Tega and lived in delta region of Nigeria which is one of the poorest.

I asked him how many women he had done this to and he said over 100 but as Michael Morrison 20 and the rest were under different names. He showed me where he lived and said why they do it and they ask for dollars as their money is naria and they got more naria on the black market for selling gift cards. I spoke to him for 3 hours on video call. I told him what he was doing was wrong and he said there is no jobs and every boy and girl between the age of 16 to 32 do this.

I asked him why he said no money here no food they have to buy gas for their generator or they dont get light in their homes. He said sometimes white woman as he referred to them are always over 40 as they are easier and he said they think they are talking to a man but it could be a woman.

The room he was in there was 6 men and 3 women online while he was speaking to me as doctors, oil workers etc and he told me everything I said to him doesn't make him feel guilty because you would do anything to feed your family.

I told him i couldn't speak to him anymore and that i was adding it to the site so women were warned and he said they would just find new pictures and new names but he asked me as he told me the truth could he stay in touch and maybe make a real relationship as he could come to the uk then and be happy and rich.

I ended the call and blocked him then so ladies please please be careful as none of these men are real and they are all fake so stop sending the money xx

Dec 16, 2020
Orthopedic surgeon working for the uno
by: Anonymous

I befriend a man on Facebook who called himself Dr Donald Paul. He told me he was a orthopedic surgeon. He lives in California. He goes on to tell me he has been working in Afghanistan for the past five years. His wife died around then. He has a son 11yrs old who lives in Nigeria with his teacher.

Red flags do go up. I bought his son £100.00 steam digital gift card for him as he couldn't access his bank from Afghanistan. More Red flags. He Asked me to chat to him on hangout. I said messenger is fine but he insisted. Ive got pics of him in his surgical scrubs and pics of his son. He asked me to marry him but he needed help with a leave permit certificate.

As for his son if it is but I doubt it I don't mind the Xmas gift. I've confronted him and told him he isn't who he says he is. He hasn't asked me for any money for this but I knew it was coming. He hasn't read his mail yet. So that will be a nice Xmas present for him. He said he's a very godley man and a good Christian.

I also asked him to what God he prayed to because its surely isn't mine. So angry that people like this feel no remorse for taking people's money.

Please be careful everyone. He probably has many names but for me he was Dr Donald Paul.

Dec 11, 2020
Birth place
by: Anonymous

They always say they were born somewhere else in case you speak to them. Their accent will not be American. Also their poor grasp of written English will be excused.

Dec 06, 2020
Orthopedic Surgeons David Anderson and Kevin Mark
by: Anonymous

Dear friends,

There are no orthopedic surgeons trying to get in touch with you, especially ones supposedly based in a foreign country like Syria! You don't need to ask if anyone has heard of these guys because they are liars!

Big red flag: 2 first names, like Kevin Mark.

Other red flags: Orthopedic surgeon, engineer, oil rig worker, widower, child in boarding school, born in another country, moved to some place in U.S., but lives in another town (weird how so many of them say that!), wife killed in an accident (usually) or died some other way, says he loves you right away, starts calling you honey or sweetie or other endearments right away, etc., etc.

Don't kid yourself that this guy is for real. Obvious scammers! Please report and block them asap.

Hate to see anyone falling for this stuff!

Dec 06, 2020
Dr. David Anderson
by: Anonymous

Has anyone heard of Dr. David Anderson, Ortho surgeon, with the UN stationed in Syria. Has 2 daughters in boarding school.

Dec 06, 2020
Another orthopedic surgeon scam
by: Anonymous

Anyone ever hear of Kevin Mark, orthopedic doctor surgeon with United Nations? He wants to be friends on Facebook. Can’t find any bio on him. He’s a widower so he sounds a lot like some of your other scammers on here. Beware, I’m ignoring his request.

Nov 27, 2020
Surgeons in War Torn Areas Scams
by: Anonymous

It's amazing how many stories are similar. Most of these scoundrels are in War-Torn areas working as Medical Professionals, widowed or divorced with one child. They send a few pictures that appear staged and are very evasive about their past and life.

Another similarity is "internet interruption" because the internet is poor, no phone service or the computer has a bad keyboard. They refuse a video chat or a phone call at no cost to them.
From LinkedIn to Hangouts just as fast as he starts saying "I love you!"

If it's too good to be true, then it is.
Lastly, watch out for grammar, spelling, and fake college credentials.

Nov 26, 2020
LinkedIn Surgeon in Afghanistan Fraud
by: Anonymous

A sweet-talking scammer going by the name of Dr. Jay Fred convinced me to chat with him on Hangouts because he was supposedly in Afghanistan until February. Later, he changed his name to Fergal Fred because he said that was his real name. He claimed he was born in Ireland, graduated from Trinity College, and moved to Ohio.

He claimed to be Catholic, divorced, 53 years old, 5'11" with blue eyes and had a home in Atlanta, Georgia.

Often, we would get disconnected, and he claimed that the internet crashed. Three days before Thanksgiving, he alluded that he needed money to pay for the internet. I was already suspicious since he was very evasive, and I could not locate him in the directory of physicians.

An image search revealed that he was on other dating sites with different names. Specifically, he was on an LDS site claiming that he was from NY, a Mormon, and was 56 with brown.

I blocked him immediately.

Beware of men claiming to be doctors in the Middle East.

Nov 26, 2020
Roman Amato and Julien Fedele same person
by: Anonymous

Beware, over 15 months ago on Zoosk I met a very charming and charismatic guy who told me that he was an orthopedic surgeon in Sanaa Yemen with the United Nations Developmental Programme. Roman completely swept me off my feet with his beautiful emails daily, love songs daily from YouTube, phone conversations, etc,

I came across around September 30 2019 on this site from CatVas which described identically exactly with his proposal from the fake attorney website, Alexander his mentor and starting a Mash Unit in Syria, the difference was he told me that his daughters name was Emma aged 12, I could’ve written that September post though Roman told me that he moved to Albuquerque New Mexico after his divorce 6 years ago. CatVas states that Roman told him that he lived in Brooklyn, and I exploded at Roman and felt very hurt when I read her post, and he explained away that someone had hacked into his computer and that he was going to get the IT person to fix things ASAP.

He did change his email address. I found a post from 2017 on this site when he was in Syria and he went by Julien Fedele, his daughter was 12 also at that time, LOL.

Moving forward, I fell in love with him, all photos that he ever sent me of himself were of a Real Estate person by the name of Richard Waystack in the United States. Roman described his looks as having grey/white hair and blue eyes, and I did have 2 video chats within a couple months of one another on Google hangouts, and this guy was very good looking, black hair and intense dark eyes, and then a third video chat months later that I photographed during the video chat which I did a reverse image search and it turned out to be an Eastern European physician where the audio was stripped and romans voice coming out of his mouth.

Roman was rushing me to end the video chat as the actual video was fairly short. I confronted Roman about it and I believe he was very embarrassed. Still I gave him the benefit of the doubt thinking that he was insecure about his looks, when I demanded a photograph he said to me "Let me remain invisible" and even the photos of his daughter Emma which I did a reverse image of her turned out to be not her but a young girl in Georgia by the name of Cami.

Photos of Roman were also photoshopped and even his Italian passport was real but a photo of Richard Waystack as the passport photo, Roman did send a photo of a good looking man with grey white hair in Venice which he said was really him but a reverse image search yielded nothing. Roman had a bit of an accent, but he did not have an Italian accent, and he had a very soft spoken voice.

This past October 2, 2020 he was finally leaving Sanaa Yemen to New Mexico to finally be with me, and we had a very sweet conversation, and he said he was flying out of Yemen from the Base to Dubai and then to New Mexico where we would finally be together and buy our own house immediately.

I never heard from Roman again thinking the worst that he succumbed to Covid etc, until recently I found on Pinterest with a post from about a week ago from him which makes me think whoever he is he’s actually in Brazil, and he will resurface on a dating website.

I believe that so women be careful. Roman is a pathological liar, he is very good at seducing the heart. I also do believe that Roman is a physician, his knowledge of medicine is very strong, as I too work in the medical profession, so be careful he will steal your heart and not commit, and you’ll never meet him in person.

I’m relieved that he showed his true self to me as I could never live with a liar, all trust would be gone.

Nov 21, 2020
Lucas Arthur, my a_ _
by: Anonymous

Saw this person in the list of people who'd sent me friend requests. He looked so obviously sleazy and oleaginous that I almost laughed. And I accidentally touched the "accept" button! Although it could be fun to make this guy pay. Send him on a rendezvous to Maui... By himself, of course.

Nov 21, 2020
Dr. Mark Mathews
by: Anonymous

Please tell your mother he is a scammer and to block him immediately. Hopefully, she hasn’t sent him anything. If she provided any banking info she should change those accounts ASAP.

Lastly, share his profile with scamhaters.united on IG. Read some of the scammer horror stories on their page. Good luck to your Mom.

Nov 20, 2020
Mark Mathews San Francisco Dr
by: Anonymous

This guy began messaging my 70 yr old mother on Facebook Messenger. Presumes to be a very handsome 50ish widowed doctor from San Francisco. He requested her phone number in order to continue to contact her outside social media. In a matter of weeks he was talking about being in love and missing her.

She was ready to pack her baggage and go to San Francisco. We notified Facebook about our suspicion of this account to be a scammer or a fraud but they found nothing. These people are professionals and are out there prowling on the elderly to scam them of what ever they can get there hands on.

Nov 20, 2020
UN Orthopedic Surgeon Peter Anderson
by: Rosie

Widowed, 15 year old daughter at boarding school in Britian, won 2 large homes (1 in San Francisco, 1 in NY), uses pics of a distinguished silver fox. Very wealthy, drives Mercedes, sent pics of his home which was a historic mansion. Is fulfilling a contract with the UN, working on the border of Lebanon and Israel. Had pretty good English and typing skills.

I became suspicious very quickly and asked for ID which he sent but could see it wasnt authentic. I suspect he is the same man many of the others on her have reported about.


Nov 13, 2020
Brenton Conway
by: Anonymous

Special forces adopted by priest. Talking to me secretly. What a lie. Sometimes would text when he wanted something like a calling card for $650 a month. I said I could get one from AT&T for 1/10th that amount. But he cannot use that haha

Do not fall 4 it anyone. SCAM. He is going to be back in the States for Christmas and oh the grammar was off too and he had a strange way of saying things.


Oct 26, 2020
Dwanye Moore
by: Anonymous

Hello everybody! I've been talk with a man and he told me he's a surgeon doctor in Pakistan. He seems to be a very nice guy with love and care about me. He's planning for when he comes back from Pakistan. He wants to be with me lol so I asked him if we can make a video call so I can see and know who he is and then he never responded to me at all.

God bless you all

Oct 21, 2020
Dr. Allan Wilson from Tennessee. Currently in Afghanistan. Surgeon.
by: Anonymous

So pretty sure I’m talking to this scammer right now and laughed so hard that I found this site!!! They sound just like my narcissist ex-husband 😂. Very polite, never pushes, understanding.

Tell you just enough that you feel like you know what’s up with them, but it’s only to throw you off so you let your guard down because you feel like they’re letting you in.

Dating is sooo messed up 😂

I’m gonna take this guy on a ride for a bit to save someone else the trouble

Oct 21, 2020
Conway, Brenton
by: Anonymous

In Baghdad in Special Forces. Cannot text as much as he would like. Took down FB. Has house in Columbus oh. Left empty. Was adopted by priest and mother died in child birth.

Oct 14, 2020
Michael Austin Neurosurgeon at United Nations
by: Anonymous

Hi Everyone. I wanted to give you all a heads up. I just received a friend request on Facebook for Michael Austin Neurosurgeon at United Nations.

I conducted a Google Images search ( and this guy's picture came up on website as Dr. Gabriel Johnson on Instagram
(instagram.com_Gabriel Johnson_drgabrieljohnson9_pic-01.jpg).

Also Frank Wooden, Kelvin Wood, Frederick Maxwell, and the list goes on (;cat=19)

Anyone else receive this?

Oct 12, 2020
Frank Gilbert oil worker
by: Anonymous

Well I've read the messages on here regarding Frank Gilbert and he contacted me first on Facebook as amit karmar raj with frank gilbert in brackets - anyway he told me he was an oil contractor and could I talk to him on hangouts were he rang me more than once and after 2 days was in love with me even though I was wary.

He sent me 20 pictures of himself but I did a google image search and found the pictures on there as a romance scammer named frank hamlin amongst other names. When I questioned him about it he said he was fed up of lies and crap about him and he had been hacked. I believed him to be honest and he told me all this on the phone then he asked me to send him money until his cheque clears to pay for helicopter to get off the oil platform he is on, but what he didnt know at the time was my brother works on an oil platform so I knew you don't pay for transport or food or repairs on an oil platform also you have a good insurance policy to work on one so when I told him this he got very abusive and nasty and set up dating accounts and other things in my name where the fraud department are involved now so please ladies dont believe a word he says.

He is not an oil worker and his picture is not him at all. I hope this helps and I wish I had seen this site before I started talking to him

Oct 11, 2020
Another orthopedic surgeon in Yemen
by: Anonymous

After 3 flowery emails, I wrote that I noticed he used many odd phrases, often used by scammers - end of story. He blocked messaging, but not profile, so I have written a complete note to POF on him and they send a "warning", which I like, as they know they are caught.

Not just blocking which does not tell them anything. These stories on here are so sad - please, know physicians have many options and NEVER need $$$.

I had a friend who was a high official in DC, so when I had a serious possible fake, I called him - they were concerned as this man was wanting to send me a suitcase of his personal things & so many valuable artifacts are stolen from these smaller governments, after war.

The FBI and CIA became involved - they sent an agent to my home & using my computer information were able to trace it to the Gold Coast of Africa to an apartment with a long table & multiple computers, which were manned by different people 24/7. They kept notes with account names & sites, and enough on each "target" to let the next person working the scan continue.

PLEASE, never send $$ or give your personal information. God will help you find someone, but value yourself, always be vigilant and careful.

A real gent will never do the NUTZ things I have read on here.

Oct 09, 2020
Oil worker Frank Gilbert
by: Anonymous

Hello what have I have noticed is there is a lot of people mentioning a Frank Gilbert and I am one of his victims too. I wish I had checked this site out before I had contact with him as I believed all his charm and thought he wanted more with me, and then I read this page. I am blocking him now too and he uses watsapp and hangout by the way

Oct 09, 2020
Mack williams
by: Anonymous

I mentioned Mack Williams before and he contacted me again and this time I called him out. Told him no orthopedic Doctors in Yemen. Called him a scammer and liar. He contacted me through Instagram. Posted pictures of a rather nice looking fellow not drop dead handsome but average. In 40’s or 50’s.

English ok although caught him in a couple words that were off. Did not try to con me for money or anything like that.

Oct 09, 2020
Richard Lis Jeff
by: Anonymous

He said he is an orthopedic surgeon doctor, now in a US Army camp in Syria, come from San Diego, California. Wants to return to the US but he needs help to send his money box of US$3,000,000. The money is from the goverment of Syria as appreciation of his good work in 2017-2018

The money box is in Aleppo and ready to send by the courier names Diplomat with email address based in Turkey.

Asks for US$2,000 for the cost and on its way to send the box, they will stop in Dubai and ask for additional US$5,000 to change the name of receiver

He is using the photos of Dr. Fernando Gomes Pinto from Brazil.

Be careful, he has many Instagram accounts.

Oct 07, 2020
Regrading Frank Gilber
by: Anonymous

Please be careful with this man as he is good. He also knows about these websites as he mentioned them to me and told me he had been hacked and people were using his information so he is very smart and he knows what he is doing.

He never video calls and always says the internet connection is bad and he will ring you maybe twice then says he cant get a signal anymore. He never sends pictures of him right now in the moment touching his nose or anything and when I did a google image search on him there was pages of different names regrading this man and pictures.

He sent me a lot so please listen to me as I fell for his charm and I believed everything he said and found out he is just a scammer and he will tell you you are the only love of his life and he will tell you god sent you to him and talk a lot about gods gift etc but he a scammer and he only wants your money and when he gets it he moves onto the next victim.

He will tell you he only talks to you and even show you evidence of your name only on his list but he will never accept you calling him on video links and he will decline and he will ignore you unless you give him money.

Up to now I know of 84 victims including myself of Frank Gilbert charm and he has scammed between 84 of us of over $40 thousand so please if you get a message off him block him straight away.

He also uses the name john williams and amit kamar too and he will tell you he is from Arizona but works on an oil platform in Maine. There are no oil platforms in Maine ladies and no oil platform in the world will allow you onboard without insurance so dont believe a word he says and dont be another victim like the 84 of us he as already conned !!!!

Oct 07, 2020
Regrading Frank Gilbert October 7th
by: Anonymous

To the person who just wrote about Frank Gilbert did he send you pictures of himself, songs and told you he loved you and called you, as he did that to me and also asked me for money too.

How long were you talking to him before he asked you for help and was it for pipes too?

Oct 07, 2020
Frank Gillbert
by: Anonymous

Same person, Frank Gillbert like the comment written on Sep 27, 2020, thank you for sharing so I can block him now.

Oct 05, 2020
Joel Peterson
by: Anonymous

Met Joel Peterson on Hinge. Petroleum engineer for Chevron. Said he was from Washington DC, and every time we try to Skype or use Google hangouts the connection was bad. Said he was moving across the country to the West Coast. After a month of being love bombarded by him, he told me he had one last job that he was going to do in Turkey. He promised me that we were going to get married and go looking for a house together.

I fell for it hook line and sinker. Beware of these scammers. He said he lived for the first few years of his life in Jamaica, and we talked on the phone a lot, and he quickly moved the conversation to WhatsApp, sent me pictures of flowers and poetry every day, then just before coming to the West Coast went to Turkey for this secret mission.

Messaged me first for money for equipment, then there was an explosion, and the third trick was that his helicopter crashed while taking them out to the oil rig platform. I got suckered and I lost $40,000. I contacted the hospital in turkey and sent them a picture of the bill. I was told that there was no one by that name in their Hospital, the account number was fake, the entire bill was fake, but their logo was correct.

Reported it to hinge and have yet to hear back. He miraculously Called me while being on deaths bed, because his accomplice by the name of Andrew realized that I knew that something was wrong and I told Andrew I did not want to be scammed. This Joel Peterson then immediately wrote me back a very long message on trust and how could I betray our love and trust. When I asked for a picture of him in the hospital room several times none came through.

Beware of anyone that you have not met face to face and even so if they ask you for money don’t fall for it like I did. This guy love bombed the heck out of me and hit all my vulnerable spots. I went online to Facebook and while he was supposedly dying in a Turkish hospital he created a Facebook page.

Beware and be safe And don’t get taken by these scammers.

Sep 29, 2020
by: Anonymous

Once again Dr from San Francisco says widow has son in school. - wants love - calls me sunshine and his queen. Says he’s French and has the profile of Fernando Gomes who I have to say is handsome- I knew i wouldn’t be that lucky lol

Is off to Libya and wants me to look after his son and could I send money for a PlayStation as he won’t be back and also can I get an Apple Watch as he could look at me in the screen whilst working

He is very good for calls on WhatsApp asked if I do Bitcoin.

I wish I was this lucky to have such a gorgeous guy but hey at least I’ve not been taken for lots of money

Sep 28, 2020
Dr Paul
by: Anonymous

My Dr. Paul Lewis is 48 and has a 7 year old daughter and him lost his wife and daughter two years ago and he is in Venezuela and his daughter is in boarding school.

He is looking for a wife and mother and because my birthday falls on his daughter’s birthday, it’s a match from heaven. This BS is hilarious.

Sep 28, 2020
by: Anonymous

Some guy by the name Dwayne Carther
(Felix Morrison) messaged me on Facebook talking about some stupid stuff then he says "I am working with the UN government as a Medical Doctor Assign for Treatment on Nato Army on Peace Keeping Mission In Syria".

Then I started asking him for money lol and he offers me 5000$ but tells me I need to get a American express card lol

Sep 27, 2020
Oil rig worker
by: Anonymous

Ladies I had a man contact me who said his name was Frank Gilbert and he worked on an oil rig. He sent me pictures of himself and even rang me a few times on hangout but never video called and always rang with an Italian accent which he did say he was Italian when we first started chatting anyway.

Next min after weeks of talking and getting to know each other he told me one night that an emergency alarm had gone off on the oil rig and he had to go. A few hours later this man messaged me saying he was Franks boss and I was named next of kin and Frank was fighting for his life after a massive explosion on the rig.

As you can imagine I was so upset and asked what I could to be told Frank who apparently told me had this big house in Arizona and all this money working on the rig needed money towards his medical bills or the hospital couldn't treat Frank.

When I asked how much was told 2000 dollars and I then asked what his injuries were and what hospital as I am a nurse and the man got abusive towards me said asking stupid questions and if I cared for Frank I would send the money to save his life.

When I refused I had disgusting messages and a few hours later I had a phone call on hangout and apparently it was Frank telling me he loved me and to help him so he could come home to me. I told him no and blocked him.

Be careful ladies as I had come out of a violent abusive relationship where my ex partner is in prison for years for what he did to me so this man was making me feel like someone loved me again and wanted to be with me.

Never send money no matter what they say. I learnt once again that I cant attract a decent man.

Be careful everyone

Sep 27, 2020
NPI lookup
by: Anonymous

To the message below about NPI numbers, its only if the physician is working in the United States.

Sep 25, 2020
NPI Number
by: Anonymous

Ladies, if you ever question anything, do a google search for your doctors NPI number. They are given a number that stays with their whole career. All you have to do is put in their name and request for their NPI number. If it comes up they are legit, if not, then you probably need to look further.

I got hurt years and years ago and hope this helps someone! Stay strong sweet ladies!

Sep 24, 2020
Same story Dr in San Fran orthopedic surgeon widower!
by: Anonymous

In response to the woman who asked if anyone heard from a surgeon in Somalia who just left stereo plus a UN as an orthopedic surgeon. Yes I heard from him today. He found me on Facebook and we actually had a friend in common so that’s why I accepted it.

I did notice on his Facebook page it said he was God FEARING! Lol

Anyhow he is as Msi said that he had a son And that he was born in Spain but lives in San Francisco. He said his name was John Wexler. I just blocked him.

His English wasn’t so great so it didn’t make sense to me and then I found this site telling me almost exactly what it just happened.

Thank you all for posting here

Sep 24, 2020
John Mark
by: Anonymous

I answered a ‘following" picture off of Instagram. Very handsome man who said he was an orthopedic doctor in Yemen. Widower with an 11 yr old son, which he changed to a daughter. I thanked him for his service, as I am trying to do to frontline workers.

Our friendship started and I was swooning in no time. We chatted everyday for almost 3 weeks. He was so sweet and kind and was meeting needs I didn’t realized I had. He showed me his pictures and a picture of him and his daughter. No son. I kept praying for God’s guidance and then is when it hit. The doctor was trying to get out of Yemen because he was scared.

His lawyer said he needed $7800 for paperwork through the UN. He was demanding and wanted me to get a loan and not to tell anyone what I was doing. I told him no and he got aggravated. Didn’t talk after that.

Beware ladies. These scammers are real. I am glad I listened to God and not this person.

Sep 24, 2020
Lose this scammer
by: Anonymous

Look at past posts on this site. Lots of woman and men have been scammed out of their money. Do not become one of them. They are not doctors, but scammers. Doctors don’t need your money nor play stations for their children. BUT scammers need these items to resell or use for themselves.

Don’t send anything no money, no gift cards, no but coin, no western union. SEND NOTHING. They are scamming you and will break your heart and bank account.

Lose him. You will find the right person. Be well. Be safe

Sep 24, 2020
by: Anonymous

Please has anyone had a connection with a dr from San Francisco with a son in boarding school who says he is lonely and going to Syria soon - Works for the UN and can’t send pics of himself due to the UN and is a Surgeon orthopaedic-

Lovely voice that says French originally, a widow, mother in Paris. Wants you to look after his son and can only email son if he gets injured in the war zone. Has asked to send a PlayStation to son as he will be away

Sep 22, 2020
Anyone hear from a Mack williams
by: Anonymous

He claims to be a orthopedic surgeon in Yemen with the UN. Based in Sana a military hospital.

Sep 16, 2020
"James Miller"
by: Anonymous

I matched on Tinder with a man named "James" and after some pressure to confirm his identity, he said his last name was "Miller". His profile says that he is a consultant with UNHCR-United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees and he later claimed to be an orthopedic doctor.

The profile also says that he lives in Lithonia, GA and went to Emory University. He stated that he was mixed (he appeared to look more Greek), his father was from South African and his mother was American, from Washington, DC.

The first day we matched, he asked for my number and if we could chat on WhatsApp. I agreed. Later that night, I noticed that he unmatched with me.

I pressed him for more information to confirm his identity and he could not provide any, just the run around. He gave me the number of 470-799-0540 but no information comes back to that number.

Beware of this fake profile.

Sep 16, 2020
Don’t send money
by: Diane

Please listen to me, I have just been scammed out of seventy thousand dollars by one of these people. They are ruthless and so very convincing.

I am now filing bankruptcy, after having an 850 credit score and dealing with an attorney!!!!
Please just delete them and don’t will not turn out the way you are expecting as far as having a relationship.

It will be nothing but troubles for you!

Sep 16, 2020
Help Please
by: Anonymous

I have been there and done that and was scammed out of thousands! FB doesn't give a dam and they don't check profiles at all!


Sep 16, 2020
Orthopedic surgeons
by: Anonymous

I have been contacted by various scammers, Yandex is by far hands down the best reverse image site I've come across so far, also with emails from these individuals I check IP addresses, and I've come across quite a few that tell me they are Orthopedic Surgeons currently in war torn countries.

IP lookups with their emails tells me that they are in fact in Nigerian, the IP lookup site I like is Melissa's IP look up.

Sep 16, 2020
Help please
by: Anonymous

Has anyone been asked by these men to contat an email address called globaltrustlimited please as the guy I am talking to is asking me to send $2800 to this company to protect his package or he loses everything. When I said no he asked me how much I could send and I said nothing.

I reported him to Facebook but they said his account is genuine so they havent removed him. He talks mostly on hangout what ever that is. He told me he is a doctor, a widow working for the UN but when I ask for a phone call or video chat he tells me he is using a military desktop.

I wouldnt like him to do this to some other woman and she gets hurt badly. Its only that my friend stopped me or I would of sent money. Has anyone heard of him and he is claiming his name is Dr John Williams 57 years of age, military doctor working for UN and born in Germany and lives in USA with a 15 year old son in boarding school while he is in Afghanistan.

Any help would be great please

Sep 16, 2020
I think im being scamed
by: Anonymous

I have been talking to a so called Dr John Williams who is apparently a doctor originally from Germany but moved to America and now he is based at a military hospital in Kabul Afghanistan.

He sent me pictures of himself and said he cant send me one of him right now as he doesnt have a phone and is only using a military computer and told me he is a widow with a son who goes to boarding school in the states. I fell for all his charms if I am honest as I was in an abusive relationship which nearly cost me my life so I have been alone for a long time.

Anyway I have asked to speak to him on the phone or video chat but he cant as he isn't allowed to on the UN computers and up to this morning he hasnt asked me for money. He has asked me to help him contact this company called Globaltrustlimited and help him get his money belonging to him back and to tell them I am his wife.

I need some advice as he is a scam isn't he?

Sep 16, 2020
by: Anonymous

I’ve been taking to a guy called Howard O’Connor Orthopedic surgeon for UN - he has a 14 the old son and window - very lonely and the pictures sent are of a Fernando Gomes who is gorgeous so no wonder I got sucked in !

Researched when he started asking for money for his son as he was going to go to a War zone and may not be able to send his son the money -
Nice. Flattering while it lasted but so glad I found out

Sep 14, 2020
Dr. Daniel Ryan of New Zealand
by: Anonymous

Introduction was on Twitter. Then he moves over to Hangouts. Same script as the others. Surgeon working in Yemen, with a daughter in boarding school.

Sep 13, 2020
Doctor Working for U.N. in Somalia
by: Anonymous

I think the dude made a mistake. I'm a straight 78 year old guy with very little money. 15 year old son in military school in the UK.

Sep 11, 2020
MD "Fred" Akram
by: JHevener

On FB - Says he is a orthopedic surgeon working in Iraq, widower with young girl at home in London. Born in Russia. Suspect a hijacked profile. Friend requested me out of the dead blue, I like meeting new people and learning about different cultures and places - so, I accepted.

Very poor English, suspect Indian call center scam of some sort. Towards the end when I said I must verify his identity, he said he was insulted - and I ended the conversation.

Clearly, I should have known better - and I had a pretty good suspicion. The scammer was making up a fairly good story - saving US Troops in Iraq war zone.

Sep 07, 2020
by: Anonymous

Scammer using the name of Leon William De Bruyne (or questionable as a nick name - lol). Supposed to be a Orthopic doctor, from Austin Texas.

Working in Damascus, Syria with the UN. He even had the cheek to say he had an English mother from Glasgow & American father. A lot of the profiles are always only a few days old on Facebook.

Pretty sure this is a Nigerian trying his luck to get money.

Sep 04, 2020
by: Anonymous

I have written somewhere bellow my comment regarding scammer Mark Fisher, I have met on LinkedIN, claiming to be an orthopaedic surgeon from USA, working in Afghanistan. Well, I have reported him to LinkedIN and his profile has been removed instantly.

So, report them, make them hard to operate.

Sep 03, 2020
Do you know these guys?
by: Anonymous

Anyone know a James Roland orthopedic surgeon in Yemen, widow with 2 children? He has a Facebook profile with a few photos and private friends and posts. He says his resources are limited so can't chat. Met him on Scrabble app.

Also a Wesley Murray. Name sound familiar to anyone?

Sep 01, 2020
by: Anonymous

I received a message from a Steve Marcus saying he is an Orthopedic Surgeon on my fb page. Claims he works for the UN and stationed in Somalia since last year (an Ambassador). He says he is a widower and has a 14 year old son, Harry, studying in Austria.

Strange being he "lives" in San Francisco. He asks questions more than really answers. His conversation skills are not that of someone who claims to be a surgeon. Always asking "what time is it over there". On top of that, I don't know any MD's on fb, especially chatting with strangers like this, asking questions like on a dating site. I only answered to welcome as a friend. I'm in a long term relationship and happy.

Anyhow, he kept asking my age. When I told him, he disappeared sort of. He has written "hello" & "what time is it over there", but I refuse to acknowledge. I had a funny feeling this was a scam, especially now that he updated his profile, less information and different pictures (photos of same guy different scenes though still medical/doctor), still from San Francisco, BUT now attended UCSF (before it was Duke University, and a degree Biology).

He will ask if you can use a different platform to communicate, like WhatsApp. He told me his parents died in a car accident when he was young, and was placed in a Catholic school or organization (don't recall exactly) & his wife was a military journalist that was shot & killed on her way home in Afghanistan 4 years ago.

He says he is stationed in Somalia and works with the military & I think civilians. Oh, another unusual thing, orthopedic surgeons generally specialize in a specific area. He says he works on ankle, elbow & knees. Too many strange things! I have his latest fb profile picture, but unable to post here. Sorry!


Aug 31, 2020
Help getting rid of these scammers
by: Anonymous

After a very quick google research to confirm my suspicions, I’m convinced my fiancé’s mom is talking to one of these scammers! An orthopedic surgeon based in Yemen. I got access to read some of their messages and they have both committed to spending their lives together
although they have never met in person!

It looks like they are planning to meet soon (Which I’m sure will never happen) and I have confronted her to show her it’s a scam but of course she believes he is real and she has met the love of her life! He has mentioned they should go into business together someday but nothing has happened yet, nor has money been sent or anything.

But we all know it’s coming!

I want to take control of this myself before it gets too far and send this scum a message to tell him to back off.

Any tips on what to say that actually works?

Aug 26, 2020
Jonathan Anderson Taylor
by: Anonymous

Said he is an orthopedic surgeon working in an afghan camp. Single dad with 14 years old son. Sent a picture of a tv actor with the name nicolas bechtel and thought i was a fool. When I confronted him he says it was by mistake. I asked him to call me on video and he does for 5 secs that looks suspicious.

Playing along with him to catch him. He gave the email id of his son, where that guy tells me his phone is damaged and could i buy him one which cost around $500 to $1500. I am just playing along to see what they are up to. I need to report them to cyber crime once I get all the info about them. I am collecting the proof and once I get them I will hand over to cyber. Thats the least I can teach them a lesson.

Aug 25, 2020
Maxwell Richard
by: Anonymous

Maxwell Richard supposedly an orthopedic surgeon working for the UN in Yemen. Friend requested me on Instagram Which I accepted. After chatting he asked for email which I sent and then wanted me to google chat or something like that.

I followed my gut and blocked him.

Anyone else familiar with him?

Aug 24, 2020
What I'm still seeing.
by: Anonymous

Same stories we have all wrote about these men ladies so do yourself and your heart a favor and leave these men alone. They only want your money and for you to send them gift cards, itune cards etc.

The cards they use them to put a higher amount on them when you send them so please do not send them anything, ever, as they will just want more. I still read the comments that are posted on here and the same thing is still going on so I wish you all to stay safe and watch out for who you are communicating with because these men are really scammers they do not want a relationship just your money and you will not hear from them again they will move onto the next victim so don't waste your time just block them and report them to the FBI at take care of yourself.

Aug 24, 2020
Is My Mum Being Scammed?
by: Anonymous

No question about it that she is being scammed! What that guy has written her are a bunch of lies. Just read any of the posts on this page and you will see that his story is so similar to the fake stories that are being told so often to try to get money from susceptible women (and men, too).

Your mum needs to stop any contact with this person right away and block him! I had my photo on Scrabble Go myself and was constantly being bombarded with scammers giving me fake stories about working on oil rigs, being surgeons in Syria, wives dying in car accidents, children in boarding schools---all a bunch of lies!

They all had photos posted which were stolen from other people. You can tell right away--too nice looking, dressed in suits or military garb or doctors' scrubs. It is so obvious.....please tell your mum that she is dealing with a scammer and not to believe any of what he says and definitely not to send any money or gift cards to that liar!

Stay safe and God bless you both.

Aug 23, 2020
Is my mum being scammed?
by: Anonymous

At the moment my mum is talking to a guy by the name of Mark Leonard who claims to be a neuro surgeon from US who with a couple of other Dr’s were sent from the States to work in Yemen on a years contract to help out as they need help in the hospital because they don’t have hardly any supplies (which are being sent over to help these people from the US).

He has sent loads of photo’s of him and 1 of his 13 year old son who is in a boarding school in North Carolina! He’s been talking to mum from scrabble go for a good few months now saying all the right things, she has fallen for him but now his son has had an accident saying he had a cardiac arrest & fell down the stairs and broke his arm (he’s sent pics of him in the hospital bed) now he has asked her for 3000 pounds as he urgently needs an operation in the US and they won’t operate till he pays that.

1st he claims he can’t access his bank account in the US from Yemen, and he can’t leave till his contract is up in October. He’s not allowed to use a phone and they speak on WhatsApp every day. She’s not sent any money but he keeps insisting his son is going to die without it (she doesn’t have any money) but he still says if she could find a way it would help.

Now he’s saying even if it’s a 1000 pounds it would help, and he claims he has no friends that can help!!!

Aug 22, 2020
Re: Chris Moore
by: Anonymous

They ask for gift cards because it’s harder to trace them. There are a few Facebook pages that show stolen photos. These jerks use the photos to make up a new profile. I had one try to lure me in, but I stop everything pretty quick before he got a chance to ask for money.

Please be careful and check out the stolen photos page. You may find one you have seen before!

Aug 22, 2020
Scammer Chris Moore
by: Anonymous

My mom started chatting to a guy named Christopher Moore. Not sure where she found him. He then told her to chat on hangouts which she started doing. He calls her my cutie pie, queen and always ends the conversation with "cares"😍.

Anyways says his wife died of cancer and he has a 10 year old son. He says he is from the States and works on different contracts in Nigeria. He started asking my mom to purchase Steam gift cards and she got him 2 $50 cards. He is now asking her to get him $500 worth of Steam cards.

I am not sure why these scammers ask for gift cards or what they use them for. Can someone please explain this to me. My sister and I are trying to stop her but she won’t listen.

Aug 19, 2020
Dr.Jame Adrian British Orthopedician from Rome
by: Anonymous

Does any one know the name Dr.Jame Adrian from Liverpool,UK. I searched in Google and got a different and decent profile. He connected me through Facebook and then being friend came to wahtsapp. I lost my 35k in the name of Customs of India and to receive his gifts. He talked so sweet and decent.

I lost my money and was emotionally hurt within thirty days only. Though I considered him as a very good friend and not more than that and just got bit acquainted with him. He used to deny video calls which raised doubt in me, after losing my money. Then I found some Indian people's likes, especially women on his posts while he said he did not know any Indian except me. As I said I am married and have a kid and he promised to respect my marriage and family. He said he lost his wife 2 years back in a car accident and has a 11 years old daughter.

Sent me family pics and also professional pictures too. Actually we should be aware of people who are too sweet and won't show up themselves. I lost money and emotionally got hurt.

Aug 15, 2020
Contacted through Yahtzee
by: Anonymous

Playing against someone on Yahtzee who goes by Tinyunicorn. Claims to be James Owen an orthopaedic surgeon from Florida but working in Kabul for the United Nations. Chatting today and tells me that he has a 14 year old son in boarding school in the UK.

Then wants to chat via google hangouts or whatsapp as it's 'easier'. I refused and will now block him on the game. Googled James Owen orthopaedic surgeon and he works in the UK, not Kabul. Very suss and same story but different name as others listed here.

Aug 14, 2020
Reverse image search is your best friend from the outset
by: Anonymous

I friended someone on FB who wanted to friend me, a photo of a good looking East Indian looking man wearing scrubs, he didn't try to reach out to me, first thing I did was a reverse image search and a different name came up than the name that he called himself.

I deleted him quickly, because I felt that it would have been a matter of times before he started making his moves on me.

Aug 11, 2020
Dr. Jason Wlater
by: Anonymous

Yes, a blocked address can still send you emails. The only difference is that emails from block addresses will not appear in your inbox. Rather, they are housed in the Spam folder of your Gmail automatically.

Is his name Dr. Jason Wlater or Dr. Jason Walter?
Is he on Instagram? If so under what name?

Ladies if you share these scammers profiles with @scamhaters.united (on Instagram) they will have their profiles taken down. You cannot imagine how many of these scammers I’ve taken down.

Good luck, block them and above all do not share personal information or send them anything!

Aug 11, 2020
John maur
by: Anonymous

Says he lives in Portland, Oregon. Stuck in Turkey, and says he is from Belgium. Scammer!!!!

Aug 10, 2020
Walk away, block all communication
by: Anonymous

I have just been scammed, and it ruined my life.

Walk away!

Aug 10, 2020
Dr Jason Wlater
by: Anonymous

Connected on POF, we chatted on there a few weeks and he asked to go on Hangouts and then wanted to exchange phone numbers as I wanted to connect with a voice or facetime. He agreed and I reluctantly agreed. We continued the chat with him professing I was perfect and he could love me forever. He left for his job overseas with the UN before we could connect.

He said he is on a top service mission, yet continues to message me on Hangouts. After a few days of not responding he emailed me, because he misses his darling queen. I have a name and it isn't darling, queen, honey bear, sweetness.

I haven't responded to his email but he has the classic catfish signs.

teenage son
and dreams of me.

Weird thing, I blocked his email, but he somehow got through. So there is that...

Help me please.

Aug 10, 2020
Americans pretending to be US soldiers deployed in Syria
by: Anonymous

A week ago I was contacted, through a fitness app called Fitbit, by a guy who pretended to be an american working as a military doctor and now deployed in Syria for 8 months. He said he is a widower and his wife died in a car accident. He sais he has 2 daughters. I didn't continue chatting too much.

After a few days I got a message from another guy, also on Fitbit, saying he is an american soldier deployed in Syria as well. That's when I started to smell something fishy. So he sent me "his" pictures. I searched the internet for those pictures and it turns out that those pictures belong to an actor and a soldier, with a totally different name and information.

What I wanna say is please be carefull. They take advantage of lonely women who maybe feel the need of being loved. They take advantage of women who search for a good guy. Ladies, I don't really think that the guy you look for is on the internet. I know there are happy stories in this world, but please be carefull!

I too am a single mom, divorced, maybe looking for a good guy and I almost got hurt in the process. So please be carefull!

Watch out for guys named Dave Willson and Jimmy McIntosh.

Aug 10, 2020
They usually have multiple accounts and identities
by: Anonymous

These scammers usually have multiple accounts on various social media sites. This is to target innocent women.

Watch out for @robersean20 on Twitter as he also uses the name Mark Robert. This is a Nigerian man called Paul Akhere.

Aug 09, 2020
Reply to Scammers
by: Anonymous

I know what you dealt with. I had my credit ruined and lost more than 50k. He was believable. I may have been targeted. The pictures he presented as himself belonged to an American businessman, who legitimately worked out of the country a lot.

He stole that gentleman’s identity and ruined my credit and had my personal identity and financial credit hacked, abused and ruined.

Funny thing, I ran into another scammer and told him that he was too late that someone else took everything . He educated me and told me he purchased my information off a dark web site. He didn’t try to con me, but educated me and explained how it happens and disappeared. I learned a lot. Now I see the American business man’s pictures on many dating sites in many different countries using many different names.

Every time I see the pictures, I report them as fraud and provide proof. A site I paid to join Elite Singles refused to take it down. In fact, several persons I talked to on that site were foreign scammers. Many doctors, investors and various business men. Amazing how they get away with it and how gullible we are.

Protect yourself. Be careful.

Aug 09, 2020
by: Anonymous

Met a man on the POF site, long story short he ruined my credit, stole my identity, opened up numerous accounts. 28 months of wheeling and dealing.

email address is: and goes by Charles M.G.

Aug 06, 2020
Travis Robert a UN Trauma surgeon Doctor
by: Anonymous

I’ve just gotten contacted by Travis Robert a UN Trauma Surgeon in Syria, widower, wife died giving birth to there second child, adopted a boy, who is 11 years old and is in school in the UK. Early in our conversation he wanted to chat through Hangout, because of security reasons and when I said I don’t have Hangout, then he suggested WhatsApp.

I don’t have that either. I suggested that we write through Messenger, but he doesn’t have that, so he wrote that we could write here (Instagram) and see what the future holds for us. I’m petty sure that he is a scammer, so watch out Ladies.

I’m gonna keep writing with him, just to see how far and how soon before he asks for money, but he ain’t getting a penny out of me !!

His username is travisrobert8899.

Aug 02, 2020
Stay away from Marc Williams
by: Anonymous

6 months ago I met this man on Facebook. Being lonely all these years, I knew I was taking risks meeting people online. My sons warned me about it but I just wanted to be with someone who could replace my husband I was married to for 35 years. I’m not a naive woman. I’ve worked in the business sector as a Vice President of a local bank. I saw scams all the time. But since my retirement and my children are now off married with their own families, I wanted to have a partner.

So after chatting online via dating sites and Facebook for three years, I met this "Marc Williams". He claimed to be working as a government contractor in the oil services business off the coast of Norway (I mean in hindsight, Norway – really??). We weren’t allowed to chat directly via Facebook because of the security issues of his job, so we would text only. I wanted to talk directly to him but always it was the job restrictions that prevented hearing his voice.

He said all the right things. I was beautiful and despite our age difference, I’m 78 while he claimed he was 68 years old, he wanted to share the rest of lives together. He was coming home soon and wanted to be anywhere I was. At first he said he was from Nevada but then it changed to Texas, claiming he was "born" in Nevada but grew up in "Texas". He wanted to come to Vermont to be with me.

But then there was the issue with his son Reilly who was in a boarding school in Ireland (but that changed to Manchester later on). The boy apparently had lost his mother to cancer 3 years prior and was lonely. Reilly was turning 13 and was eager to meet me and Marc assured me Reilly would want to call me "Mom".

Being a loving mother, that tugged at my heartstrings!! He agreed that our faith, both Lutheran (what are the chances?!) would be a grounding force in our relationship. At first, he was telling me that he wanted to take care of me and wanted to buy me things. When my TV broke, he said he was going to buy me a new one, but never followed through on his constant offerings.

He told me to order the biggest TV on Amazon and he would reimburse me when he came home. That was the thing, he never exactly knew when he would be done. Always there was another issue that made him extend his contract. Then it was the talk of marriage. He assured me that he wanted to marry me and to get ready because he wanted to marry me as soon as he arrived.

I’ve never heard this man’s voice, and other than getting some pictures texted to me of a middle-aged man with salt and pepper hair, I had no idea who this man was. He kept asking where I lived, what I owned and how would our lives be. Then he asked me to forward some gift cards to Reilly, first for his birthday, then to help with the tuition.

Then my radar was fully up. The strong, professional woman I am came back and I realized I was being scammed. When I found this site, I couldn’t believe the similarities – names like Frank Williams, and Dr Frank Mark Williams; children in boarding schools in Europe whose mother died from cancer. My husband died of cancer!

So please, if it sounds to good to be true, you’re being scammed!

Jul 30, 2020
Jason chris butler
by: Anonymous

Thank you for your answer

Jul 29, 2020
Positively Fake
by: Anonymous

Please don’t fall victim to a scammer like I did 2 years ago. He is fake. He is preying on you from all the angles.

I met a man 2 years ago online. He seemed so believable. He had a foreign accent, but I work in a career that I hear lots of accents. He was very intelligent, handsome and had perfect English and writing skills. We made plans to meet and something always came up like another business trip. He sent me lavish gifts that I learned some other person’s credit card paid for.

We talked for 8 months before he asked me for anything. After a year loosing 50k and my identity stolen as well as hacking my credit card info. I found out too late whose pictures I was sent was not him, but an American business man who a friend of mine knew through his business. At the time I was recently widowed and vulnerable.

I lost a lot of money, my great credit score and the trust of ever believing some one to date. I wised up after finding this site and several other YouTube stories.

Scammers are out there. All they want is our money. Doctors don’t need your money, solders don’t need your money nor do financial investors. Provide them no information about yourself. I understand the attention feels good, but run away from him, block him and save yourself heartache and your financial well being destroyed.

Read and listen to all of our stories. Please don’t become one of us who have been scammed. Be well.

Be safe.

Jul 29, 2020
Jason chris butler
by: Anonymous

Regarding is he a scammer. If you met him online, he fell in love with you immediately and he wants to talk on hangouts. Then YES he’s likely to be a scammer.

Block him, you’re better than that.

You’ll soon fall for all the romance if you don’t, and this will be followed by a request to help him financially. These scammers are very good at romance and psychological pressure.


Jul 29, 2020
Jason chris butler
by: Anonymous

Please help me. Is he a scammer? He wrote to me on Hangouts

Jul 26, 2020
Jason chris butler
by: Anonymous

He wrote me on instagram so is the man fake? His pictures are very good and he didnt call me with camera as he said the camera was bad

Jul 25, 2020
Could be same guy?
by: Anonymous

I have been contacted via Facebook by a man who says he is an orthopedic surgeon with NATO currently in Iraq. Says he is from Alabama and has been widowed for 5 years and has a 10 year old daughter.

He says he has 6 months left on a 12 million dollar contract and has a large home in Alabama plus two other homes in other states.

Says he wants to find true love. He wants to come home and open a medical hospital, then went on to say he is thinking a grocery store or baby department store.

I think say what??

Any of this sound familiar?

Jul 24, 2020
Orthopedic Surgeon scam
by: Anonymous

Beware of Chris Morgan who is claiming to be an Orthopedic Surgeon from the US Army from Chicago. He tried to connect with me on Linked In. Thought it was quite weird since he does not have MD behind his name and when I googled him different pictures came up and it was not him.

Then a different man also wanted to connect on Linked In who I have never heard of and had no connections with.

Just beware of these fake accounts.

Jul 23, 2020
Williams Alexanda
by: Anonymous

Beware of this man if he appears on LinkedIn, Facebook, Instagram. Anywhere. He is not who he says he is. He says he is Brazilian American, has sole custody of a daughter, lives in Chicago but actually seemed to have spent most of his time in Turkey.

Goes from one mishap to another, always asking for money.

Do not touch with a barge pole. Run for the hills as he’s very convincing......

Jul 23, 2020
He has a new name
by: Anonymous

Don't know if he's the same scammer but its very similar to my friend's experience. He went by the name Mike Chang Mihn from S. Korea, head UN doctor and Orthopedic surgeon. Claims to be in love with you and then asks you to be a business partner. Apparently he was quite believable at first but then it became fishy.

Anyway according to my friend his IG disappeared after she mistakenly vid-called him and ended it. I guess he was threatened by the call? Anyway good thing she never agreed to be his lover and be business partners. Damn I'll tell her about this so be careful y'all

Jul 21, 2020
Love for the first sight on Tinder
by: Anonymous

How about Alvin Ferdinand?? Widower, car crush, neurosurgeon. I managed to get to the point straight away, so he had no chance.

Jul 17, 2020
Mark Fisher orthopedic surgeon from Afghanistan
by: Anonymous

Be aware of this guy, he approached me via LinkedIN. Claims he has a 15 year old son, single parent. Asked me to give him my address to send me the money for his clinic he is trying to open. Scammer!

Jul 16, 2020
Think I Can Join THis Club
by: Anonymous

Playing War on Words Game like Scrabble. One guy started chatting who is Widowed, Orthopedic Surgeon working with United Nations in Kabul with 1 14 yr old son in boarding school in UK. At first he said he was from Germany, then California. I've been single for a long time and details alert me. He didnt want to continue 'chatting' so why not do gmail. I only use outlook but did figure out how to get to my gmail. Then he suggests hangout that I never heard of and did not install.

I told him I was old enough to be his mother. He was ok with that and just enjoyed talking. Haven't got much past there as its only been about a week. I think I should cut this person off. Not worth the risk. I'm not going anywhere nor giving anyone money.

He used Raymond Robertson. Also noted the photo on gmail was different from War on Words.

Jul 15, 2020
Donald Kiser
by: Anonymous

Yes he’s a scammer. Tried to scam me about 1 year ago. He uses a photo of a Russian cardiologist.
He also called me using a fake video. He’s still around on Twitter even though I reported him. He also uses the name Anthoni Mathias again on Twitter but this time claimed to be a vet from LA stuck in China after he went to do animal vaccinations there !!

The stories are slowly getting a little different, but if they message you via social media and then move to hangouts it’s a scam. Stay away from these 2 (maybe the same person) as they can become very nasty and aggressive.

Just block him. You’re worth more.
Stay safe.

Jul 15, 2020
Dr Donald R Kiser
by: Anonymous

Another scam. He claims to be divorced, 3 years ago with a 20 year old daughter, is a UN doctor in the Army for 37 years. Was sent to Yemen in a warzone. Will ask for iTunes cards and then for you to give him your address to receive important documents to retire and get out of Yemen.

This is a trap to send money. Do not fall for it, get rid of him fast!!

Jul 14, 2020
Donald Mark David - UN Doctor SCAM!!!!
by: Anonymous

Nigerian Dating SCAM!!! Calls you My Queen, My Love, Babe!!! And wants you to send him Thousands of US Dollars in Bitcoins, Google Play Cards, Itune Cards. That his UN Contract will finish in 7 months and then money will not be a problem.

He proposed to me within 3 days, sent me pics of a Diamond Ring and Flowers!!! He almost had me! He is very believable, but never sent him any money!!!


Jul 12, 2020
Jack Harris, Danies Tickner
by: Anonymous

Both of above names are scammers sweet talker and eventually want a picture, love you, queen etc

Stay away. In Germany working on a Sea oil rig. Just do not fall for them as they are total sweet talking jerks and scammers

Jul 12, 2020
Currently in Germany movie making
by: Anonymous

I met a guy on Hinge who told me after 2 weeks of texting that he loved me and has found the one. He would not do a video call as he has video phobia. He was travelling to Germany and stuck there for work and will return to the US in a few months. We did phone call after I said I will not continue to text unless we speak on phone.

But he has accent. I asked and he said its Israeli because he lived there in his childhood. Asked me for money to pay rent for his daughter's apartment so that she is not embarrassed. He told me he will return me the money in one week.

Started with $2000.00, then $1300, then $700, then any amount I can help him with. No I did not send any money and ended the conversation that we will meet in person whenever he is back in US.

I dont know if he is Nigerian, but he still fits the criteria of a scammer from dating site.

Jul 05, 2020
Alfred roland
by: Anonymous

Anybody heard of Alfred Roland, orthopedic surgeon in Kabul Afghanistan, UN contractor? Claims wife and unborn son died of pancreatic cancer. States he lives in Reno Nevada and went to Duke University.

Grammar not great. Only following women on Instagram. Goes by alfredroland 153 on Instagram and claims to be 51. Pictures look younger. Email address is

Jun 28, 2020
by: Anonymous

Hello, did anyone get a message from dr Darren Gibson, working as an orthopedic surgeon doctor in Sudan. He is a widower and has a child named Eric age 13. He is on a contract basis in Sudan. He uses Instagram then later he insisted to use hangouts as he said there is poor signal in Sudan and hangout is better.

He is very convincing by saying he has big houses in California near the beach and has a BMW. Later after three days, he asks for money to be transferred via bitcoin or blackcoin application as his son needs to get a mobile. He is not able to send the same to the USA.

Jun 24, 2020
"Jackson Williams"
by: Anonymous

I received another message on LinkedIn from a "Jackson Williams". His message:

"Hello cutie you look so beautiful and unique in fact I don't know how to express your beauty well my name is Jackson Williams, am from United States but am based in Texas am a business man, am a widower with a son, I lost my wife some years back in a plane crash now am single"

I just reported his profile, but lookout for the same type of story that's been reported here.

Jun 23, 2020
UN Doctor in Alaska
by: Anonymous

Has anyone ever heard of a Professional Orthopedic Surgeon that works for the UN in Alaska named Davis Gomes Franklin and has a 10yr old Daughter in Texas at a Boarding School and his Wife passed away 4yrs ago from Breast Cancer!

Jun 13, 2020
Jason Francisco Diamond
by: Anonymous

Beware Of JASON FRANCISCO DIAMOND, Orthopedic Surgeon who lives in Los Angeles, CA. He works under the UN Army and has been deployed to Yemen. He told me that he was born in Brazil, but then his parents moved to the states (Red flag, if he's a doctor?) and he grew up in LA. He was widowed 5 years ago when his wife died in a car accident. He has a son, Michael, who is 8.

Michael thinks Jason should start to date and find someone who can make him smile again. This was all too good to be true, so I started checking out this FB account.

Now the real guy, was a white guy in his 30-40's and looked like a young doc or therapist of some sort. When I looked through his friends, they were ALL black. Nothing against that, but I would think he would have friends of rainbow colors. Isn't that what the United Nations is? I also looked at one of the videos that the real guy made. He was very American with no accent.

As I read through the comments, I started to notice that the words, spellings, etc, isn't what Americans would use. There were 6 things that I counted, that Americans wouldn't do.

So I called him. NO RESPONSE. 5 Seconds later, he called me. I said, "Hello?" He said,"Hey, how are you?" Remember I mentioned above, that I listened to a video that the real guy made? Well, this caller was African-American. That's all I needed to hear. I said, "I knew it!" He said, "You knew what?"

The more he talked, the more I could tell, he wasn't white. I said, "I knew you weren't the guy on the FB account!" "What? Why do you say that?" I said, " Because this is NOT THE VOICE ON THE VIDEO that he made!"

Click...he hung up on me!! Then, he had the nerve to message me and say, "I don't know what's wrong with you!" I reported him 2 times. Two hours later, that FB account was taken down. Thank goodness, this only lasted 1 day!

Jun 04, 2020
by: Anonymous

Beware! They like using 2 first names. Some are very proficient in this scamming game! I was also almost a victim once until I kept researching. Then come to find out he stole photos of a Brazilian Doctor!

Jun 04, 2020
I think I’m being scammed
by: Anonymous

Anyone spoken to a Dr. Christopher Walter? Supposedly an United Nations orthopedic surgeon in Iraq? Has a daughter and lives in NYC? Just started talking to him but like someone said it seems too good to be true.

Jun 01, 2020
Be aware of Dr Diego Silva scammer
by: Anonymous

He would first contact you on Instagram with an account like "Instagrammer". Would start chatting every day a little bit more. His wife died 4 years ago and he has 2 kids (6 and 10). He is from an hospital in Lisbon, Portugal. He is a doctor working in Syria. We would then ask (without making it a formal request) to help a family that needs help and because you like him, you would be blind and send him money (too bad for him, the account he gave was wrong...).

Then he would ask you to buy 100$ iTunes to be able to call him (while it works perfectly fine on WhatsApp). When asking for pictures: he would send you some very neutral voice message in Portuguese and some videos of him doing sport and then, like me, you would know a friend that can use internet and find out that the pictures he sent me were the one of a real person, Doctor Diego Silva and that a scammer is using his identity to trap some fragile ladies, in need of attention.

Be aware, watch out !

May 16, 2020
Thomas Mitchell - Houston TX
by: Anonymous

I received a friend request today from a Thomas Mitchell with the exact same story. I reported the profile to Facebook but could not find any other information about him. Obviously the picture he had was stolen.

New account and only 2 pictures, one of his Young "daughter" in a Swimsuit.

May 02, 2020
Beware of Chris Tunis Wells and Kennedy Owens Wells
by: Anonymous

I recently started to play words with friends when Chris Tunis Wells messaged me. He asked me how everything in my area was going with covid-19 and how I was dealing with it financially. I immediately thought that was odd, because no one had ever messaged me before besides my close friends or relatives. He would ask me random questions and when I would ask him the same question back he would never answer me.

Red flag. He told me he was a soldier on a special recovery mission in Afghanistan. Whenever he would message me I would look up the time where he was supposedly at, and it would always be at hours when he should have been sleeping. When the game ended he said he wanted to keep communicating with me on Hangouts. I lied to him and told him I didn't have access to my email. He gave me his email and practically begged me to download the app.

He asked me for my email three times within 5 minutes. I looked him up through Facebook and found that the real Chris had been hacked and not to fall for any scams, he said he was still married and not on any social dating apps or games. I even went to his wife's page and she had the same post. I went back on words with Friends and blocked him and reported the page as an impersonation.

Not even 10 minutes later Kennedy Owens Wells decides to play a game with me and instantly he messages me. I blocked him immediately and reported him.

Ladies please don't fall for any scams and never give your email out to anyone you don't know, it's basically an invitation to get scammed.

May 01, 2020
In addition to "Dexter Hansen-Gemologist"
by: Anonymous

If I did not add previous information he goes by Dexter Hansen on Instagram @Dexhansmiles
Email dexterhansen710@gmail, he may give on hangouts

His number is+90 533 832 3145. Also later that day after blocking him from IG he trolls me and sends me an email. Saying have a good life. I responded I reported him to all authorities then he tried to troll and degrade me. "whatever", just a heads up!

Apr 30, 2020
Stefan Murphy
by: Anonymous

Anyone contacted by a person named Stefan Murphy?
I was writing on tinder, he wrote and sounds charming but after he placed a response of his wife being dead in a car accident the whole conversation got wiped. And he was a UN doctor in Yemen ready to retire to go back to Houston

Apr 30, 2020
Dexter Hansen Gemologist
by: Anonymous

He slipped in my DM Instagram about a week ago. Very nice, and complimented me. He apologized for approaching me, but said he was scrolling and saw my profile. He was impressed and had to reach-out. He asked if I was married. I immediately thanked him for the compliment, but was very curt and blew him off, saying I have zero time for games. He was agreeable through the process.

He reached again the next day to say hello and how was my day. I was short, and told him I'm not interested, I don't do penpals, and I don't need more friends. So he tried on the third day and explained himself and asked if we could talk to get to know each other a bit better. He only has good intentions. Since he kept coming back, and I have run into critters with the obvious BS I said ok, that's fair we can start with a conversation.

He was very polite, and kept his respectable space. We were messaging for the first couple days. I told him I don't do messaging, let talk. He resisted by saying he wasn't comfortable as yet, and suggested we go on Hangouts because he is in N.Cyprus on a contract and he speaks to his 24 year old daughter in Med school in Canada.

He did share a lot, anything I asked he was immediately forth coming. We had great conversations,and I continued to tell him I am extremely cautious, and careful of who I let in my personal space. He adamantly agreed. I resisted switching to hangouts, but I asked my kids was it ok, they said yes. So I finally got on Hangout. I saw that it was still a messaging options for phone and facetime.

Yesterday morning I asked him to send me a quick selfie, because I wanted to see who I was talking to, and laughed about avoiding catfishing. He immediately sent me a selfie. I was shocked the selfie was so perfect, he sent it immediately then a call came in from Turkey a minute later. I said wow, ok! He may be legit, and he is passing the litmus tests.

Its the same number that was in his contact on Instagram. Ok, he called, but why cant we continue talking daily on the phone. I am always suspect of these damn men. My kids told me to be nice, so I was trying to chill. We connected later that evening. He wrote this long message about he is retiring after this project, hes divorced 4 years ago. His daughter is grown, and he has worked extremely hard all his life and he is looking for balance, and to check off his bucket list, with a great lifetime companion.

He said that's why he reached out and messaged me because I was initially attractive, but when he looked through my page he was impressed with my character. He was constantly very attentive and asked me if he could send flowers to start and cement our friendship and start on working on a relationship.

I said that was cool, he never asked me for anything. He would check in about 2-3 times a day asking about my day and telling about his. It seemed for the most part legit!

BUT he was sooooo Fine! I asked why me out of all of the millions of women. He said I caught his eye. So I think with these scams, they are very sophisticated now. I was probably his project or file. I did my research, I googled him, his residence in NY(SOHO). I did also do a internal phone and photo check, but nothing suspicious came up. I had hoped I was wrong. I checked his Instagram, he had more followers than folks he was following. I even reached to someone that was following him to act like I was inquiring about if they had done business with him. They said no, but knew of him, not personally.

So there were no overt signs. I google everything and checked all social media. A couple of days after we started talking he stopped following a couple of women on his page. I was the only woman he was following. Everything seemed like a deserved dream come true, but the woman gut, just did not sit right.

"Why are we talking on the phone, if he is sending followers and he is still out of the country!" He said he found a florist online that would send me flowers. Some other red flags were that he would reach out specific times of the day or night, but we would be in the middle of a conversation and he would go MIA for a couple of hours. He would send a message saying sorry I fell asleep, I am so worn out after a day of work.

But then I questioned his timing because initially he said he walks and meditates about 4am before going into work. He said was a overseas director for some Mines in N. Cyprus. He said earlier that day he was coming from work to the hotel and would lay down and sleep. Sounded all fine. When I did question a couple of things he would try to spin it, and say I need to understand the time difference and he cant call me every hour of the day!

AhhhhKay!, I'm not 20 anymore, and have been played by enough narcissists to know the reverse Psychology game. So today I flat told him I don't do penpal as I originally said and we both agreed, and what is the issue with talking or face timing, that when he tries to divert and says I can't call you every hour of the day.

I told him the internet is flooded with Date Scammers, and I hope I am wrong. I have not heard back!

UNFN-BELIVEABLE! I'm glad I do not waiver from my core values, and not get sucked in by a mans BS! I have blocked and reported his page to Instagram. I also thought it was odd that as a professional, he did not have a Linkedin, and for his age, 60, he was not on Facebook.

Thats how my week went! #self-worth

Apr 28, 2020
Mario Dominic
by: Anonymous

Yes it’s a scam. The typical story, UN Doctor, widow, child in boarding school. Wants to talk on hangouts.

Block and delete him. He’ll be some young Nigeria boy.

Apr 28, 2020
John maur
by: Anonymous

John maur, met on tinder. Says he is a gemologist but he is a Scammer!!

Apr 28, 2020
Mario Dominic
by: Anonymous

This guy hooked up with me on FB then he said if we could use Hangout app. He asked me for my email address. His name is Mario Dominic living in Oakland California as a surgeon working for the UN.
He said he is Italian born American. He said he went to Harvard university widow and 56 years old

Help is he a scam

Apr 28, 2020
Guy on Scrabble Go
by: Anonymous

I accepted a request to play with someone calling himself Chandler Ethan on Scrabble Go. His photo right away raised a red flag with me. Sure enough, he started trying to chat with me. I wrote him that my name is Lois Lane and I live in Gotham, New York (Superman's girlfriend and a reporter).

He didn't say anything about that, which told me he probably wasn't an American, though he said he lived in Miami, Florida. He asked me how the weather was "over there." Why would they say "over there?" I've had two guys (both scammers) ask the same thing, though they claimed to be in the US. Sounds like they were actually overseas! "Chandler" claimed he was on an oil rig "with his men 4,000 miles in the north sea of the Gulf of the Mexico."

The Gulf of Mexico is less than 2,000 miles in length and less than 1,000 in width, so that didn't ring true. Maybe he got the North Sea mixed up with the Gulf of Mexico? Anyway, the oil rig story was a dead giveaway of a scammer, as so many of them say they are on an oil rig if they aren't an "orthopedic surgeon" or an "engineer." His English was poor, too.

I deleted him after only a few chats. You can almost tell by the photos of themselves they post that they are probably a scammer--usually a photo of someone very good looking (and stolen from someone else's profile).

Don't fall for their lies, ladies! They usually start almost right away with questions like: "How are you today? What's your name? Are you married (or single)? Where are you playing from? Do you have kids? I just want to make friends. I hope you don't mind."

The real players on Scrabble or Words With Friends don't ask you these questions right away, and usually never!

Be aware and keep your radar up, ladies.

Peace to you all.

Apr 28, 2020
Morris scammer on Tinder
by: Anonymous

Scammer on UK Tinder, used name Morris, surgeon works in Turkey.

His number: 1 (701) 566-5165

Apr 25, 2020
Cyrus scam
by: Anonymous

George Russell has just contacted me today on Twitter, says he is an orthopedic surgeon working for the UN in Nicosia, Cyprus.

I know he is a scammer and have no intention of falling for his 'charm' and will delete him tonight

Apr 25, 2020
Romance Scam Dr with UN Iraq
by: Anonymous

I have been contacted by someone on Twitter named Dr William Navarro. He says he is 59 years old, an Orthopedic Plastic Surgeon with home in at least 3 states in the US. He allegedly has a 15 year old son, Alvin who allegedly attends boarding school in Texas.

This person followed me on Twitter & soon suggested that we move the chat to Google Hangouts.

Almost immediately he began to ask for gift cards and soon money. I am ashamed to admit that I did send cards and some money. My bank finally contacted me about a transaction as being a scam and I was mortified.

I dug a bit deeper and found two Twitter accounts with the same name and a YouTube account. I am ashamed and humiliated that an educated woman such as myself fell for this scam.

Please Please Please do not do as I have done. I would like to know if there are others who have been contacted by Dr William Navarro.

Apr 20, 2020
To: want to know if my mom is being scammed
by: Anonymous

Yes your mom is being scammed. I have had that guy contact me in the past. I ended up losing money before I realized he was a scammer.

Tell you mom to cut all communications with him
and run!

Apr 20, 2020
Want to know if my mom is being scammed
by: Anonymous

Hi there, my mom is talking to a guy named stephen thiago who says he’s a surgeon with the UN in Yemen and just want to know if anyone has heard of him or anything. She seems pretty convinced he’s real but i just want to make sure. He says he’s a widow and has a 15 yr old son in boarding school in Italy

Apr 17, 2020
Doctor scammer
by: Anonymous

Name: Brian Hilton from USA, psychotherapist approx 46 years old, handsome man. Stated he was on a secret mission right around the time air traffic ceased due to covid 19. All his pictures look model like or he’s in a lab coat like a doctor. He asked to move to hangouts and started calling me baby and I love you blah blah.

Stated he was hacked on Facebook. His profile of Brian Hilton is gone from Facebook but he has an Instagram account still. His picture can also be found inactive profile on Facebook under Augustine Connal an orthopaedic for UN from Germany living in Washington.

Brian has asked for cards and money but when I said no I am poor and lost my job to covid he wanted my credit card info or banking info so he could send me money. Went on to say he loves me etc.

He’s been deleted and blocked so beware of this handsome man.

Stay safe

Apr 16, 2020
by: Anonymous

Powell Sara Smith has a lot of pics from facebook
and im still looking for more info

Apr 15, 2020
Scam Artist Dr. Somalia with son
by: Anonymous

I was talking to a man from Somalia and said that he is a doctor. He said that he has a 9 year old son at a boarding school in Italy. He was really pushy about me being his wife after only knowing him for 5 days. He would always say "Dear" and "What are you doing now".

Apr 14, 2020
andreawalker4455 in Instagram
by: Anonymous

Hello! Beware also of an andreawalker4455 in Instagram. And also this phone number: +1-210-806-3961. We were chatting there and in Whatsapp till he disappeared, after I made a joke about being "clingy".

Sent him photos of me and my husband and my parents. I also noticed that he was following all the people in my followers' list. I should have been more careful.

Also, he poses as working as a contracted orthopedic surgeon for the UN's military in Somalia, have widowed 4 years ago. And his parents died when he was young, has a 14 year's old son that doesn't live with him, calls you "dear". And is always asking "what are you doing right now?".

Apr 11, 2020
DR Michael Robin. Orthopedic and plastic surgeon who works in warzone syria
by: Anonymous

I was scammed by this name. I have just realised that this scammer asked me for money starting at $850, $2650 and the last was $5000. What can I do to report this person.

Apr 06, 2020
Instagram message scam
by: Anonymous

Dr Austin Brown profile barely has a thing and says he’s an orthopedic surgeon working In Afghanistan. Calls you "dearie" right off the bat. Tells you he has a 12 year old son in boarding school that the UN takes care of.

I let him message me a few times because I knew it was a scam as my profile is fairly new too. His profile looks odd and he asks to start talking on "hangout".

No thank you - block and delete. Don’t trust these liars ladies - please if they can’t even spell their occupation correctly and use full sentences they are not lonely surgeons looking for companionship in a far away county.

Trust your gut and love yourself!

Apr 04, 2020
John Scott
by: Anonymous

This guy private messaged me on ig. I started to chat. The next day he wants a relationship. Ok buddy you're a Plastic surgeon working for NATO organization? Ok oh and he's recently divorced with a kid IN BOARDING SCHOOL and calls me baby and queen and was laying it on soooooo thick.

I google search this so called surgeon and big surprise, nothing! His grammar did not match his background. Oh and i forgot to mention he was FINE!!!

Anyway he begged me to use WhatsApp. I did, then thats when I realized he was full of BS.

Apr 03, 2020
British Plastic Surgeon in Yemen
by: AngryFrog

OK Ladies, I am the latest victim of an online romance scam, and thankfully managed to save my skin in the nick of time. I was contacted on LinkedIn by a man going by the name of Dr. Lucas Fischer, currently doing volunteer work in Yemen for International Medical Corps.

He is passing himself off as a widower with a 12-year old son in boarding school in London and a mother in a home for the elderly. He has stolen the images and identity of Dr. Jason Diamond, the REAL and verified Dr. Diamond in Los Angeles, CA. But I only discovered this a couple of weeks later.

He has also been flagged on other sites under the name Franklin Göbel, passing himself off as being of German descent but born and raised in the UK.


Mar 30, 2020
For the comment on British Doctor in Syria BY.HJ
by: Anonymous

You can report him to twitter or you can also report him to the FBI at this is so disgusting that these men are still claiming to be doctors working in a war zone. I had one tell me he was working in Syria only to find out he was actually in Ghana and one more thing check the United Nation list of doctors to see if his name is on there which I bet it is not so stay safe.

Mar 30, 2020
British Doctor in Syria
by: HJ

I was just "friended" by a Dr. Stephen Welsh on Twitter. He then private messaged me and since I've worked as a medic in war and conflict zones, I was interested in his work. He however started asking me about my private life and wanted a photograph from me.

His conversation was curt and short. As soon as he realized that I had no interest in a personal relationship, he quickly posted: "thank you, speaks later"

The bad English and quality of interaction shows me that this is a scam.

How does one report someone like this?

Mar 27, 2020
by: Anonymous

Yup, recently got one, Frank Meyer, UN ortho surgeon. Stated he loves me after a few chats. Finally, I turned on him and shocked the hell out of him by asking him questions an ortho surgeons would know right off the bat. His lame excuse was he is with the general and will have to get back to me. Of all the free time he had to text, that time he was with the general. Loser. Delete & Block!

No one in their right mind can fall head over heels for someone without actually meeting them in person, please be cautious.

Mar 25, 2020
Regarding UN Romancer
by: Anonymous

Hi. Regarding the UN romancer comment. You said "you were going along with this" even though you suspect he’s a scammer. By doing this you are helping him to improve his English and knowledge, therefore giving him the ability to scam someone who maybe less suspecting.

These scammers are criminals and to do what they do to people must have some mental health issues too.

This can be dangerous, please be careful

Mar 24, 2020
UN romancer
by: Anonymous

Hi everyone. I am chatting to a guy in hangout and his name is Sebastian Dennis who is working for the UN war zone in Yemen and yes you guessed right an orthopaedic surgeon treating so many a day and so tired and weary and no access to money as the UN won’t allow them any.

Bless him anyway yes he’s asked for some money, and given me an e- mail address for his English uni boys where they are being taught at, and the head of the schools name but yeah as you guessed this is another e - mail that goes direct to him and also gives confirmation he is genuine hahahha yeah right. And he also gives some sob Story about his wife dying and another ex conned him of his money, but he’s loaded. He retires at the end of this 10 month period in Yemen.

Yes BEWARE I am going along with all this at the moment and I’m just having a little fun but eventually I will get bored lol.

Ladies don’t be so naive. That’s how they reel you all in. They find it so easy and prey on the naive. NO ONE ever told me if doing love would be that easy !!!!!!!especially tall, dark, handsome and rich.

Mar 24, 2020
Louis Rogers, Shuhal.
by: Anonymous

New name. Profile picture on FB is Shuhal Ram (something) Message he sent said, surgeon, in Syria etc, name he gave was Louis Rogers.

Mar 23, 2020
Alvin Lorenzo
by: Anonymous

I met Doctor Alvin Lorenzo on POF. He isn't registered on the medical boards. Widowed, has 10 yr old son. His name doesn't come up anywhere. I've looked on His profile is quite long. He is under Alvin_Lorenzo2020 for his handle. I can't post pic on here although I tried. He said he is from Waterville MN. ??? Oh, and he wants me to go to hangouts, but he's not on there either. At least not under Alvin Lorenzo.

ED: you can post pictures when you start a new submission [but not when you are adding a comment to an existing submission] - use the page below and you can see photos there and you can also post your own story and photos there:

Mar 21, 2020
Just reponding to some of the Comments
by: Anonymous

I've been off this site for a while but I see the same thing is still going on with men claiming to be doctors working in war zones. His wife died, has a child in boarding school, needs money or itune cards etc. Ladies I've been through this and what ever you do please research these men as they are truly not who they say they are.

Go to the United Nations list of doctors to check to see if their names are on the list. Do reverse images to see if the photos they send are stolen and what ever you do, do not send them anything or give out any of your information and if you have been scammed report these men to FBI's Internet Crime Complaint Center at

So with that said stay safe and be smart and just so you know Hangouts is a scammer site take care of yourself.

Mar 20, 2020
Am I being scammed post 20/03/20
by: Anonymous

Yes!! It’s a typical scammer. Please don’t waste your time on this person who is probably a very young Nigerian boy. Delete and block this loser as you’re worth more than this.

I’ve been there.

Mar 20, 2020
Am I being scammed
by: Anonymous

I met this man saying his name is Anthony and he is a orthopedic surgeon with the UN and has a 14 yr old son. His wife died in a car accident and he hasn't asked for money yet.

I need to know if anyone else out there has been chatting with him.

His email

He also states he lives in Dallas and will be back in the states at the end of May. I met him on the dating site POF, can anyone help?

I am chatting with him on Google Hangout.

Mar 19, 2020
He’s pretending to be UN Doctor
by: Anonymous

I just been scammed myself. It’s so shady how a Doctor would ask you for money due to certain circumstances.

Be careful out there ladies. He’ll send me pics of himself wearing scrubs.

Mar 18, 2020
by: Anonymous

Introduced himself as Dr. Kenneth as a surgeon at a nato organization in Damascus, Syria to help UN staff for medical check ups and treatments. Has a loving 13yr old son of which he sent a photo without me asking. Asked for a photo of mine, I sent one with the face mask lol Covid-19 crisis.

He started saying interested in making friends. He kept talking about what he likes to do and he asked me for my favorite food, music, hobbies. I checked his profile on Instagram and found that he just recently added photos to his profile 3 days ago so relatively new. Photos with scrubs and all. He even asked for my Whatsapp.

Everything so fast. I went with it after realizing it’s suspicious and i just blocked him immediately.

Mar 11, 2020
Roland Gorge
by: Anonymous

Born in Miami FL. Grew up in Italy. Moved back to Miami. Claims he's a General Surgeon for the UN in Yeman for last yr and a half.

Anyone here heard of him?? He does not have my phone#. Contacts me thru "Hangouts" app. Hasn't ask for money yet.

Mar 11, 2020
They are always a dr
by: Anonymous

Got followed on twitter then private msg me to say he loved my profile lol. I havnt got one and then told me I was so beautiful and asked me to go on hangout. I did for a day to tell him gotcha and he picked the wrong one. I'm a lawyer. His name is stefan davies, wife died of breast cancer of course, left with a daughter, and is an orthopaedic surgeon working in Afghanistan with the US but no they dont have any Dr working there.

He should have checked lol

Mar 04, 2020
Proud doctor Andrew
by: Anonymous

This is a scam. Do not send him money or cards. Have your mother do a reverse photo image on Socialcatfish websites. I have found many scammers doing this. They use other people’s images. They use the words angel, baby, honey, queen a lot. Ask you what you’ve had to eat.


Mar 04, 2020
Proud Dr. (Andrew?)
by: Anonymous

Unfortunately she’s being scammed and will be asked for cash.
#1 - Conduct a google reverse image of his photo
#2 - Review all the scammers they have busted
#3 - Share "Andrew’s" profile with them
#4 - They will have it taken down

Your mother should not share and personal details, photos etc. Above all, she should not accept or send him money. He’s a Nigerian scammer. CBS this morning did a story on Romance Scammers. Try to pull it and show to your mother.

Good luck!

Mar 03, 2020
Proud doctor (Andrew?)
by: Anonymous

Hello guys. I believe my mother is getting scammed big time. Have any of you heard of the name proud doctor named Andrew he claims he’s from Syria, his wife died and claims to have a son and is "in love" with my mom and talking about marriage after a week and sending her flowers and songs.

What do I do

Mar 01, 2020
LinkedIn scammer Douglas David
by: Anonymous

Sharing - I received a connection request on Linked In from that guy who was supposed to be an Ortho surgeon with the UN. I accepted it as I am a RN and interested in working with the UN. He messaged me a very religious sounding message ( I’m a pastor too so he must have reviewed my page).

When I asked him why he wants to connect as we don’t have mutual friends/colleagues he said " I got my own job. I just wanna make friend "

Sir not today. I google and then found this page and knew my suspicions were right, Douglas is a scammer. Messaged him back and let him know that I did some searching and that he is a scammer.

I am reporting his profile.

Be safe ladies.

Feb 27, 2020
Matt Connor Watson Brooks
by: Anonymous

I was contacted by two orthopaedic surgeons working in Aleppo Syria for the UN. Both posted pics of themselves in scrubs and in hospitals. Pics were probably genuine people who have no idea their pics have been misused.

I actually accused one of them of being a Nigerian Pirate. Saw through it.

Be careful out there.

Feb 27, 2020
I have checked scammers before
by: Ak

Hello ladies. This shameful misuse of US military credentials against good women is horrible. I hate that they tarnish the reputations of the good soldiers I have served.

It is not impossible that you meet a soldier in Iraq. It does happen, but very rarely. Every case I have researched for women on the internet has proven to be 100% false.

Almost all are poorly written profiles. We do not have soldiers stationed in places like China. and if the man claims to be a general, it is like being a city commissioner - they have a public profile you can verify online. If you don't find one, he isn't a real general.

Feb 26, 2020
Riordan Francis
by: Anonymous

Claims to be an orthopedic surgeon with the UN. Scammer!

Feb 24, 2020
by: Anonymous


Feb 24, 2020
Orthopedic Surgeon in Yemen
by: Anonymous

Haha, I was also lured in by an orthopedic surgeon in Yemen that I met on OKC. He is now going by the name "Peter" or "Piotr Heller". He wanted my Skype name right away, so I gave him a throwaway. Once on Skype he asked me for pictures. Said he was from Great Britain, had a daughter there in boarding school, and was currently deployed in Yemen "saving lives". Looking for a new life partner. Oh my bleeding heart.

Feb 21, 2020
Michael Dixon
by: Anonymous

Anyone talking to a guy named Michael Dixon. Claims he is from Italy but lives in the US. Is a contractor and travels a lot. No wife. No real family.

Not asking for money or anything more than chat but some red flags still arise

Feb 20, 2020
Mark joseph, John Andy Rocha
by: Anonymous

Do not respond to them. Both are scammers. Mark Joseph hacked into fb and messenger and trying to get money out of my friends cause I refused. Both very very smooth. Also pay attention to how they say and word things. Definitely not American way of saying things. BEWARE TOTALLY

Feb 20, 2020
Michael schneider
by: Anonymous

Has anyone heard of a michael Schneider from New York. He's 53. Divorced after his daughter died in a car crash. Is a contractor. Contacted me via linkedin

Feb 20, 2020
Been down this road with my sister
by: Anonymous

2 yrs ago this guy messaged my sister on Facebook and his name was Jean Lauwens. He supposedly was a general in the US. He told her all the same stories I am reading here. He called her his Queen and said he was a American doctor working for the UN stuck in Afghanistan. His son in school in England.

Needed money to get his money out of bank so he could come home and the list goes on. Please all of you Ladies or men please don’t fall for their bull crap as they are all scammers from Nigeria. You will lose your money and they will tell you so many lies.

Please be smart use head and whatever you do, do not give them any of your personal information like email, home addresses, cell number, bank information as you will be sorry if you do.

Feb 18, 2020
Ask Hard Questions
by: Anonymous

Ask these people hard questions, such as 'what does a knee replacement involve, how soon can you begin to walk? How do you fix a femur fracture?' It will throw them off and they'll change the subject.

Been in surgery 30 yrs and that is what gives them away....they stupid! 😜😜

Feb 18, 2020
Stop Communication
by: Anonymous

Please stop communicating with these people who seem 'dreamy' and too good to be true. In California a few months ago, they busted a ring of 10 nigerian men doing this. Don't get caught up in it, who knows if the police come knocking on your door.

Stay safe everyone. If it's too good to be true, it probably is!!

Feb 18, 2020
Michael Dimitrov
by: Anonymous

I’ve just reported him on Instagram so his account can be taken down. Hopefully this will prevent anyone being scammed. Follow truth seekers Europe on Instagram. This account identifies scammers and fake accounts.

There’s so many out there. Be careful, they are all using stolen identities and are usually Nigerian men.

Feb 18, 2020
UN Pediatrician - Michael Dimitrov
by: Anonymous

Short and sweet -

- Dr. Michael Caelius Dimitrov
- Supposedly UN pediatrician stationed in Yemen
- Supposedly was going to return to Madison, WI on 2/28/20
- Met on Tinder
- What's App number - 1 (857) 228-8075
- German Shepherd dog named Timber, which is his profile image
- Instagram account - michaeldimitrov.77

It never got to the point where he asked me for money, but he definitely is not who he says he is. I cut it off when I realized he was scamming me.

Feb 16, 2020
by: Anonymous


And UN ALERT is here:

There are no UN doctors either working at the moment in Afghanistan. They are all Nigerian and other scammers!

Feb 16, 2020
Scott williames dr orthopedic surgeon for UN Syiria
by: Anonymous

1 month ago this man asked me from pin interest to be friend and then I approved, the way he talked is so nice and romantic. He make some promises but I ignored that and he asked me to talk in hangouts which I never used that before so he intensified to call me, and chat also.

His son was in boarding school in California and his name was Jerry, 14 yrs and on 12 Feb was birthday and this man starting asking for money for his present and he wanted to buy him an apple laptop that cost $ 2500.

I said sorry I can’t give you and then he beg me just give $1000 only for his present and this was stupid of me so I gave to his sons teachers but I felt suspicious when I sent to the person he gave me as they were not in California nevertheless in my country so I start thinking this is scam and after 1 week he asked me for money again to get a vacation certificate which cost $7500.

I said sorry then I deleted my hangout so please be careful with this guy. He sent me some of his pictures and he’s a quite good looking but that’ll fake so be careful

Feb 14, 2020
Same story
by: Anonymous

Has anybody been contacted by a Stanley Hayden?

He claimed to be 53 years old and that he was an orthopedic doctor working for the UN in Afghanistan, that he lost his wife and daughter in a car accident. It sounded too good to be true but I gave him a chance for some chats. He also posted some pictures and recently erased his account.

Feb 11, 2020
randomname1964/Donald Gomez
by: Anonymous

Is now 11.2.20202 on site by name Randomname 1964 but says he's Donald Gomez. UN orthopedic surgeon in Yemen, widower, Spanish wife died of cancer, been alone for 5yrs has trust issues since one of his girlfriends cheated on him with his best friend, no friends and relatives and dead parents, 2 kids in boarding school in Montreal/Canada.

Ready to relocate and loves me and wants to be my spouse already after a few emails. Same pics as in several scam sites, the outfit, the dog and one with his 2 daughters. Hasn't started asking for money yet but sure he will.

Let's see what kind of story they have for me in store..LOL.

But really ladies, no doc would ever need money..

Feb 06, 2020
Be aware
by: Anonymous

Has any one been contacted by an Edward Carson engineer

Feb 01, 2020
For the Post on Jan 22 For Bryan Eriksen
by: Anonymous

This man is lying to you and he is not in a war zone in Yemen he could be anywhere. He is a scammer that's what they do and they lie to get money from you for itunes cards etc. You need to stop all communications with this man as the United Nations is not going to send you any phones for kids in a orphanage or anything else for that matter.

Here is a link that I think you should check out it's called United Nations Fraud Alert page go to as they have a lot of information on that page about scammers and never ever send any money to know one you don't know so I really hope this help you.

If it's too good to be true then it is and you can also do a background check on this person as well as a google reverse image if you have a photo of him and it will show other information you may not have on this guy and as always stay safe and aware of these men.

Jan 31, 2020
Beware of double names
by: Anonymous





Jan 31, 2020
Orthopedic Surgeon for NATO -
by: Anonymous

Why do these scammers think we women will not perform a check prior to it becoming serious. A few key callouts on how to check if the person impersonating the online dating man is a scammer:

1. Use Google's reverse image. Trust me it will tell you immediately if the guy is a scammer

2. When his profile does not add up. He says he is Malayam but has images of a European man in his profile

3. He says he cannot call you or FaceTime you. Always FaceTime ladies. If he can't thats immediately dodgy

4. He is too good to be true. He represents himself as someone who has gone through immense loss and suffering and is always present whenever you need him

5. He plays it safe by calling you generic names such as Baby, Sweetheart etc

Jan 28, 2020
David Edwards
by: Anonymous

Has anybody had contact with this man? Email is

Jan 28, 2020
Philippe Nazet Scam
by: Anais

I got scammed by Philippe Nazet. A dating scam. He stole money of my friend Shore

Jan 25, 2020
A scammer with never ending problems.Cont.
by: Anonymous

He was looking for partners on
Was very quick to start a relationship and promised to come and see me but never came and lost his bags when travelling, daughter met with an accident and had to go for a brain operation, mother was diagnosed with breast cancer and the list goes on.

He was on Skype, Whats app Viber and Imo but claims he lost his phone and lost all the contact details.

His email address is

Jan 24, 2020
A scammer with never ending problems.
by: Anonymous

Has anyone been communicating with a person named George John Williams? He says he is an Engineer working on contracts in different countries? Told me he worked for Exon mobil but lost his job. He is a widow with two children who are with his mom in the UK.

Jan 22, 2020
by: Anonymous


He wants the UN to send me phones for kids in an orphanage and for me when I get them to send them to the address he will send me. I am almost afraid to do this.

What do you all think. I want to get rid of him because I know that he is probably a scammer but I am so in love with him that I blocked him and then I unblocked him.

Please pray that I cannot keep talking to him so does any one know this man

Jan 21, 2020
Bram Lucas Scott
by: Anonymous

I have been chatting with Bram Lucas Scott since August last year, before I was aware of Scammers. He says he is a 4 star general in the Royal Dutch Army and is located in Afghanistan on a peace mission with the UN. He is very sweet and caring and says all the right things. Says he has a 15 year old son who is living in Florida. Bram says he is from Amsterdam and does speak Dutch.

However, he has used phrases that other scammers use (I am now fully aware of the scammers) and is asking for money to get home to his son and here to me. I have been investigating online and this is the first site I have found anything on him. I am so grateful because I was actually considering sending him the funds...not now!!

I am building 'my case' up on him so if anyone has anything to add, please let me know. I am playing along with his little scheme for now and then I will drop the bomb on him!!!

Thank you!!

Jan 19, 2020
Scammers blackballed me
by: Anonymous

I have been on hangouts and messenger leading them on. Just got another friend request and suddenly I was deactivated. I Think they figured me out. Too bad cause it was kind of fun on my part.

Ladies beware if they do not use your name but queen is used often. Just BEWARE they eventually ask for card of Itunes and others.


Jan 16, 2020
Thank goodness for this site!!!
by: Anonymous

I had been chatting with Bram Lucas Scott. He seemed very nice and initially accepted the fact that I didn’t want to communicate with him on Hangouts or What’sApp. I tried to do some research on him and a twitter picture of what I thought was his little boy and dog. That was posted in 2018. So I thought it was probably legit.

Thank goodness I found his name on this site!!!! Thank you. By the way WWF seems more like a dating site with all these men asking a lot of questions. I wanted to go on Words with Friends to sharpen my mind.

I actually have sharpened my detective skills instead!!!

Jan 15, 2020
Very upset
by: Anonymous

I recently ended up involved with a man I met through the Twoo website. He goes by the name of Gath Davis. Says he is a Orthopedic fellow of the United Nations and is stationed in Saudi Arabia. Similar to some of the comments here, he has asked me for cards and said he could not get them where he is stationed.

Recently asked me to help him to request a vacation so he could see me. He is very savvy at making you think he is a wonderful person who finally found the love of his life. This is a very long story that it’s like a soap opera. It has been almost impossible to find information on this individual. Now I know why.

They don’t use their real name and everything is a lie.

Dec 29, 2019
by: Anonymous

Hi! Just want to tell you that there is a website There is information about dating scams / scammers and you can also ask questions. Hope this will be helpful.

Dec 29, 2019
Filip Wilhem
by: Anonymous

He’s a fraud! He’s not a Dr. nor does he have a kid in Boarding School. Ever wonder why they’re always doctors or engineers, widowed with a kid at boarding school?

He’s a Nigerian scammer working in groups to scam women.

Don’t fall for it. He’s one of the worst out there!

Dec 29, 2019
Re-Following me on Instagram
by: Anonymous

The same Dr. working in Syria, widowed with a child in boarding school tried me again. This time it was the same group of pictures but a different name. This time, I wrote a scathing response and he had the gall to ask again to follow me on Insta! LOL!

Dec 28, 2019
Mitch Matthews
by: Anonymous

I have never heard of Big Dream Gathering but found this site, the University of Denver that refers Mitch Matthews.

Dec 28, 2019
Mark Davis
by: Anonymous

This name I do not know, but his picture looks like from one that he almost had me grrr. I am wondering if he is starting up again (NOT with me) Mark Davis

Dec 25, 2019
Filip Wilhelm
by: Anonymous

A man called Filip Wilhelm had been chatting with me for some time now. Works as an orthopedic surgeon in Aleppo Syria. Half Swedish half dutch. Lives in England and has a 14 year old son.

Does anybody has some info about this man?

It just doesn't t feel right.

Dec 20, 2019
Orthopedic surgeon
by: Anonymous

Hi! Has anyone seen photos of Mitch Matthews from Big Dream Gathering company, using by scammer? Is that a real company in USA? My surgeon says he is working for UN on Mediterranean Sea, rescuing illegal migrants.

Any experiences? Thank you.

Dec 20, 2019
Anyone know Andy Rocha.
by: Anonymous

I think he is trying to scam me. Has a son Frank. Wife died. Parents dead. Very strong and hard to understand. Supposedly now living in Columbus Ohio. Too good to be true. Buys jewelry in Dubai.

Dec 17, 2019
by: Anonymous

If you are communicating with an individual whose postal address is:
1 The Oaks
Clontarf Road
Dublin 3
Republic of Ireland

then you have been defrauded and your personal information is abused. The perpetrator had joined the vegetarian site in early 2000s, that accords with the time when the multiple staff at his workplace, Aer Lingus, had started human trafficking by means of their workplace resources such as uniforms and vehicles. That individual has also have strong connections in Guatemala, in which exports huge amount of illegal immigrants to North America and Europe.

Dec 09, 2019
His name is Frank Wiliam now
by: Haley

Same scammer name is now under Frank Inn Wiliam on Instagram and uses a very handsome doctor picture. Have had all the same bollocks, wife and child dead, moved to Syria to do humanitarian work, will not leave me alone and messages me around 10 times a day on hangouts professing his love for me , blah blah blah

Dec 08, 2019
Very so much scamming
by: Anonymous

Dear to all it may be concerned, I had been contacted by many men through and Tinder, then also on face book. Started on these sites and they wanted to move to hangouts.

All these men after weeks and months of contact ended up asking me for money. Itune cards, and I phones, and had a so called service Army man who wanted me to set up an banking account and so he could receive a kinship payment because his grandson wasn't 18 and couldn't receive. He was very persistent and sent me an account number with last 4 account to open it to show he had money in the account.

I have refused to send anything or set up anything. I wish I would have kept their names and photos. One of them said he was Dr. Roman Davis and spoke with him for a year, he finally asked for money and iTunes card. He was suppose to be in Yemen and a neurosurgeon and had called me several times. I asked for proof who he was but said he couldn't do that because he worked and set on the board of Drs. without boarders.

My step son had signed me up for dating sites and warned me to not ever send anything. A lot of I love You and spend the rest of your life with you, and a lot of them say they are engineers and travel the world for contracts then suddenly there is an emergency and they need something from you. I had kept pictures and profile and comments but my son told me to delete and don't talk with them again. I had wanted to send photos and their comments to Aarp because they had a report on scamming but I had already deleted all the information.

I had at least all but two people off the dating sites that contacted me was scamming, and I tried to get info so I could share to put a stop to it. So everyone on the dating sites at least 7 or more. I had gotten a new phone and just deleted all the so called phone numbers, had one contact me through facebook said he was Chris Morris from Springboat, Colorado. he Was in jelwery, but had typed for a while then lost contact and he said his account was hacked, then heard from him again but I could tell by the wording I wasn't typing with the same person.

The picture he sent was not the one on the website he sent me then he suddenly was robbed in Africa and he needed my help because banks closed or froze his account, but I told him to contact your business and had have them send you what you are asking for. I ask each one of these men to send me proof of who you are. Not one would send proof. There was a Larry Ortiz also from Fl. who went overseas but didn't allow enough money for shipping equipment to Africa so they charged him more than what he bid for but anyway he was on tinder site first then with the same picture as Larry but he was now claiming to be Harry Ortiz. All I can say was I was glad my step son warned me ahead of time about the scamming.

It is a very sad world, each one after they asked me for help I would ask them how they sleep at night and Id pray for them. I think dating sites should verify anyone who is signing up for these sites and some how be held accountable also, just my thoughts.

Nov 22, 2019
Scam Dang Silva Orthopedic Surgeon
by: Anonymous

Watch for the name Dang Silva. Another Orthopedic Surgeon with the UN. Is very good! Tried to trip up with medical terminology and he even knew the correct Bowl name for a College football game. Answered immediately.

He's very patient, of course there could be many different people. Needed money to pay for a huge amount of money kept by a private company. Wife dead kid in boarding school. I asked how he paid for school? Since he had no money or credit card. No phone, was in Kabul.

Then needed 3,800.00 wired to a baby k in Texas. Couldn't find any person listed by the UN, no physician with that name! Met on WWF then said let's move to Hangouts.

Anyway he's still on Words and I have no way to let ladies know. Got mad when I said I don't have that kind of money. Watch out

Nov 20, 2019
Bram Lucas is Scamming on Words with Friends too
by: Anonymous

Warning to all fans of Words with Friends that this scam is being replicated in the game's chat. I've had a swarm of hit-ups from men who will initiate games with no intention of doing much more than trying to chat and (further) trying to move the chat to DM.

One of the most recent went by the name of Bram Lucas, but I'm sure this is only one of hundreds of aliases. I now know that I can mute the Words chat (which is helpful), but I fear there are women out there who will fall victim to these scams.

Nov 17, 2019
Kabul Scammer
by: Kimberly Sandoz

So please let me know and please i want this to be known. The scammer Dr Ryan Akex Franklin he is a huge Scam.

Nov 14, 2019
by: Anonymous

So glad that authorities are catching up to them!

Nov 14, 2019
by: Anonymous

10 of these scammers have been caught per CNN

Nov 12, 2019
Ryan William
by: Anonymous

Ryan William from Instagram says that he is a doctor from Texas and he isnt. He wants money for about 2500€-3500€ for first time. Kids about 12 year old? Every day when he writes first what he say is honey, I love you, you are my life.

Be very careful as he has 2 Instagram profiles of very beautiful young men!!!

So please be very careful.


Nov 04, 2019
Yahoo boy turned honest
by: Anonymous

I talked to a surgeon in Syria for a year and I knew he was a scammer. Always asked for money and always pledged his love for me. A widower with a son in California boarding school. I told him I was done playing his game and wouldn’t send money and didn’t want to play his game anymore. I disconnected myself from him on hangouts and didn’t answer my phone for two weeks.

Then he e mailed me and said he had a confession to make. So stupid me went back on hangouts and he told me he was a yahoo boy and he saw the light. He left to start a new life. He had two daughters and his girlfriend was with another yahoo boy. His sister took care of the girls and he couldn’t get work there because Nigeria is so poor. We started up another chat and he sent me pictures of him and his daughters. Then he started complaining about having no food and just a little card would save him blah blah.

It’s been two weeks now and I feel like a weight was lifted. There are so many signs that tell you he’s a scammer. Asking for money and bad grammar are two. Also crazy events like jail and the hospital always occurs. Also talking on hangouts or what’s app with the love and hearts and kisses. Always a widower or divorced from a-cheating wife and kids in boarding school. Usually a dr. or on an oil rig.

The sooner you dump them the better your life gets.

Nov 03, 2019
Orthopedic surgeon from Dublin, Ireland
by: Anonymous

Has anyone been contacted from Twitter by a Donald Hilton from Dublin, Ireland, an orthopedic surgeon? Says he has 2 kids, boy 17, girl 15. The boy goes to school in the United Kingdom. Donald is supposedly in Yemen for 2 yrs with the UN. Pretty sure it is a scam, but I have talked to this person just to feel out his conversation.

He wanted to pursue conversation on Hangouts, which I never use. But, I went along with it just to see what he had to say. Wife supposedly cheated on him, bankrupted his business etc. He is constantly trying to call me thru Hangouts or texting me.

When I unfollowed him on Twitter, he contacted me first, next thing I knew he unfollowed me. Then it showed up on Twitter he had 2 accounts, both of them the same.

Scam!! Going to have to delete everything.

Oct 25, 2019
James Chandler Orthopedic Surgeon
by: Anonymous

Got contacted in FB Messenger by James Chandler who said he was an orthopedic surgeon living in Miami, 2 kids, no wife. Went to check his FB page and had some pictures of himself including his kids, but all the pictures were uploaded the same day and time!

Did a reverse image lookup of one of these pictures using Google image search engine and the guy came out to be a European-born named Peter Hajdu. It seems someone is using this poor guy's pictures for scamming.

Anyway, I noticed he was a scammer because of his poor grammar, and that he asked me to go to Hangouts to continue our conversation. I never use Hangouts and after some quick research, it seems that it is full of scammers for some reason.

Needless to say, I cut off communications and blocked this jerk.

For all you single women out there, beware of virtual dating.

Oct 23, 2019
Dr. Roland Nelson
by: Anonymous

I was approached on a game chat to begin with. He then sent me a link to Hangout. I chatted with him for a couple of days. I told him I was a recent widow. He told me that his wife died 5 years ago and that he had a 14 year old son in a boarding school in England. He said that he was from Spain and lived in Florida. He told me that he was an Orthopedic Surgeon working for the UN in Syria.

He kept complimenting me which eventually made me uncomfortable. I did receive photos of him. I checked Facebook and the name is the same and one of the photos is the same. When Some of his words were misspelled, I began to wonder if it was a real doctor. Most doctors are pretty smart.

So, I quit chatting, deleted Hangout and blocked him on the game. I felt really stupid for thinking even for just a couple of days that he was real.

Oct 21, 2019
On Twitter
by: Anonymous

Has anyone ever been hit on or contacted by a Paul Hudson? He sought me out on Twitter, saying that he was captivated by my profile. He says he is a US military orthopedic surgeon and an officer, currently based in Yemen. From Atlanta, GA. He seems polite and dignified, amd has never asked for any money. I would never send anyone money, period. He asked me to chat with him on Hangouts.

I have asked him to send me his military email address, and an additional photo. His twitter accounts looks legitimate, and he has not joined terribly recently.

I await his reply about my requests. We have only started an acquaintance, so I have not put myself in any great risk. Nor will I do so. I have read that all military personnel have an official email address, and it is no big deal to ask for it.

Oct 19, 2019
Dating scammers
by: Anonymous

Hi! I chatted with one ´orthopedic surgeon´, working for UN and WHO on Mediterranean Sea. Well he is not. I tracked his email, there is a good video on YouTube how you can do it. I located his ip address to Amsterdam,
Then I found a site ttps://
And I got my answer that I was dealing with a scammer.

I hope if this will help you.

Oct 17, 2019
Beware POF handle name: mcolton
by: Anonymous

Beware of this guy in the Los Angeles area of POF. Has really good pictures. Will single you out and Target you. He's in West Africa supposedly for work. Says he flew out of LA directly. Emirates does not have a direct flight. Caught him.

Then says he needs google play gift cards. Um buy them yourself guy. Proceeds to get mad and say you're not kind. Says he's worth 24 million? BS.

He will love you immediately. Another sign he's fake. Very suspicious, so be careful and report/block immediately.

Oct 15, 2019
by: Anonymous

5183645121 205.619.... 205.619.0875
Patrick Kern 10.4.1984
** 205.619.2038 **
This is what I found when I googled this phone number 205 619 2038. This is from the number of the guy who was scamming me but I don't know what all the other numbers are. He is Dave Patrick with new number 518 952 2515

I can't look the same up cause I'm in Australia
I think he's from Birmingham, Kentucky USA

Oct 14, 2019
by: Anonymous

How do you look or post photos or information on this site?

ED: you can post pictures when you start a new submission [but not when you are adding a comment to an existing submission] - use the page below and you can see photos there and you can also post your own story and photos there:

Oct 13, 2019
Be careful
by: Anonymous

This guy said he was a Doctor from Texas. He is a lier saying that his wife died 4 yrs ago, he has a 14 yr old son, and he works for the United Nations.

Goes by the name Mark William on Hangout

Oct 13, 2019
by: Anonymous

I looked up photo's on scammers and low and behold there's the photo's of Jim Newman and his profile has been stolen and as for this piece of crap that scammed me I blocked him this morning and reported him. No more Dave Patrick or Ellis Patrick Doc Roland Markson they played on my good nature so much you have no idea I won't get scammed again.
I also looked up Clifford Chavez as probably his identity was stolen as well.

I have learned my lesson

Oct 13, 2019
Nigerian Scam on Retired Lt. General Terry
by: Irene

Beware!! This scammer tries to impersonate a retired American Lt. general. Do not believe one word. His English is terrible. After a week, he will ask you for money to come to see you. He will claim to be in the military in Saudi Arabia or another middle eastern country and need you to contact the Pentagon so he can be relieved of duty to come visit you.

Number one: Common sense tells you generals' friends, relatives, significant others do not contact the Pentagon.

Secondly: You don't send a general money -- they got their own.

Thirdly: The Pentagon does not ask retired personnel to return to duty.

After I gave him enough rope to hang himself, he admitted to the scam and wanted to be my friend. I said enough was enough and blocked him from my friends on Facebook.

Oct 13, 2019
Curleysue Clifford chavez
by: Anonymous

If you look up Clifford Chavez on google his photo is there with his son. Clifford is wearing a light blue t-shirt and his son a bit chubby with glasses

Oct 12, 2019
RE: Dave Alexandro smuggling
by: Anonymous

They are also involved in human trafficking with girls as young as 12 and also drugs and credit card fraud so please listen to me.

Human trafficking is a serious crime. How a 12 y.o. girl has fallen to a victim of Dave Alexandro? Are they coming with caravan from the Central America such as Guatemala, Honduras and El Salvador to the US ? Or other routes and destinations? e.g. Spain to Ireland then UK by commercial Airline?

Oct 11, 2019
by: Anonymous

Where can I find photos of these people I just want to make sure before I actually accuse him of anything so please let me know

Oct 11, 2019
Clifford Chavez
by: Anonymous

Yes he did why?

Oct 10, 2019
by: Anonymous

The guy that asked you for bitcoin did he ever give you his bitcoin wallet to transfer the money into.

Oct 10, 2019
by: Anonymous

Maybe the same guy but different name and he wanted me to use bitcoin wallet, money gram, western union
Steam cards, and iTunes cards. I'm out of pocket.
He was also claiming he worked on a oil rig and had a 12 yrs old son and he was from Salem Illinois
so it appears we both have been scammed by this same guy

Oct 10, 2019
by: Anonymous

Well I did it. I told him no more money as I've given him 4,400 in iTunes and steam cards I'm such a fool for been taken in by a scammer. After telling him no more money the bad language started so I guess he wont be coming out on the 17th Oct lol

I say good riddance to Dave Patrick, his son Ellis Patrick and especially Dr Roland Markson who needs 5000 to fix Ellis who is in a comma
He's on Whatsapp and also Hangout but I haven't blocked him as yet.

I will be keeping the video's and pictures he sent me

Oct 10, 2019
by: Anonymous



Oct 09, 2019
by: Anonymous

Clifford Chavez stated he was from Austin Texas and worked on an oil rig in Vienna. He had a 12 year old boy called Kelvin. He was chatting to me everyday but then started asking for steam cards and money and wanted the money send by Bitcoin.

Let me know if anyone has been a victim to the name. I have contacted authorities but they won’t do anything. I know he is still scamming as I have hit bitcoin wallet and can see transactions everyday so be careful ladies

Oct 08, 2019
Catfish/scammers on Pinterest, too
by: Lizzy

I was contacted by an "orthopedic surgeon from Irving, Texas working for the UN in Yemen whose wife died in a ghastly car accident" on Pinterest. I knew it was a scam right off the bat. He is going by the name "Geoff Mosely." I am trying to waste as much of his time as possible! I hate catfish/scammers!

Oct 08, 2019
Dr John Osborne Hamilton
by: Anonymous

Currently talking through WWF with "Dr. John (Osborn) Hamilton". He sent a photo of him sitting in chair, arms crossed, slouched, big smile, white guy, dark hair, in army suit.
Next pic was a closeup selfie, unshaven, big round face, dark eyes. Said he’s 54. "Age is but a number". Called me only dear or honey, never by my name after the introduction.

Orthopedic surgeon which later turned into neurosurgery. Son, 10 yo, in boarding school in Texas. Wife Olivia died last in 2015 from a "ghastly" car accident. Loves all the same hobbies as I do. Loves me "to the moon and back". Goes to church. Wants a woman to love him and follow him wherever.

And much more, although he doesn’t like to answer tougher questions like "why is your son in boarding school". He made no sexual comments at all. Said he got worried about me when I didn’t respond more quickly. And on and on, he writes multiple times a day. He can’t call due to security rules on the Berlin base.

I can’t find him anywhere online.

Oct 07, 2019
by: Anonymous

This sounds like the typical scam. Wife died in a car accident, son in a coma (usually they are in boarding school somewhere), needs money through things like iTunes, etc. Coming to see you? I doubt it. They say they are coming to see you but things will keep happening that require you to send more and more money and the person will never arrive and your money will be gone.

Don't trust someone like this! He is just using your good heart to take your money. What kind of man does this? Please read about other women's experiences with these scammers on this site. There are other sites, too. Even the US government has put out warnings about these so-called "romance" scams. Get informed! Knowledge is power and will keep you from not getting involved in these kind of things through being naive and vulnerable. Hugs to you.

Oct 07, 2019
by: Suzanne Clegg

This guy and I have been chatting and he told me his wife died in a car accident and his son is in a comma and he's asked me for help with iTunes cards and steam cards. I've sent many and he says he needs more and is coming out to see me in Australia.

I know really about him is this a scam please help me

Oct 06, 2019
RE: Douglas Asger Smith
by: Anonymous

I am looking for more information on Douglas Asger Smith from June 2nd, 24th and 25th comments. Please reply to I may have been scammed by him too. Looking for more information.

Oct 06, 2019
RE: Dave Alexandro
by: Anonymous

Beware he has a scam offering millions of dollars. He is a scam artist and I was out of $1100,00 so just so you know if it sounds too good to me true it is.

We as women have to report these men. They are also involved in human trafficking with girls as young as 12 and also drugs and credit card fraud so please listen to me.

How did you meet him (the name of the site) and do you know his real profile? age, ethnicity, country of origin, current location etc.(either real or fake whatever). Does he work for commercial airline?

Oct 04, 2019
John Maxwell
by: Anonymous

Karen he was in a military photo with others as a UN employee who lived in NY. I blocked and reported him immediately.

Oct 04, 2019
Dave Alexandro
by: Anonymous

Beware he has a scam offering millions of dollars. He is a scam artist and I was out of $1100,00 so just so you know if it sounds too good to me true it is.

We as women have to report these men. They are also involved in human trafficking with girls as young as 12 and also drugs and credit card fraud so please listen to me.

Oct 04, 2019
John Maxwell
by: Karen

How is he listed on Facebook? I want to look it up.

Oct 03, 2019
John Maxwell
by: Anonymous

Yes Karen. It was on FB.

Oct 03, 2019
John Maxwell
by: Karen

Was the friend request on Facebook?

Oct 03, 2019
John Maxwell
by: Karen

Can you post a picture of John Maxwell if you have one?

Oct 03, 2019
John Maxwell
by: Anonymous

Did he tell you where his mother is from?

Oct 03, 2019
by: Anonymous

He is a scammer. I just received a friend request today.

Oct 03, 2019
Dr. Ewan Raymond or Dr. Raymond Kennedy
by: Anonymous

Holy smoke!!! Same story from the same guy!! Says wife died in a car wreck three years ago and is going thru stuff with son. Then asks me to buy an iTunes card for him. Sorry bud, no way!!! I bet if I showed you his picture it would be the same guy!!!

Oct 03, 2019
John Maxwell
by: Anonymous

If I give you my email will you contact me?

Oct 03, 2019
John Maxwell
by: Anonymous

Did you see the picture I posted? Are you 100 percent sure it’s him?

Oct 03, 2019
YES!!!! Same story same person
by: Anonymous

JOhn Maxwell and I have been talking for 9 months!

Oct 01, 2019
by: Anonymous

Last month, in California, a bunch of these Nigerian scammers were busted/ arrested. I'm sure there are plenty more of these cells of scammers elsewhere, but it sounds like law enforcement is on to this.

Oct 01, 2019
Photo by car
by: Anonymous

Send nothing like that as they can photoshop and change the picture so send no pictures. They are good at what they do. Beware if they say they are a Dr. That is all made up as they are scammers and get you to trust them.


Sep 30, 2019
Dr Roman Amato
by: CatVas

Two months ago i was contacted on POF dating site by a guy who said he lives in Brooklyn New York, works for United Nations Development Program. After speaking for one week he told me that he received his next contract and that was to Yemen. He also said he is an orthopedic surgeon and has been working with UNDP since 1992.

He asked to keep in touch by email and hangouts. After we met on POF we chatted on Whatsapp and he phoned me a number of times. His English was very good, he said he was born in Italy and did his medical degree there but his mother was south African. His accent was bit hard to pick but sounded slightly African and not Italian. He was very believable, even sent me a scanned copy of his employment contract from United Nations Development Program. After 6 weeks of chatting, phone calls and emails and one video chat on hangouts where the quality was extremely bad and lasted for about 6 seconds he phoned me one morning to say he wanted to discuss something personal.

Last year with the help of a mentor he applied for a contract to supply a MASH hospital in Syria but because he works for UNPD he was not able to have his name on the contract and his mentor Alexander Filippo from Italy did for him. The story goes his mentor passed away from cancer in July 2018. The contract was fulfilled and everything paid for and the MASH set up in Syria. The contract being worth $37 million.

Because his friend passed away he was the next of kin and the lawyers had contacted him to collect his funds which were supposedly in a security vault in Ireland. He asked me would I be a beneficiary and that is was straight forward. UNDP could not know about this as he could be sued. He gave me the lawyers email address.

I went along with this request. I received an email saying they will start of the process of releasing the funds and the payment will be $8232.00 us dollars. I googled the name of the law firm and of course its fake, stolen images were used. I continued to chat to this person and spoke about my concerns with the fake lawyer. In the meantime he sent flowers, and I contacted inter flora and due to privacy they could not tell me who sent them. I no longer communicate with this person.

I have done a reverse image on the two photos i have of him and it returned many results of profiles on dating sites and even a community site called bikers. The fake site is

I have contacted Go-daddy who host the site and asked them to take it down and have proved that its fake. Im very passionate about trying to prevent anyone falling victims to scams.

Sep 30, 2019
RE: Different game pic with your car
by: Anonymous

Person said to me "babe could you stand by your car and take a picture of you and your car so I know what you are driving." I said no. I felt like he was just collecting data. When you really meet me then you can see the vehicle that I drive. Has that ever happened to anyone. Whats the purpose?

Asking money is not the only aims of perpetrators in the SNS. Photo of your self and even your family, DOB, the schools you went, occupation, workplace, asset, real estate & salary (may not ask you directly) are great information who are involve in fraud (ID theft can be used for obtaining social security, passport, drivers license, credit card and bank account illegally)

I met an Irish pilot in the past, he flied to my city to meet me within a few weeks when we met in the Veggieconnection, the matching site for vegetarian. Friendship lasted for many years but I had contacts from the police (not the Irish Garda), and happened to learn that Aer Lingus,the airline the Irish pilot worked for, got two arrests who had involved in human trafficking by means of their workplace resources (uniforms, vehicles etc) for about a decade. The Irish investigators initially expected that more than 10 staff from Aer Lingus, but the the Irish police and prosecutors didn't go further investigation and the criminal lawsuit has finished by ordering guilty of two staff.

Culprits who actually transported hundreds of illegal immigrants from South Europe to Dublin Airport were never arrested and sent to the prison but I'm sure the personal information gathered through SNS and matching sites by the staff of Aer Lingus are still abused among the organized crime groups around the world.

Sep 29, 2019
Dating site Scammer
by: Anonymous

I met a guy and he said he was Dr Randy Berry Marcus who said he was working for the UN army at Baghdad on a contract. He said he was Italian born and he had a 12 year old daughter. I wasn't sure whether he was real or a scammer, however, I ensured that I made him I aware that I was aware of scammers who take people's monies.

I was hoping that he would see that he doesn't stand a chance if he came with that mentality and he would just give up and move on. Instead he kept on sending me pics and in some pics he was on his medical clothing in theatre. He was preparing to come to my country to be with me.
The pics were very convincing. The guy on the pics was Soo charming as I was almost ready to marry the guy when he gets to my country but some things were not making sense and I asked for a video call and he said they were not allowed to do video calls, and then I asked for a voice note and that's when I picked up a bit of
Nigerian accent which was slightly confusing. The funny thing is that on the weekend he was supposed to fly to my country then he disappeared and sadly I was hurt because I was convinced that he was real, and we had build a relationship chatting over some time.

My subconscious was telling me something yet I convinced myself that he was real. Ladies please be careful.

Sep 27, 2019
Different game
by: Anonymous

I had a new request the other day. Person said to me "babe could you stand by your car and take a picture of you and your car so I know what you are driving." I said no. I felt like he was just collecting data. When you really meet me then you can see the vehicle that I drive. Has that ever happened to anyone. Whats the purpose? Input - insight welcome.

Sep 27, 2019
Use double first names
by: Anonymous

Many times these low life scammers use 2 first names, not always but many times they do. Beware if they get toooo romantic quickly. All they want is for you to send money eventually for a plane ticket to get out of whereever and war area they are in. Sweet talkers.

Do not fall for it ladies as they can be very convincing. They hit mostly on widows.

DO NOT EVER SEND MONEY!!! Just be very aware.

Sep 25, 2019
Dr Nelson
by: Anonymous

This has scammer written all over it. I have never known a doctor anywhere with too much free time on their hands. Be careful. Be protective. Be smart. This guy is a scammer fishing for more money.

Sep 25, 2019
Dr Nelson Scott
by: R. Hoffman

I received a message through Pinterest from this Dr. Nelson Scott. Says he’s from Dallas Tx, a widower with a son living in his house in Dallas with an aunt. He’s an orthopedic surgeon on contract with the U.N. correctly in Yemen. He gave me a long list of places he’s been to get his medical degree, the United States, United Kingdom.

He’s now "I am also a consultant of neurosurgery and chief medical director of free medicine department, United Nations. As the chief medical doctor here in the camp i am a superior and i have more free time than the subordinates so i will have lot of time for you."

Oh geez what a crock of lies. I’ve asked questions as to why he’s used certain words when describing himself or what kind of woman he wants to meet. I had a feeling it was a scam as soon as I got the first messages and the subsequent chats.

Sep 23, 2019
by: Anonymous

Has anyone heard of a Patrick George from a dating site.?

Sep 22, 2019
For Am I Being Scam
by: Anonymous

Do a google reverse image search and also check the United Nations list of doctors to see if his name is on there which I bet it is not like a lot of these so called doctors, and as the other person mention also Yandex or another one is Tineye but please do not trust these men as they are liars.

Sep 21, 2019
Answer to i’m Being scammed
by: Anonymous

Use Yandex it is a great search engine’s site

Sep 21, 2019
by: Anonymous

I have a doctor from syria contact me on instagram
so how do I know if he is real? Sounds like some of the same stories and is from Germany and has a 6 month contract with the UN as a orthopedic surgeon in Syria.

Sent me pictures of himself with other people.

Is there a way to find out if he is real?

Sep 20, 2019
Dr. Aric Andrea George
by: Anonymous

I saw previous comments about him. He is now on instagram aricgeorge02. Wife Debbie died 3 years ago, son Dennis in boarding school in Atlanta georgia in Brandon Hall. Scam he then wants to talk via WhatsApp. He is using photos of Dr. Fernando Gomes Pinto from Brazil.

Sep 18, 2019
Kenneth Wilhelm666
by: Anonymous

Words with Friends. Says he is an orthopedist with the UN in Syria but is German. Says his wife died and he has two young children. I have blocked him.

Sep 15, 2019
Dr. Fernando Gomes Pinto
by: Anonymous

Dr. Fernando Gomes Pintos image stolen once again
by: Anonymous

Happily married Brazilian Dr. Fernando Gomes Pinto’s image has been stolen once again! "Andrew Smith" going by andrewsmith.9237 on IG is using his image followed by the usual lies. Deceased spouse, child in boarding school, Dr. overseas etc.

Reached out to me not realizing I’m aware of the scam! Should be interesting!!!!

Sep 14, 2019
Dr. Stephen Mack
by: Anonymous

He says he is a surgeon with the UN. Says he lives in Detroit, Michigan. I'm guessing he forgot to look to see if I was married. He is windowed. Not sure who's pictures he is using since google came back with nothing. He is adding more people on my friends list on facebook.

Sep 12, 2019
Clinton Shay
by: Anonymous

Another worthless low life pretending to be a Orthopedic Surgeon working for the UN, widowed and has a 12 year old daughter named Nikki. Using the name of Clinton Shay (Instagram id clintonshay11) from Virginia Beach VA, daughter living with his wife's parents in NJ.

Pictures are really Stephen Niese and after doing a reverse image review - I found the images were of this actor and not who I was chatting with on Instagram. He never asked for money but didn't talk for very long.

Reported him on Instagram.

Very sad that these scammers even exist.

Sep 11, 2019
Lying non existent Dr Shawn Philip
by: Anonymous

Facebook name was Marcus and he claimed to be doctor Shawn Philip from Los Angeles, but this doctor does not exist btw. We chatted for several days and I asked him questions about Syria where he claimed to be based by the UN. He was not able to or willing to give any reasonable answers to my questions re: Syrian camps. When I told him I was not interested in dating at all he deleted all traces of him. Do not friend this lying loser

Sep 10, 2019
Travis Scott
by: Anonymous

This person is actively seeking single women on Instagram and trying to present himself as a doctor who is a widow with a 12 year old daughter. After I reported and blocked him he reappeared under a similar name. Beware.

Sep 10, 2019
Dr Dustin Harris
by: Anonymous

Please be aware of this man. A complete fake. Is allegedly working in Yemen for the UN, is widowed and has a young daughter at boarding school in the US.

Sep 09, 2019
Stephen M Spenelli
by: Anonymous

Has anyone heard of this guy? Says he’s from Brick, NJ and in Syria working as a DIA in the service.

Sep 09, 2019
by: Anonymous

Another one is and the name is Gary Scott. A scam in Afghanistan. Beware ladies and widows

Sep 07, 2019
Travis Scott n Travis Miller same scammer No medical knowledge for being orthopedic surgeon .
by: Anonymous

Same fake person. Total jerk. Knows nothing medical. I asked questions also about medical and he never ever answered.

Fake jerk.

Sep 07, 2019
Travis Scott Orthopedic Surgeon
by: Anonymous

I have never accepted a friend request from someone I didn’t know. I did this time. Beware. Name is Travis Scott. Divorced orthopedic surgeon in Baghdad with 16 yr old daughter in boarding school in Thailand. Starting sending beautiful romantic videos and within 2 days he was in love with me and was insistent that I agree to be his fiancé immediately so when he got out in December we could be married & start our beautiful life together.

He was insistent to the point of being almost hateful when I said no. He refused to send me a video of himself. He misspelled the name of his prestigious medical school. Sentence structure was way off. I’m a RN and he couldn’t/wouldn’t answer any medical questions about what he was doing. He never asked for money but we only texted 4 days.

Ladies, don’t be taken in by this jerk.

Sep 04, 2019
Another UN doctor
by: Anonymous

Another UN doctor born in San Francisco and working in Somalia. A scam called James Dickinson.

Sep 04, 2019
Definitely True
by: Anonymous

Just want to let you know these horrible people can be put in their place with the right people.

Please everyone be AWARE of these losers who can play with your emotions

Sep 04, 2019
Jason Clooney
by: Anonymous

Hi For the comment on Jason Clooney, please check your email.
Thank you

Sep 04, 2019
Kim Bryan Petroleum Engineer
by: Anonymous

Claimed to be a Petroleum Engineer and owned a bryancooilandservices, widow and no kids. Its a scam. He is a Nigerian. He was calling every day and dealing with chevron and other Big oil companies, in fact he is also sending fake contracts which he received worth 12.8million from chevron. Its FAKE!!!

Sep 03, 2019
Dr Jason Clooney
by: Anonymous

If you have been contacted by Dr Jason Clooney please contact me.

He is trying to scam my elderly mother.


Sep 02, 2019
Never give them mailing address
by: Anonymous

Wants to send a surprise. Flowers from the UN. RIGHT, All SCAMS!!!!! Just to get info.

Please BEWARE!!!!!!

Sep 02, 2019
Connor Johnson
by: Anonymous

Connor Johnson has been contacting my recently widowed mother. Started through FB but sent emails with links to chat sites. Wants to send 200 pound package to her. I know it is a scam but she doesn’t believe me.

I’m guessing the package will be held up and require $$ to release it. My siblings and I are working to get this scammer under control.

Aug 28, 2019
Oil Rig Contractors
by: Anonymous

Block him immediately! Anyone who claims they work in an oil rig or contracted with a foreign government working for oil and gas company especially off shore are scammers. Been there and done that!

Aug 28, 2019
Michael Schneider
by: Anonymous

Does anybody know of a Michael Schneider. He is 53, lost his daughter in a car accident and got divorced two years later.

Used to work in NY and had traveled to Durban, South Africa, for an oil rigging contract. He contacted me via LinkedIn and I think he is trying to scam me.

Regards Elke

Aug 28, 2019
John Carl - OKCupid
by: Anonymous

Wow!!! so glad I found this site!!!

John Carl - orthopedic surgeon for the UN, working in the far east. He sounded real at first, but now I started doubting because of too beautiful writing. I googled his name, no one comes up. Found him on

The photo was cute, unconventional, but can't believe it is another scam. Unfortunately, I gave him my personal email - hopefully nothing much will come of it. Today I found two of his messages in spam and yes, right away he suggested us talking on Google hangouts or the phone - didn't give any and will add his address back to the spam. Thank you, everyone, for sharing.

This one pretends to have been born in San Francisco, raised by the mother, having a daughter living in Tokyo. The story is too similar to what everyone is describing here, so as much as I liked him in the profile picture, will not go further. I asked today for another photo of him as I'm curios now what he will be sending, if any.

Thank you again for sharing!

Aug 27, 2019
by: Anonymous

Travis Miller at it again. LISA MILLER BEWARE.

Aug 27, 2019
Fake ID on Instagram
by: Anonymous

Hello, I want to make a remark on contacting accounts that obviously have no connection to what you are doing on your own Instagram account.

Check out - how many Feeds/stories this Person placed and how many followers he has - and if it is not a private account, check out who are the followers. Check out his followers. I am sure it will 100% have good Looking Girls with Pictures in their BIO.

Here in this case if checked bryan erickson - claims to be:
Fotograf - located at SoCal (South California?) - -
There are 5 Pictures my granny could have taken.

In case such a Person approaches me I at once block.


Aug 26, 2019
Jason Williams
by: Anonymous

Found my profile on POF. Profile on POF was Jason0800. Almost an identical story to the many I've read on here. An orthopedic surgeon working for the UN He says he is divorced, has 2 daughters ages 13 and 11 who are in boarding school in North Carolina. I've woke up the past two mornings to corny poems and romantic YouTube videos. He asked me to message him on Google Hangouts because he was too busy trying to check messages on POF.

The whole scenario fits perfectly with the adage "If it sounds to good to be true it s because it usually is." He has sent 4 different photos. 2 of him dressed in scrubs with co workers, 1 holding something blue in his hand that I can't identify and 1 with him standing in front of a pair of lips painted red, orange, yellow, green and blue with 2 teeth against a white paneled background. He has not yet asked for anything but information though I regret sending him any photos in return. So grateful to have found this site and for those who have previously contributed.

Aug 26, 2019
Dr Wilson Walker Scam artist
by: Anonymous

Got a friend request from a handsome man on Instagram. I asked how he knew me and he said, "I don’t but I saw your profile and my heart told me to contact you". Says he’s an Orthopedic/Plastic surgeon. He said he was born in Brazil but grew up in Miami and Houston. But he lived in Yemen now treating the wounded soldiers. The scary thing is if you google Wilson Walker there is a Dr in TN who is an orthopedic surgeon.

But some of these guys grammar was incorrect, and an Orthopedic Surgeon would be educated enough to know better. So I was on to him right away. So I started asking more questions and he continued to tell how he’s a widow. This man has over 10,000 followers on Instagram! Scary.

So then he asks me what my occupation was. So I told him I scan the internet looking for people who try to scam money from innocent people. I then said I would be reporting him. And his response bastard...of course I’m going to delete you.

Aug 25, 2019
scams, ID theft all over
by: Anonymous

Never ever send money. They are all scams. They get mad and nasty if you do not send money. Beware. Travis Miller or Travis Scott. Sweet til I said No MONEY.

Same as John Power on Veggieconnection. But the online perpetrator gathers your personal information. That data could be misused for counterfeiting passport, opening bank accounts etc.

Actually, the workplace of John Power, Aer Lingus of Ireland, had been involved in human trafficking for ages.

Aug 23, 2019
by: Anonymous

Apparently, last PM, August 22 a ring of these Nigerian scammers was busted in California. I haven't had time to read the details, but sounds like they are a known entity to law enforcement.

Aug 23, 2019
Dr Christopher Kaczmarski
by: Louise

Has anyone heard of Dr Kaczmarski? I think my friend is getting scammed! I’m so afraid she’s going to get hurt or send money. He sounds too good to be true.

Aug 23, 2019
Possible scam
by: Serena

I’m currently talking to someone claiming he is a orthopedic surgeon for the military. Been talking to him for about a week or 2. He says he has a daughter and just a couple days ago he said that his daughter got bit by a snake while playing in school but now the hospital bill is getting higher. I’ve asked him what hospital she’s in but for some reason he isn’t telling me. She is supposedly in Atlanta Georgia going to school there and since he is refusing to give me the name of the hospital I decided to call about 4 to 5 hospitals and ask if they have a Patient by the name of Laura Brooks they all said no and I still have more to call.

His name is Harry Brooks has anyone heard of him by chance?? Also does anyone know how to do google image search?? I’ve tried and I can’t seem to get it figured out. Thank you in advance.

I have pictures of him and his supposedly daughter. I want to catch him in a lie and try to let her know that he is using her picture if I can find her FB or IG page. Please email me if you like for the pictures help would be greatly appreciated.

Aug 22, 2019
FB scammers
by: Anonymous

I received a friend request on FB from a man who claims he is an Orthopedic Surgeon at the UN. I did a google image search and he has an Instagram account that is private. He goes by the name of Jeffrey Goodman Hawkins. The Instagram reflects a different last name but does reflect that he is a doctor of some sort.

I have encountered so many scammers on the online dating sites. It's a shame that we have to go through this when we are paying to be a member on these sites.

Aug 22, 2019
Travis Miller
by: Anonymous

Looks like there were some other comments about Travis Miller in July.

Aug 22, 2019
Travis Miller
by: Anonymous

Scammer. No family, born in Denmark, wife died, daughter in boarding school, lived in brooklyn NY


Aug 21, 2019
John Maxwell
by: Anonymous

Anyone have dealings with Dr. John Maxwell from Newport Oregon? Young son name James, wife killed in car wreck. Works with Doctors Without Borders.

Aug 19, 2019
Any pic?
by: Anonymous

Do you happen to have a picture of the guy? Or what he looks like?

Aug 17, 2019
Alex Davison
by: Anonymous

Yes, I outed him on his site and he called me STUPID! I replied, no, you are STUPID for stealing someone’s image and using as your own to scam women. The best way to shut these guys down is to out them on their own page and then report to IG as spam. They get shut down immediately.

When you call them out directly the scammer often deletes his page IMMEDIATELY!!!!

Aug 17, 2019
Do get upset if alternative from their agenda
by: Anonymous

I suggested I come over to Syria area meet Travis and then I could get to know him and we could come home together when he was up with his contract. He found the stupidest dumbest things to avoid me coming over there well it is too dangerous. So I said in other words you don’t really love me that was in the conversation and he got angry as they do so they are so full of Lies it’s pathetic.

Aug 17, 2019
Alex Davison
by: Anonymous

Yes, they do get around. And yes they do get very angry when you call them out. They try to put the spin on you like you broke their heart because you were the one they fell in love with ( while they talk to lots of other women or men). Honestly all they love is all the money they can get from you in one form or another. It’s a shame. Just block them. Ignore their insults. Karma will bite them back.

A good image search site is Yandex. It is a good free search engine.

Aug 17, 2019
Alex Davison
by: Anonymous

I see Michael Davison has resurfaced as Alex and in Kabul. He sure gets around. What a scammer and then when you call them out. They get angry.

Aug 16, 2019
Terry Jason
by: Anonymous

Terry Jason is on Instagram and what's app, and he says he is an orthopedic surgeon from the United Kingdom and is in Venezuela right now working. He is a liar and I was able to catch on to him pretty quickly. Although it is heart breaking to go through this especially after being newly divorced, I am embarrassed and I now know I will never trust another man!

Aug 15, 2019
For The Comment on Aug 13th for Dr. Alex Davsion
by: Anonymous

You will never get that money back. I am sorry that happened to you but you can report him at the Fraud Complaint Center at but never ever send these men money as they all are scammers and always check them out.

Aug 14, 2019
Alex Davison
by: Anonymous

Yes, Alex Davison is a SCAMMER!!!!!

Aug 14, 2019
Dr.Alex Davsion
by: Anonymous

So that man called himself a doctor Alex Davsion who is serving in Kabul as neurosurgeon. A military doctor is not him - he is a scam?

Aug 13, 2019
Dr. Alex Davison
by: Anonymous

Unfortunately you will never see that money again. You can report him to the authorities and out him on every social media platform he is on for the scamming, lying thief he is!

Aug 13, 2019
Scams from all over
by: Anonymous

Never ever send money. They are all scams. They get mad and nasty if you do not send money. Beware.

Travis Miller or Travis Scott. Sweet til I said No MONEY.

Aug 13, 2019
Dr.Alex Davsion neurosurgeon
by: Anonymous

Hello I think I have been scammed by someone called Dr.Alex Davsion - a military doctor who works in Kabul. Can any one help me as I have sent him money. I know now I am a fool to trust him. Can you help bring the money back to me???Thanks

Aug 10, 2019
by: Anonymous

I've had scores of friend requests coming IDF and daily from overseas and from men who are not mutual friends of friends or members of any group I'm in on Facebook. Looking through all of the requests I have found some profiles with big mistakes. They have photos and their friends that I click on who have like or shared scammers posts, show me what country they are in. One photo had a loser in front of his new white Benz. I threw out a line about pimp'n Benz and caught a big fish. Many are from ALGERIA. A person calling himself Med with George Clooneys profile picture seems to be running the show. He is the director of Saudi dating sight. These losers keep trying to get my photo. It's so they have new faces for his clients to dream about.

DO NOT SEND PHOTOS. Your face could be the next naked picture circulating around the middle east websites.


Aug 10, 2019
Peter Randy
by: Anonymous

I got Peter Randy, using pics belonging to Dr. Fernando Gomez Pinto. Saw thru it immediately

Aug 07, 2019
Peter Galloway Instagram scam
by: Anonymous

Well I was scammed by Peter Galloway, been talking for a week. He is in army in yemen. Wife died, 2 kids. Has cars etc. Then after many talks, sweet verses, promising the moon and the stars their camp about 300km is attacked. Need to send email to general and ask he must leave. Either I am pregnant with his child or his grandma is sick that is taking care of his kids. I searched for army protocols and find that something is not right. Then got this email back from general: Hello Madam,

My name is (General Daren Hornbeck), i saw your request asking me to let your partner leave the camp.I do not have any power to keep any military operative who wishes to leave in time of like this. I am a leader of people, but you must go through all due process before your husband will be released to you.
ut first you have to provide me some important information about your partner for security and recognition purposes.








I will tell you all that you need to do once you have provided this information for security purposes, thank you and have a good day ahead.

Then I email the details he gave. Then another email return with amounts of money to pay for each month he wants $3500 for 1 month up to $7500 for 4 months. All of his accounts are frozen due to working in the army. Lol. I searched and it is not like it works. If there is emergency then the army pay, not you. But the army number is not correct. Can't find him in San Diego on people search. Got this site and read about the reverse image got him.

Please be careful. So I send him the link with all his names and photos on. Read other people's comments it helps! Thank you!

Aug 07, 2019
Thank you for this site, I can confirm it's a scam
by: UK

A man called Juan Leonard contacted me via Facebook and soon suggested it's easier for him to use mail and hangouts. He said he is an American and raised in Argentina. He is working as an orthopaedic Surgeon for the US army in Yemen, previously working in Syria. He claimed he is a widow with a 13 year old boy Jason who is in school in Argentina with nanny.

He really wanted to find a kind, honest woman to marry. He send me love poems and said how perfect I am and he said god sent me to him. I googled online and from the photos belong to Dr Ignacio Dallo, an orthopaedic surgeon in argentina with a happy family and an active facebook.

I came across this site and read a lot of similar stories. I am now 100% sure it's a scam.

Aug 03, 2019
More Info
by: MA

The scammer I had, Ivanz, claims to be an ortho surgeon and blah blah (he's on IG). Well I happen to be a nurse practitioner and I started talking shop and he was so clueless it was hilarious. He did not know the name of what medical school he attended nor did he know how to perform certain simple ortho procedures (I worked in OR as a RN years ago).

It was humorous, but I nailed him for lying, told him I was reporting him to multiple law agencies. Anything to scare him. And he was gone in a FLASH!!

Aug 03, 2019
For The Comment on Aric George
by: Anonymous

This man is using the photo of Doctor Fernando Gomes Pinto he is from Brazil very happily married and he is aware of the scammers using his photos. All these men who claim to be working for the UN are liars - wife died, child in boarding school, need money etc, so I would block and report them to the sites you meet them on as they are on there for one reason and that is to take your money.

I have been through this so I'am very cautious who I talk to now online and I check them out so just stay safe.

Aug 02, 2019
Dr David Gomez Morris fake profile
by: Anonymous

Dr David Gomez Morris this guy on insta messaged me the same story - works in Syria for UN, widower have 11 year old son in boarding in California. Thankfully to this site I googled him and it was actually a stolen profile of dr jay phil so told him that I know he’s using a fake profile. He still messages me to not search online and that he had to have fake profiles due to UN security reasons 🤣

Aug 02, 2019
Another story about Dickson_Mac_D_Owens
by: Anonymous

Two weeks ago, I blocked off someone who calls themselves Dickson Macdonald Owens on Instagram and Google. Claimed to be a military orthopaedic surgeon, widowed for 3 years and has a 10 year old daughter. I admit he did look like a hottie and has lots of female followers. Keeps fit and does post pictures of being "in action" in the operating theatres.

Accepted him on Instagram as I have a private account. Almost immediately I got a message about how awesome I looked, and what a beautiful face I have etc etc. I reminded him I have a husband.

My mistakes were to agree to go across to Hangouts, sent some photos of self and family to someone I thought was genuine, agreed to buy Steam Wallet card because I believed that he was using it to keep in contact with the kid while he has a month left before retiring from service in Afghanistan. He called to speak to me too, so there is a voice attached to the persona. I told him that he seemed to have a Middle Eastern twang to his accent, he told me that he'd been brought up in Mexico.

I reminded him constantly I was married, but he still kept up with the endearments and even sent me a shirtless pic one morning. It got so tiring (and boring) to constantly remind him that I do not like endearments from men I hardly know. Also his grammar in our text conversations do not seem consistent with someone from a medical profession. He even got me to chat to his "daughter" Karen (who he said was 10 - another commenter from June 27 was told she was 5).

When I finally blocked him (after a week of interaction), "Karen" sent me an email asking if I had "left" her dad. What???? I have constantly had to remind him there was no romantic connection there. He then sends me an email to plead with me not to block him and sent a picture of a gunshot wound to the leg.

Not his of course, but boy, what a pathetic move. As he was getting "desperate" to hold onto me, I could definitely see the discrepancies between his language and the claims to be a medical professional. His English language became appalling by that stage.

I have had to change my email address too so he would totally lose track of me. Glad to be rid of this one now. Loser!

Aug 01, 2019
by: Anonymous

Got a request on words with friends. Talked to him. He wanted me to switch to google hangouts. I refused. About a week later he changed his picture AND name! Continued playing the game. I messaged him; calling him out for the changes.

He immediately resigned the game. 😂

Aug 01, 2019
Aric George from Italy - HA!
by: Anonymous

NATO medical surgeon in Alaska working for Peace Health, but Peace Health its not a NATO organization. Wife Debby died of breast cancer, 15 year old son in boarding school in Atlanta. A medical surgeon but has plenty of time to chat in the middle of the day. Started asking weird questions first time on WhatsApp.

Total scam.

Aug 01, 2019
by: Anonymous

LOL. I knew this was a scam. Nato medical surgeon working for Peace Health in Alaska. Only that Peace Health is not a NATO organization. LOL! He's a widower with a teenage son in boarding school in Atlanta. His wife died from breast cancer. Asked to switch over to What's App.

He started asking some red-flag questions like what are my best childhood memories etc. So I started to come up with some lies of my own. Name he is using is Aric George 02 on Instagram.

Aug 01, 2019
Widow with son
by: Lynn

I received another friend request from the same picture but a different name. The first was Harry Kreiger and this one is Ben Mark.

Jul 29, 2019
by: Anonymous

Got a request on instagram from this guy, Mark Greg Fransisco. Chatted for a week and there were definitely some flags. Yesterday said he loved me - can you imagine.

Today I was asked to get a $100 amazon gift card. Becareful people!! I found the images he was using on

You have to pay $5 for the report but it showed all the images that were on the fake instagram profile. He is really an actor named Stephen Niese who I have now found on Linked In, Instagram and FaceBook.

Jul 28, 2019
by: Anonymous

Check to see if his name is on the United Nations List of doctor's. I bet it's not. A lot of us ladies have been through this where men are claiming to be doctors working in the middle east etc. widow, one child, wife died, need money etc. Don't fall for it. Do a image search if you have a photo of him you can use google reverse or Tineye and it will show you where else the photo is used.

Trust none of them and stay safe.

Jul 28, 2019
Orthopedic Surgeon
by: MAF

I have a guy through Instagram who claims to be an ortho surgeon for the UN working in Yemen. He said he will return to the USA in 16 months to a home in TN (where I live). I get affectionate, loving e-mails from him and I am totally confused about what to think.

Please give me some advice if this has happened to you. His name is Ivanz.

Jul 28, 2019
Gary Collins Lynn
by: Anonymous

Has anyone here ever heard from this guy. Gary Collins Lynn, aka Gary Lynn? He claims he's stuck in Nigeria and kept asking for money. I was a fool. And he claimed that because he was carrying his money in a suitcase ($21,000) that Nigerian officials stopped him for money laundering. Then he claimed he needed $350. It just kept on and on. I finally stopped communicating with him

Jul 26, 2019
Dr. Danny Fair or Paul or Harry or Fernando...
by: Anonymous

This guy from Nigeria is changing names on the same pictures. Now Fernando is Dr. Danny Fair. He tried to charm me, loves me, thinks about me and every morning I had a wonderful message and a picture with roses. He promised everything and anything but got basted after 7 days when I started to Google him. He panicked when I told him I am doing research on him and video chat me immediately but off course the connection was bad. 😉. Just type Dr. Danny Fair scammer UN orthopedic surgeon and you'll find all his other names on images.

Behind this is a guy from Nigeria or is actually a group and that is their job to earn money.

Try to find on You tube. Start with scammers online dating with Dr. Fill and look all next videos.

I can't attach the pictures but obviously is the same guy Fernando, Luis, Harry, Paul etc.

ED: you can post pictures when you start a new submission [but not when you are adding a comment to an existing submission] - use the page below and you can see photos there and you can also post your own story and photos there:

Great looking guy on the picture but not real. Be careful lady's always check who is sending you a friend request. He add me on Instegram.

Jul 23, 2019
Pascal Raymond
by: Anonymous

Ok so Pascal Raymond orthopedic surgeon working in Afghanistan for the UN. Widower with a 17 year old daughter Claire. Met on Instagram. Fake pics of course. Two months of pledging his love for me the stories got dramatic about the militants and the camp being invaded. Internet was lost and he needed $100 per week for access.

That is when I found this site and was enlightened. Please protect yourselves from such slime as they prey on everyone. I blocked him and reported him so please be aware of such scammers.

Jul 22, 2019
Scam UN Orthopedic Surgeon
by: Anonymous

Dr 'Rick Roland Walker' met my friend on POF. has a 14 year old son in US, apparently American/Mexican. Orthopedic Dr went from Manchester UK to Islamabad for the UN to work with wounded soldiers. Sent weeks of love messages

1. Fake boarding pass sent to her with details amended - easily found on Google

2. Fake Instagram account - all followers single women and/or prostitutes

3. Fake picture of said person and his 'child' an Asian looking child called Bryan (haha)

4. We spoke to him and he sounded anything but American/Mexican - more like African

5. Asked for money to be sent from his Alliance PIB account to my friend. Fake website for bank

6. Reported to UK and US authorities, POF, UK credit agencies, Instagram etc

7.Telephone 07451200748

8.Very bad poetry claimed to have made up but again found on Google.

Absolute LOSER

Jul 20, 2019
Same scam different name
by: Anonymous

I was almost scammed by Travis Miller who also used the name Travis Scott. He said he was an orthopedic surgeon in Syria. He was widowed, daughter in private school Colorado. His parents divorced with father assassinated and mother died of cancer when he was 14. His sibling disappeared years ago. Cannot find him.

Sweet talker, knew the right things to say, nice looking picture of him, almost too good to be true....yep!!! Then started complaining about dangers and people dying etc. Needs to get out. Send a letter to the UN to release him from the contract etc. All bogus. so just beware.

SEND NO MONEY AND STOP TEXTING ETC. OH TRAVIS WAS DANISH by the way. Doubt that also. Just wish this email address was available to people especially widowed or single women.


Jul 20, 2019
Same scam...
by: Anonymous

ORTHOPEDIC SURGEON Travis Miller or Travis Scott. In Syria and signed up for a year as a volunteer. Horrible bombing etc. Wife deceased and daughter in Colorado prep school. Sweet, saying the right things etc. He went on for awhile "I need to get out of here...too dangerous" please give address to ask for a release to the U.N. They need money for a ticket and release money for the plane.


Jul 20, 2019
by: Anonymous

He is definitely a scammer

Jul 20, 2019
Syrian Doctor
by: Anonymous

Has anyone ever been scammed by a Justin Kent. He supposedly is British. He lived in Texas at one time. He claims to be a doctor & that a group of them had to go to Syria where they were having trouble getting back into America.

He claims his wife died in a car accident & he has a teenage daughter who is in boarding school in either Switzerland or Sweden. He claims that the UN in California is working on their case. They supposedly were able to get out of Syria and are now in Australia. He speaks and writes a lot of poetry. He has contacted my sister on social media & I am very worried for her.

She said he asked him if he was scamming her & that he got very angry with her, said he wasn’t playing games with her and that if she thought he was then all communication between them is over. She has sent his teenage daughter money on her birthday & Christmas.

Very worried that my sister may get hurt by this man.

Jul 19, 2019
Surgeon working with ONU in South Korea
by: Anonymous

Widow, with a 12 yr old daughter who is in texas with a scholarship, studying to be a nurse( at 12?). He has a contract pf 3 yrs, lives in apt but cant call or he can get punished. Very romantic looking for the love of his life.

Writing poems and sweet words, and cant wait to meet and love forever, after only 3 days talking. This is new, he started with a Hello on PINTEREST, an app that so many woman use!

Single, divorced and widows! They found the best place! Be careful, tell your girl friends and family! Cant call and cant do video calls and his ex wasted all his money. He has a Polish accent but he is an American" He was using google translator to talk to me in spanish.

Haven’t ask for $ yet, but I was also very surprised to meet somebody with this app. So Ive been searching for info and got to this post.

Thanks everyone for sharing, keep all your friends informed!

Jul 19, 2019
Adam Marsh
by: Anonymous

From TX, 10 year old son, widow, orthopedic surgeon in Afghanistan, contacted me in Words with friends. Played a good game, but once he asked for another way to communicate, I smelled a fish.

So glad I saw this forum, couldn't find him on FB or social media, or in TX.

Jul 17, 2019
Doctors, Engineers. Military
by: Anonymous

Any of these categories are scammers. They
Use them because they are gone alot. Its
a scam to play on your pity so they can come
See you. Dont buy it. Ladies there are many places online to go look at pics. They are every where and many of you know Michael Davison the same scammer who is using Larry Morgan with same pic. Stole Pictures. They are rampid on Facebook. Look to see how long they were a member. Just be careful as scammers are working on 24 hr shifts 7 days week. Its their job. They are not looking for love.

Jul 17, 2019
Michael Davidson
by: Anonymous

Yes I believe Michael Davidson is the same man who contacted me. However he went by the name of Barry Piloson. He told me he was in his 50s serving in UN in Syria. 16 yr old boy in boarding school in US. From California. Very handsome picture sent to me. Anyway. Same thing needs money to come home. Got very angry with me.

Jul 16, 2019
UN Neurosurgeon in syria Michael Davidson
by: Anonymous

Reached out to me on Facebook a few weeks ago. Like all seemed too good to be true. When he said some things that put up red flags and i questioned him, he got angry and said i didn't trust him and he was hurt.

States he is early 60's, widowed with a son serving with the UN and a 16 son who is in military school in the US. Wants to come home on holiday but states I need to pay for him to be allowed to leave. When I told him that was not true, he again got defensive.

Anyone heard or talked to him. States he was originally from CA but has been overseas for years.

Jul 16, 2019
Scammer names
by: Anonymous

Thompsom William or Michael Spencer. Works in Florence, Italy as Neurosurgeon for the UN at the Santa Maria Nuova Hospital. Wife died in car crash and have a teenage daughter called Julia - her email At college in UK.

His email

Donald Williams or Salvador Kelvin - email -

Worked in Syria for the UN as a medical doctor.
Treating the wounded soldiers and refugees.
Unmarried with a teenage daughter who lives in UK.

Both asked to go on Hangout and wanted me to buy Steam Wallet Cards. Stopped conversation immediately.

Jul 13, 2019
Responding to 7-5-19 Bryan Eriksen
by: Anonymous

Tip when you receive friend request search their pic first if they have very little info its a scam. I get several day and they look like nice people but once I search they have several
names. It pays to check them out before you accept.

Please dont give anything to them. A real
Christian or good man wants to shower you with
Love and gifts not beg. Oil rigs are responsible
For their own problems not workers.

Jul 08, 2019
Dr. Charles R S Williams
by: Callie

I got a shady friend request, then determined I should not talk to him. Immediately deleted him, the "UN Orthopedic Surgeon"

Jul 05, 2019
Maybe who you are looking for--
by: Anonymous

I think I saw the Guy today--what does he look Like- Always Black shirt and jeans

Jul 05, 2019
Carlos Rodriguez, UN Orthopedic Surgeon working for UN
by: Anonymous

Hi ladies, I almost got charmed into a real charming man, but thanks to this site, thank God nothing happened. Handsome about 60 saying that he will soon retire. He friended me on my private Instagram account, which I deleted him after a week of talking and realizing that he was just way too perfect to be true.

He said he was an Orthopedic surgeon working for the UN (United Nations) Peace Keeping Mission in Yemen and previously was in Syria. He was from Spain and coming to the States soon after he retired, which would be soon as he finds the love of his life. I wish this site would let us load photos, because he has many on Instagram.
He can talk you up a storm and is very polite and a gentleman. He’s the type of guy that everyone would love to bring back home and meet mom.

He said his parents passed away and that he was divorced with a 15 years old. Lives in Connecticut. Didn’t ask me for money, but loves to dance, all types of music, embroider (that was hilarious). Would take me to a dinner and the theater. He is trying I bet to get money from everyone.

He asked that we take the conversation through WhatsApp. Oh, he was also a Christian. Wants a polite, Christian woman.

I also ran a reverse lookup on his phone, and his phone has been disabled for months and it gave me a different name completely for that phone. Checked his profile on FB and gives me a different photo.

ED: you can post pictures when you start a new submission [but not when you are adding a comment to an existing submission] - use the page below and you can see photos there and you can also post your own story and photos there:

Jul 05, 2019
As played by Jeffery Anderson Hawkins
by: Anonymous

Thought it was just someone wanting to be friends than he showed attention which I wasn’t getting from my boyfriend so all the lovely things he was saying to me made me feel special and of course he got 1300 out me and tried for another 5200 but luckily for me I can’t come up with that kind of money so I started doing some research and reading all your comments it started to all come together.

I did the reverse images and found out he was not who he said he was so thank you everyone for posting your stories as it sure helped me even though I never thought I would fall for a scam but I did

Jul 05, 2019
by: Anonymous

HAS ANYONE BEEN SCAMMED BY A PERSON CALLED BRYAN ERIKSEN? He sounds like all the rest of them. He tells you you are beautiful and he doesn,t even know what you look like. Tells you he loves you and how he wants to be with you and he doesn,t want to be without you.

He starts out with poems and then tells you everything a woman wants to here. Boy was I a fool. I really fell in love with him. Claims he works for the army and he wants to get out of Yemen to come to us to be with me but he has to have 1500 to be able to get out and he needs me to send that to him. When I told him I didnt have that kind of money and couldn't get it, he got upset and said I didn't really love him and I was just playing him.

So I blocked him. I still love him but I will get over it. I HAVE HIS NAME AND PIC SO HOW CAN I FIND OUT WHO HE REALLY IS?

Jul 05, 2019
Same guy, Conned the Con!!!!
by: Anonymous

Same story, widower in Afghanistan from Turkey, resident of Cali, US. Said he loved me and would never leave. Asked for a pic too, luckily i did not send one. This guy contacted me on Fitbit. All this has been happening now. Do take care ladies. Blocked him from contacts and Fitbit.

Jul 05, 2019
Thank you so much
by: Anonymous

I think I just got in touch with him. That is yesterday. He told me the same, widower and having a son of 15 years. Good thing I checked, thank you for saving me from continuing the conversation with him.

Jul 02, 2019
Robert l. Daniel UN Doctor
by: Anonymous

Anyone heard of him

Jul 02, 2019
fake ID - hilarryjames
by: Anonymous

Yesterday, 01.07.19 hilarryjames contacted me via my Instagram account. Starting Dialog with closed sentences or Questions.

After my asking for his reasons to contact me, he came out with the same surgeon-story - Afghanistan - UN-contract Job. 15 year old son Living in new your - son at Boarding School - late wife carrying his unborn Baby. Hey hey i thought that smells like strong tobacco. He asked me about my private living circumstances - and I answered SnK. Oh, that he did not know. what do you mean:

Single No Kids. -

I cut off after wishing a good night and blocked him. Today I searched for his Name. There exists a doctor named james hilary - but no with RR - living south carolina. After further investigation I found this site.

Thanks for that, and girls be careful what you tell them and never leave sites to whatsapp
so they know your phone number as this could be expensive.

Jun 30, 2019
How I conned a con man!
by: Anonymous

Like everyone on here, I too was contacted by a gentleman on Instagram claiming to be a doctor in the military serving in Afghanistan. I knew him for maybe 10hrs before he asked me to purchase a Steam Wallet Card so that he would be able to keep chatting with me and his little daughter. He said he needed it because his phone was going to run out of minutes and he could use that card to purchase the minutes he needed.

Many red flags went up for me as both being in the military and a gamer, i knew what he was telling about serving in the military and the wallet card were false. I asked if i could do a background check, he said it would upset him if I did. I told him I would get him the card so he would keep chatting with me.

In the meantime I went to every online place I could find to do a background check to find out who this fool really was. I found a site where you can do a reverse image check on a photo and BOOM!! that site helped me find out this fool really was! It showed me him on Instagram under his "Real" name. He was from Nigeria, he owns a fitness center out there.

I contacted him and told him I purchased the card for him and that I was going to send him a picture of the code on the card. Instead I sent him 2 pictures I copied from the search website of him under his real name, he wrote back and said "Really" blocked me from Instagram, took down his page.

These guys are not smart, read every word they write, study it. You'll see the lies in their words, you can always catch them ( this guy did not write very well ).

Please keep an eye out for a guy that goes by the name MacDonald Dickson or dickson_mac_d_owens

HE IS NOT WHO HE SAYS HE IS. His real name is Pablo and he lives in Nigeria, this is the man who tried to scam me.

Jun 30, 2019
Things that can help you unmask a scammer
by: Anonymous

I am a 59 year old woman who has been tried to cheat saying they are doctors working for the UN. I find this page very good and I would like to make my contribution.

I think the name is not important, because it can be changed very quickly. I think it's more important to know how they act to be able to decide if the person who is trying to talk to you is a scammer (almost always the case).

I am using Instagram and Facebook for a short time and so far they have contacted me twice.
I have not been asked for money because I've been only 2 days, wasting time. At first I believed him but there are some things that have made me suspect and that are repeated:

- They are medical doctors working for the UN in remote countries, for example Yemen and Afghanistan.
- They are very lonely, divorced, or widowed or separated and seek a woman for serious purposes.
- Either they have no family, or the family died or they have no contact with anyone.
- They ask to talk by whatsapp, leave facebook or instagram (they use stolen photos)
- The profile of instagram or facebook disappears, they erase it fast (so that they are not find in the scam). If you ask, they tell you any excuse.
- They ask many questions, even very specific ones. The last one told me that he had saved 700,000 € and that he wanted to retire and enjoy them, with me (!). At the same time he asked me how much I earned, and I did not tell him.
- They talk very weird, you can imagine they are using a translator. No grammar, nothing.
They say what they think a woman may want to hear. Many topics.

And most importantly, this page. Thanks to her I confirmed the scam.

Jun 30, 2019
Lily Allen
by: Anonymous

Anyone come up against someone claiming to be Lily Allen the singer from the UK?

Jun 28, 2019
Scott Lugard is a fake
by: Anonymous

He claims to be widowed with an 11 year old girl. He says he’s an engineer at an oil rig. Construction company he claims to do renovations and houses not an oil rig. There’s a flimsy FB abbount and an Indian guy with his name also. Faker

Jun 28, 2019
Pedro Derrick Jeffrey
by: Anonymous

I am so confused and hurt and embarrassed. Has anyone heard of or contacted by Pedro Derrick Jeffrey

Jun 27, 2019
Dating scam for sure!
by: Anonymous

Has anyone been contacted by a guy named Dickson MacDonald? Knew this guy for 3 days before he asked me to help him out and get a phone card for him. He's supposedly an Orthopedic Surgeon on a peace keeping mission in Afghanistan, has a five year old daughter named Karen.

Jun 25, 2019
Douglas Asger Smith is a scammer, 100%.
by: Anonymous

Douglas Asger Smith is a scammer! 100% scammer.

Jun 25, 2019
Steven Camp Instagram
by: Anonymous

Hi. Be careful of Steven Camp ( steve_cmp645) on Instagram. Claiming to be a oil worker in the Pacific Ocean on a 4 year contract with 2 to work. Widow 60 years, 15 year old daughter.
Messaged me via Instagram and straight away moved to hangouts, after talking for only a few hours he loved me, wanted to be with me. Sent a "photo of himself with a note on it asking me to marry him (after 2 days). Complete fake image. Google reverse images came up with him as a scammer.

He wanted me to apply for his leave "so we could be together " email address provided (there was a fee for me to apply)

Block him

Steven Camp steve_cmp645 on Instagram

Jun 25, 2019
67 year old mom being scammed
by: Anonymous

My 67 year old mom who is a widow is being scammed by a guy named George Williams but when I did a reverse look up on his picture via an App he is Steve Thompson from California. George claims he has a lot of money and is in the process of selling his solar business in England. He also is a widow and his wife died of cancer. He has a elderly mother in Palm Springs CA and a daughter who is recently engaged.

He told my mom that he needed money to pay for taxes on exporting solar equipment so my mom wired him $15k in September and another $42k because of tax evasion in January. He really wants to marry her and long story short my mom is so manipulated at this point she cut off her entire family.

She is in the process of selling her home. I am afraid she will lose everything and wanted to put the good word out there for anyone else who falls victim to this person.

Jun 24, 2019
Douglas Asger Smith
by: Anonymous

Wanting to know if anyone has any information about this person. Says he is from Lexington, ky

Jun 19, 2019
Michael Dawson
by: Anonymous

Has anyone encountered Michael Dawson, Mount pleasant, South Carolina 12/8/60 dob, widowed, no children. I am on the fence if he is a scammer. I can’t seem to locate info on him. He has not asked for anything. I have been talking to him for 2 1/2 weeks. He is very polite, well mannered, British accent, educated and grammar is correct. He just started to romance me with well written texts. No emails yet.

I have received 3 pictures from him. One within minutes of asking him for a selfie. I have encountered a scammer before, so now my guard is up. If anyone has any information or input it is appreciated and welcomed.

Jun 19, 2019
The same or identical scammer
by: Finnish woman

This scammer went by the name Smith Anderson. I met him as a Tinder match on 6th June. He had a Tinder profile with two handsome photos. Said he was 53 years old, working as an orthopedic surgeon on an UN peacekeeping mission in Kabul, Afghanistan.

Told me he was born for a Finnish mother and American father, both parents now dead, widower with a 15-year-old daughter in a boarding school in Massachusetts. He sent several fake pictures of himself and his "daughter".

After I got fed up and suspicious because of his copy/paste stencil love verses and faulty writing and was warning him of blocking him after any further nonsense, he hit the target after only 9 days of messaging. He told that his group had been hit by a firing attack and 6 were killed and he himself was left with a bullet wound in his leg (sent even picture of a the thigh).

Further he claimed that the security company where their salaries and valuables were kept, had also been attacked and they were asked to move their valuables to safer locations. All the nonsense following this "terrible news" was so thick line, that I just cut him off with my despising regards.

Jun 16, 2019
Dr. Michael Marino Einar
by: Anonymous

Scammed i'm sure. UN orthopedic doctor, widow, wife died in a car crash, 13 going on 14 son in school in New Jersey. Born in Oslo, Norway. Parents died when he was 18. Aunt raised him and she's in a nursing home. Met him on Zoosk, couldn't call, just text due to rules on the base in Queens, NY. Set to retire in 1 month. Went to Yemen saying it was for only 2 weeks.

Wanted to marry me after only 5-10 days of messaging. Asked what I are all the time. Sent pics of himself going to work out. Real smooth talker until you denied him or asked one to many questions and then he got very snarky. Son needed a new iPad asked for $1200 to be wired to NJ account. Had the son ask me if i cared about him or his dad or his studies I should send the money. Sent pics of his "son". Then asked if I would pose as his wife and send an email to a lawyer to get him out of Yemen and the attorney name is

The attorney needed $3200 plus to process the paperwork. I said I couldn't send the money and he got real nasty. He's asked for $200 in itunes cards today. I haven't responded. He has claimed it's so bad, he's stressed and hasn't eaten.

Don't i care...blah blah blah on yeah he has had 3 different phone numbers all with the 516 area code. I asked how many phones he had and he asked why. I said because you used 2 different phones in pics he sent. Is not happy if you are busy when he texts. Beware

Jun 14, 2019
Salmon Talbot fake UN Doctor
by: Anonymous

Be aware of a man on google hangouts claiming to Dr. Salmon "Sal" Talbot. He only chats on google hangouts. Claims have a home in California and somewhere in western Canada. Uses fake photos, has an answer for everything, total fake.


Jun 14, 2019
Alexander313Smith on IG
by: Anonymous

This idiot is using Joe Cross’ aka Joe the Juicer stolen images/photo. Joe is pretty famous so I recognized his face immediately! "Alexander Smith" also had the audacity to list his email as That’s a private school is Texas.

I’ve outed him to the school and on his IG account.

These scammers have no boundaries.

Block this guy ladies!

Jun 13, 2019
Derrick N stewart
by: Anonymous

Watch out for Derrick N Stewart for he is a scammer on Hangouts but removed his profile from Instagram once he was confronted about asking for money, gift cards. He claims to be a surgeon working in the army United Nations, single father, widow. He also claims he is waiting for retirement papers to be signed.

Do not fall for his lies and profession of love for you as its all part of the game. His grammar is horrible and claims he owes a home but Google it and it was sold. He may also claim he was injured. Do not believe him.

Jun 12, 2019
Another scammer to the list
by: Anonymous

Elite singles just notified me that a gentleman I have been talking to is a scammer. Michael Dawson, dob 12-8-1960 from Mount Pleasant, South Carolina. He portrays himself as a financial security investment and precious metals broker. He is a copy and paste poet. Writes with no flaws. I searched his name and location. Nothing helpful came up. Beware of this gentleman. He is romantic saying all the right things.

Jun 12, 2019
Italian woman
by: Anonymous

Be thankful you weren’t scammed. What I do when I find out whose photo/image they’ve stolen to scam women is I go onto their IG account and post the following on every post using the stolen image

FAKE ACCOUNT using the stolen images of XXXX to scam women. #scammersofinstagram

You’d be surprised at how quickly the profile is taken down and in the process you’ve informed other women of the scammer! You could also report the profile to IG as spam! It will be taken down.

Jun 11, 2019
Betrayed by an UN surgeon
by: Italian woman

A few weeks ago a man sent me a message on claiming he is in Afghanistan, as a doctor on a mission. He has a 22 year old son who is studying at college. He told me that he had been alone for a long time and now searched for love. He asked me to install hangouts so that we could continue to chat there. A wonderful charming man and I thougt why not. It's has been an intense and long conversation and we shared some photos to eachother. I was very careful in the beginning but with the time I started to open up to him.

A week ago he started to ask me for money. It sounded very strange and I was offended. I do not want to meet a man who is only interested in me for money. It is not worth it. I read on the internet that money questions is a big alarm for beeing scammed. I searched around on several websites and social media channels and eventually I found a guy who was very similar to the photos that he has sent to me.

I confronted him about it and he told me to go …. my self. So I said the same to him and now I want to warn other people about this scammer. When I saw this site it occurs to me that it is an extremely usual way of operating. How many people does these people fool? This needs to stop.

The real doctors name is RAFAEL CAMARGO and on his doctor site on facebook he has a lot of pictures.

I share the link here and to everyone who reads this: BE CAREFUL FOR GOD SAKE!!!

Jun 10, 2019
Orthopedic Surgeon FAKE Philip George
by: Anonymous

Facebook! Philip George. From today!

Philip: "" Orthopedic Surgeon from CA. In Afghanistan working for the United Nation. ...What’s your profession?"

(Me) RN

Philip: Yes?

(Me) I’m an RN

Philip: "Not familiar maybe tell me specifically what you do"

(Me) What hospitals do you have privileges in CA?

Philip "I’m working for the United Nations"

Blocked and reported... No Doctor has no idea that RN stands for REGISTERED NURSE.

Deeply offended using my healthcare profession for fraud.

Be careful out there

Jun 07, 2019
Every day
by: Anonymous

David Stanford, just a new one for the day, they're easy to spot. Orthopedic surgeon for the United Nations, from Cali, currently in Syria, whatever "likes" are generated from people in Bangladesh. I only chat long enough to tell them I know who they are. Then I report them.

Jun 07, 2019
Mike Thomas scammer
by: Anonymous

I got this:

"i'm mike thomas from north carolina USA, i'm an orphan i was adopted by a childless widow, i studied at north carolina high school, i'm currently working with the united states army"

I am sure he is a scammer. He tried to contact me on Instagram and asked me to download hangout. I refused and blocked him. I am a happily married woman with no reason to seek other men.

Jun 03, 2019
Another Tale
by: Anonymous

I was on Facebook. This guy popped in. Friend Request. I closed it out, opened it, closed it. Beautiful man. Grey hair. I never have accepted a request from a stranger. I did this time. He and I carried on great conversations. He was warm, kind, genuine. His picture got me. Then he called. He was definitely not the man in the picture, for two weeks I carried on beautiful music, beautiful words by hangouts, pictures. I was in love. But the voice made me suspicious. I dug for answers, talked to my banker, and I asked him if he needed anything. $2500.00.

He was supposed to be an Orthopedic Surgeon serving Syria, through Emory, in Atlanta. Beware, he goes under the name of Bram Lucas. You will never find a more handsome man. I had to bait him, hoping he would not want anything. But, I was sick when he bit.

It literally broke my heart. He kept insisting he was the real thing, but his story is so much like others I read. It was just yesterday I confronted him. Then I was the bad guy

Jun 03, 2019
Be on the Lookout, Ladies!
by: Anonymous

Watch out for a scammer by the name of Douglas Asger Smith, just posts Douglas or Doug Smith from Lexington, Kentucky. Says he is an architect, wife deceased, and one son, also an architect in NYC, two dogs, and is working on a big project. Had him checked out by a private investigator and he is a scammer 100%. Watch out, ladies!

Jun 02, 2019
Raymond Shurley
by: Anonymous

raymondshurley65 reached out to me on IG posting with photos of Billy Bush (as in the Bush Family)! Even posted photos of his children. I commented on his posts FAKE ACCOUNT USING BILLY BUSH’S image and family! Also reported it, sent Billy Bush a message and blocked this scammer!!!!

How stupid and ruthless are these men?

Jun 01, 2019
Concerned Sister-in-law
by: Anonymous

My brother-in-law is being scammed by a "girl" who uses the profile picture of a DEAD porn star by the name of August Ames (reverse Google image search). She claims she is in CA and illegal about to be deported unless she can come up with $1,500. My BIL has sent her AT LEAST $3,000 that we KNOW OF. And he has epilepsy so he lives on government disability which isnt much.

Due to the seizures he isnt very smart and thus cant pick up on subtle things like how "she" types differently depending on who he is talking to. Pretty sure it's a group of people that tag team. He has moved in with his mom so as to have a cell phone bill and an internet bill only and the rest, I presume, is for "her."

HUGE EYEROLL. It makes me sick to my stomach and has my heart very heavy. It isnt fair to my almost 70 year old mother-in-law who also lives on very little disability to pay for increased electric, water usage, toiletries, laundry soap, groceries etc so he can send every dime to someone he only THINKS he knows.

Oh also, they've never talked on the phone. "She" claims that though she is 28 years old her older sister wont let her because they dont have long distance calling. LOL!!!! We have told him that they can do video calls through Facebook. He says her sister is mean and wont let her. Ummm. Weird! LOL!

Seriously not sure what can be done. He battles depression already too. He now says the family hates him and that we are liars. He even makes up lies to try and get money out of family to send to "her." So sad.

May 31, 2019
Widow, kid boarding school
by: Anonymous

Lots of scammers use their profiles as widows etc but there are fraudsters claiming SINGLE, NEVER MARRIED, SEARCHING FOR A WIFE. They may say they have been too busy to find the right partners due to their busy work, diet (vegetarian), or taking care of their old (sick, disabled)parents has prevented to lead marriage so far.

May 31, 2019
Doctor in afghanistan
by: my poor momthesis

My mom is in contact with a "Mark Henry", deceased wife, son in boarding school, etc. works as a doctor for UN in Kabul, or so he says.

Found the name of the poor doctor he stole his picture from, Dr. Marco Lozano from Mexico. Do please search for the real doctor, he might have given you ladies the same picture.

Oh yeah, someone mentioned bitcoin? how is it connected?

May 31, 2019
by: Anonymous

Bitcoin and cryptocurrency are not traceable. WesternUnion wire transfers and banking transfers have a paper trail with a receivers name or bank account accepting the transfer. iTunes cards and various Visa cards are not traceable, you just scratch off and supply the code and that is it. These forms of money can be used for taping up, purchasing items ( such as flowers for someone else), trading or increasing a persons wealth. Also men and woman both should be careful, do not let someone add you to their bank account if you never met and saw them in person.

If you are added to a bank account then you become responsible for the activities and on going’s of the account. For example : if bad checks are written you can be held responsible by law in the United States. Intelligent people create these fraud schemes. Its a shame they do not use their intelligence to better purposes.

May 31, 2019
Dr. Fernando Gomes Pintos image stolen once again
by: Anonymous

Happily married Brazilian Dr. Fernando Gomes Pinto’s image has been stolen once again! "Anthony Fischer going by fischertony0 on IG is using his image followed by the usual lies. Deceased spouse, child in boarding school, Dr. overseas etc.

Reached out to me not realizing I’m aware of the scam! Should be interesting!!!!

May 31, 2019
Help! Friends mom currently being scammed
by: Anonymous

Try to get a photo of him and google reverse it

May 30, 2019
Help! Friends mom currently being scammed
by: Anonymous

Said his name is Jason Clooney. In the middle east doing work with MSF. Has an eight-year-old son.

Said he is an Ophthalmologist.

Anyone talking with him currently? How do I prove to her it's fake? She has mental health conditions that make this extra difficult.

I'll keep checking back here. I don't know what to do for her.

May 30, 2019
by: Anonymous

I would like to know how bitcoin is used in scamming

May 30, 2019
Reply to: To good to be true
by: Anonymous

Your guy sounds similar to the person I was talking to. I met him on Our Time. We talked for a couple of weeks then he had to leave the country to visit his mother in Finland. He did return only to leave again in a few weeks this time for a business trip. He got stuck away on business and didn’t have the funds to get back home.

When I didn’t do as he requested the texting and phone calls ended. I didn’t buy bitcoin, or wire money. We were supposed to meet but that fell through. We texted, emailed and talked on the phone for months. Video calls never worked properly and I could never see him.

My guy was born in the United States Massachusetts and then moved to Finland with his mother where he grew up. Married and moved back to the states in 2003 or 2006. He said he lost his wife to cancer, but he had no children.

Did you ever see a picture of your guy? Was he handsome with salt and pepper hair and a nice smile? We must be careful on the sites. I am sure there are nice genuine guys out there.

May 29, 2019
Too good to be true
by: Anonymous

Starting chatting with a gentleman in Florida from and it seemed too good and he said he was a widow, lost wife in 2016 in a car accident. He has 2 grown daughters going to school for pharmacy and law. Is an engineer consultant with own company. After 4 days he announces he got a contract in Dubai to build a mall and has to leave right away and will contact me when he gets there which he does. He only took 32,000 cash with him and a density meter he has to buy is 37,800 and can't use his credit card because he forgot to tell his bank he was going out of the country and needs me to send him this 5,800 he is short. Which I did not do and got wise and told him to take a hike.

Goes by Brian Smith Hayford. Born in Jacksonville FL after father died in 1975 he moved with mother to Finland or so he says. Came back to states in 2003 with wife and 2 daughters.

BEWARE! If it sounds too good to be true it is.

May 27, 2019
Just want to let you ladies know
by: Anonymous

All these men are scammers so I've heard it all can't get home, need money, need iTunes cards, kid in boarding school, wife died etc so please do not fall for that these men are good at what they do and hangouts is known for scammers so I say to you save your heart and your money and never ever send anything to these men.

I wrote on here a lot about these so called Doctors which they are not so trust your gut and block and report these men and stay safe because they are all over the internet sites.

May 25, 2019
by: Anonymous

Sent me the same message, same person. Wanted $2000 for son when I wouldn’t send that he asked for $200 ITune card

May 25, 2019
William Jose
by: Anonymous

Yes he tried this with me too. It only took 4 days until he asked me for money. I said No and blocked him. He I will tell you what you want to here.

May 23, 2019
Jose william - Head ofOrthopedic Surgeon MSF
by: Anonymous

This guy sent me a message on LinkedIn claiming he is in Syria, a doctor on a mission. He has a 14-y/o son who is at a boarding school He claimed he has lost his wife several years ago. He asked me to install hangouts and we can chat there. Strange guy. It's been 3 days now that we are chatting using hangouts but I am trying to go along with his story.

I'm waiting for him to ask money from me. By the way, he even sent a picture of him and his son. Wherever he stole that pic.

May 22, 2019
Oil Rig Romance Scam - Phillip Anderson
by: Anonymous

Just another name to add to your list. Never asked for money but its only been a week.

I went on to and did a reverse image search and found one of the pictures he sent me on a couple of European sites under the name Lucas Arthur. I asked him who Lucas Arthur was and he claimed that he has had issues in the past with his identity being used for these scams and to please report that account I found.

His wife died 5 years ago and he has an 8 yr old daughter who lives with a caregiver, no siblings and his mother died giving birth to him. He started a game with me on WWF and then started messaging me and shortly after he asked to chat in Hangout. Soon began to profess that I was an angel sent to him by God and that he is deeply in love with me. I have become a cynic with online romance so I questioned him on everything and made it very clear that I have nothing, therefore there is nothing for him to gain from me financially or property wise.

These people need to stop.

May 20, 2019
They are doubling up their efforts!
by: Anonymous

I must receive at least 5 requests on IG. The latest was pitiful. The usual, Engineer, living in FL, originally from Australia but daughter at boarding school in the UK. When I questioned that his response was that’s where she wanted to study. Then I questioned which school and he replied Harron vs. Harrow.

When I pointed out no such school exists in the UK he sends me a map screen shot of Harrow! I replied do you not know where your only child attends school. Claims it was an error! That’s a heck of an error!

I told him he was a scammer and had no time for his lies. I blocked him and then reported him to IG. His account was shut down and blocked.

Ladies, call them out on their scam and shut them down!

May 20, 2019
by: Anonymous

David Williams, a Dr. located in Kabul is polite and affectionate until you refuse to send him money which he needs for you to send with the completed application for a vacation for him to come home to visit you.

You must fill out the application and put in your name (as his wife) and include $1050.00 to send to him for the UN. I told him NO and NO to any money. He was very unhappy with me for not "helping him". My, but he called me Honey and Baby before that. He said he was an orthopaedic surgeon and was from Orlando. He had one son in boarding school in England.

Beware - do not trust a word he says.

May 18, 2019
Orthopedic Surgeon in Yemen
by: LOIS

Everything I have read here rings loud and clear. A Surgeon working on a contract with the UN and can't afford an Itunes card and asking me to get a card. REALLY. His email was unfound and why in the world didn't he stay in America and do his Orthopedic Surgery.

Everything adds up to pure craziness. And then wants to Video call/chat. The man is using Frank Stewart as his um...American name, 4 year contract with the UN in Yemen.

May 17, 2019
Dr. George Franklin orthopedic surgeon un Syria
by: Anonymous

This guy said he is Dr George Franklin orthopedic surgeon for the United Nations. He found me on Facebook and now he's trying to get money from me because he said he needed a vacation clearance which cost $2,500. We've been talking for about a month now and he wants money to get out of there because he was injured do to a bombing I'm so glad I found this page it helped me so much thank you

May 12, 2019
Please warn your wife
by: Anonymous

With regards to the last two posts he did the same exact story to me and I was stupid enough to send 20,000 for his use of his laptop and I got the same story of traveling and loosing his stuff and I was dumb enough to give money thru western union and just so you know I never heard from him again.

If you give them pictures they can blackmail you and take pictures with your face to a naked picture even put in a video. I don’t know how they do it but a friend of mine had it happen and this guy said he was coming to New York and wants to buy a big house for me and my daughter, a big engagement ring and travel around the world on private jets so if any of you woman believe these guys you are in for a world of trouble for you and you’re family because they find ways to find your family members so please listen as I would not take the time to write this because it cost me lots of money so report to the FBI and get rid of any numbers or email because it will never end.

May 12, 2019
The same guy
by: Anonymous

I know this may sound insane, but I get this feeling that we're running around each other. A few of us are talking to the same person, but just with a different names.

May 11, 2019
Freidrich Werner also aka Morgan Smith
by: Anonymous

Last summer, I was messaged by this person. He told me he was a civil engineer who worked for Alvin Butz Company in Allentown, Pa and Tishman company in NYC. We chatted online and he was moving the conversation a little quickly. He wanted to meet me at my home and I said no. I would meet him a public place. (I never gave him my address). I work in NYC and he said he would be in the city for business. We agreed to meet for lunch. Of course something came up and he had to leave the country for Cape Town, South Africa.

He messaged me while supposedly traveling and sent me pictures of inside airports. The next message I received was that he had landed and his luggage, laptop, money were all stolen from inside his suitcase from the cargo on the plane.

I told him no one ever stores their laptop and money in there suitcases. He insisted I send him money and a laptop so he could tend to his business. He became very nasty. I stopped all communication with him immediately. I did call Alvin Butz Company to verify his employment and he never worked for or with that company.

If you are from the Lehigh Valley and he seemed to know this entire area very well. Several months later different dating site, he reached out to me under the name of Freidrich Werner. And I blocked him again. He was the 3rd scammer I encountered last year.

The others were Robert Walsh on Match and Anthony Jones/ Thomas Cook on Our Time.

Be very careful. These fraudsters are professional and are out for one thing only which is to romance you out of your money.

May 11, 2019
Jerry Coulter
by: Anonymous

Your wife is headed for serious heartache and financial loss at best! These men are part of organized crime, sex trafficking etc. She MUST stop engaging him and under no circumstance provide any personal information of photos. Ask her to put him to the test and FaceTime her in real time holding up a sign with his name.

I guarantee you he will state it isn’t allowed where he is. If she refuses to believe you she is headed for some dangerous grounds. I feel for you trying to protect someone who wants to divorce you (admirable on your part). She needs to WAKE UP!

May 10, 2019
Jerry Coulter
by: Anonymous

My wife gets very defensive when I even mention him. She has already told me she wants a divorce and paperwork is in process. If anyone has a photo or email address for this loser, I would dearly love to receive it at phi.slama at

May 10, 2019
Friedrich Werner or Soky West
by: Anonymous

Has anyone been contacted by a man called Friedrich Werner? Said he was from Allentown PA. Said he is a chief engineer on an oil rig platform called the Atlantis 190 miles offshore from New Orleans in the Gulf of Mexico. He's widowed, never had kids, was adopted.

He claimed to be from the United Kingdom with a British accent but sounds like it could be Nigerian. I did the reverse image search on his pictures he sent and the real Friedrich Werner is a Minister. Not in the US. I found his Facebook page. I have a lot more information to share on this man if anyone has been contacted by him.

He's a real charmer so beware!

May 10, 2019
Beware of your ID
by: Anonymous

Majority of scammers introduced here might be fraudsters by profession, usually members of criminal organizations. However, employees who work for well known companies are also involved in ID theft, scam and other forms of criminal activities. Employees of Aer Lingus, a flag carrier airline, involved in human trafficking and money laundering by means of workplace resources. You can't trust anyone whom you meet online.

Much criminals from Guatemala, Honduras and El Salvador, attempt to enter the U.S., and stolen IDs of yours could be misused for those undocumented immigrants.

May 10, 2019
Jerry Coulter
by: Anonymous

Yes, he’s a total scam artist and will soon profess his love then try to get her to provide personal info then the request for $$$, iTunes cards or Google play cards. Notice how they are all widowed and their only surviving kid is in boarding school? Coincidence???? I think not, just the standard stupid scammers story line.

Tell your wife to BEWARE

May 09, 2019
Jerry Coulter
by: Anonymous

Has anyone been contacted by this man. Supposedly a general surgeon for the U.N., widowed, son in boarding school, etc. He first contacted my wife through Pinterest, then switched to Hangouts. Very similar to most of the stories here.

May 09, 2019
Anthony Jones/ Thomas Cook
by: Anonymous

Anthony Jones/Thomas Cook scammer has reappeared on the Zoosk dating site in the United States. He is posing to be from Indian head, Maryland and 68 years old instead of the 58 years old he said to me. Also now he has children (he just created them). There was never any mention of children before. His photos he is using are still that handsome American businessman Thomas Cook.

I contacted Zoosk and blocked him and alerted the profile as a scammer. Beware, I did my homework. He is a scammer. After talking to him for several months, my credit card was hacked as well as my Verizon phone account. Someone used my phone number to hack in the Verizon account to try to order iPhones online.

I believe this to be tied into my interaction with Anthony Jones/ Thomas Cook. Beware, protect and educate yourself.

May 09, 2019
RE: Scam
by: Anonymous

He only gave me this number 1-726-666-1312. You can call it if you want to.

Who wants to make phone call? NO way.

TX area code


May 08, 2019
Orthopedic Doctor in Syria UN from England
by: Anonymous

Anyone come across Dr. Patrick Morgan? Blue eyed, white male with graying hair and a neat beard. Claims to be Ortho doc working for UN in Syria. Originally from England. Claims Cannot talk on phone because of UN rules lol but a quick videochat shows his face matches his new FB profile.

Sends lots of pics of hearts and flowers and complimentary words. he Found my mom on FB and started writing her on messenger. Claims a young daughter and he is a widower. Said he is 60. Blah blah blah. His FB has a few pics, a cat, a puppy, a girl and has two other foreign female friends showing up. Not his presumed nationality either as slavic or something.

He types well in English but often there are errors that an educated English national would not make.

Just letting other ladies know about this likely scammer although he has not asked for money as of now.

May 07, 2019
Men who lie
by: Anonymous

Hear what I am saying as I got scammed for quite a bit of money. They are all liars and nothing they say is true. They are all from Nigeria and can be dangerous so you should block them and repost to GBI and get off of these dating sites because that’s we’re they are. They don’t look like they’re pictures because it’s not them. So think about this - would a surgical doctor or a surgeon that went to a good medical school need money from you. He should be giving you girls money if he is so wealthy with the kids in boarding school in Europe yet he can’t afford a itune card then they will say they got robbed on a very important mission and beat up.

Now think about this as I have friends who are doctors who do this and they don’t need money from you and they are paid very well and have very good safe accommodation with money and credit cards and can buy an airline ticket and also when doctors go overseas they have all the stuff in triplet because in case they lose something.

Oh they will also say they need money for the internet so they can speak to you if in fact you do chat it’s not the person who picture your looking at.

Ladies please be smart and don’t send pictures. I hope you take my words as true because I did lose money and I don’t want that to happen to someone else

May 07, 2019
Dr Michael Douglas
by: Anonymous

Anybody have someone contact them by the name Dr Michael Douglas. Works for UN stationed in Syria. Sent me pics of his ID badge with him holding it up. Never married, no kids. Says he went to Rush Medical School.

May 07, 2019
by: Anonymous

Why doesn’t anyone find it odd that they are all widows with deceased parents, no siblings and kid in Boarding School oversees? Not feasible not to mention if he can afford Boarding School tuition why is he asking you for gift cards. I have two very senior family members in the military and they do not need us to obtain gift cards for them. It’s a scam!!!!!

May 06, 2019
by: Anonymous

I have totally blocked this guy. But for some reason, he's still texting me.

May 06, 2019
by: Anonymous

He only gave me this number 1-726-666-1312. You can call it if you want to.

May 06, 2019
by: Anonymous

He said he had a son named Jeff and his wife died in a car wreck

May 06, 2019
RE:Capt. Sean Dunaway
by: Anonymous

With regard to Captain Sean Dunaway, has he given you a phone number (line and/or mobile) and residential address in Ireland and possibly the US?

If the home address in Dublin contains "Clontarf", then he is a fraudster. Your personal information is in danger and should contact authorities both in your local police& FBI and Garda (Irish police which is not reliable though).

May 05, 2019
by: Anonymous

Did he give you his name? I was also talking to a Military guy in Afghanistan who goes by the name of Captain Sean Dunaway. The pictures he sent was of a guy 5'10 spikey brown hair with blue eyes. He mentioned his wife and 2 kids died in a car accident his daughter Florence was in a boarding school over in Ireland.

Does that ring a bell? I am sorry you to had to go through that.

May 05, 2019
Scammer or not
by: Anonymous

The name is the same as on the uniform because the scammer has stolen the real military man’s image/identity. Very common with these scammers. The majority do just that! I would block him.

Trust me, the request for money is coming.

Good luck!

May 05, 2019
Scammer or not?
by: Anonymous

A month ago I got into a chat with a military guy. He's widowed with a daughter. We been talking ever day, but I don't trust it. His photo's didn't come up when I search reverse image.

He's on a peacekeeping mission in Syria. In the pictures you can see that he uses the same name as on his uniform.

He asked me to send me his belongings. His uniform, his atm card, birth certificate. I don't really believe it, but you never know.
His name doesn't come up in all the scammers

May 05, 2019
by: Anonymous

I joined the internet POF dating site. I met a guy named Frank Hartin. He claimed he was a Sargent in the military stationed in Germany and he was retiring in May of this year 2019 and needed an iTunes card to make a phone call.

I'm not going to lie to y'all. I got it for him to see if he was going to be true. When I bought the iTunes card from Walgreens, I called him and told him. He was so excited. I don't mind helping people. After I gave him the information about the card later on he turned around and asked me for $500.00.

I told him to stop calling me and I will not be able to help with nothing else. I know I probably was crazy I may even been stupid, but it was a lesson for me to try. He says he is a Sargeant Major in the Army. That's why I thought about helping him. I will be doing this kind of helping ever again. He is still in the military. I gave him that iTunes card out of the kindness and goodness of my heart and said if he is lying, God is going to get him.

May 04, 2019
My dream man
by: Miriam

Ladies, l can identify with many of you. I have been single for over 5 years, a woman of faith. Independent and positive. I too decided to go on one of these sites, So, l began chatting with a gentleman, well at least that's how he expressed himself. Brazilian, wow what a hunk. Said he was overseas and occupation, was petroleum engineer and was about to finish this contract to retire and come sell his 4 bedroom house to a smaller one for the perfect woman, ME.

This gets better, the initial story was that he lost his wife via a drunk driver. A 25 y/o daughter and two grandkids. We have been romancing, pics, 2 calls. However, his voice didn't seem to match the image, I felt. He spoke low, hoarse and a heavy accent, like Nigerian. After reading on this site, l know realize the accent, it wasn't a Portuguese accent. Anyway, we been romancing for 3 weeks now and the other day he asked about my type of work and said you must make huge,$$.

Immediately, that disappointed me, that's inappropriate to ask especially since we've never meet. He has taken his time about personal questions, but quick to romance me, saying he loves me and wants to spend the rest of his life with me. We spoke about meeting, relocating.

Then, I asked about his family. Supposedly, mom, daughter and grandkids live in one house in Brazil. His plans was to help his daughter with a business. How true all this can sound. Right ladies? Well I gave him my view about all this. My daughter decided to do research about online scams and alerted me. Now I decided to confront him politely by asking whether he is the real person in the pic and requested we video chat later today.

Initially he said he had a laptop and unable to video chat, so now he would borrow a cell from his crew workers to video chat me there. Which obviously is impossible. Intriguing story isn't it? How we woman begin to fall in 💘 with the image and their sweet persuasive words.

Honestly, I became emotional and easily falling for him. So like one lady said, if he is a real person he might be living his life and here we we're making plans to spend our lives with the man. I truly feel for all you woman and perhaps even men, we don't know that have fallen in these deceitful lies. However, I trust a loving God that loves us, knows what we need and will guide us to meet the genuine man of our dreams.

I hope my story has been helpful, forewarning and at the same time encouraging. There's someone out there that will value and honor us for who we are. This story might have a continuation, provided that there is a possibility of video chatting with the man in the pic. His name is Marco Maddison R
Telles who we can find in Google.

Guard your 💕 ladies.

May 03, 2019
Dr Alexander Oxford
by: Anonymous

Anyone know him? Claimed to be a U.N. bone doctor, based in Kabul. His English was awkward and he kept calling me 'dear. He insisted on giving him my email. So just after two chats I blocked him.
As far as my photos, if he ever tries to blackmail me, he can kiss my a.. as I don't have any money and with a big debt to pay. He won't squeeze anything out of me.

May 02, 2019
Replying to My Scammer story
by: Anonymous

I'm so sorry to hear of your story and that you where hurt so I hope you will be able to move on from this and it's also good that you reported this to the proper authority's as we all have been through this in some way or other but just know that sharing your's definitely will help other's and I thank you for sharing your story with us.

May 02, 2019
RE: My Scammer Story
by: Anonymous

Sorry to hear that and hope you will move on.
By the way, please give us information about that scammer.

Name, DOB, occupation, workplace, nationality, e-mail address, IP address, residential address, phone numbers, where flowers were sent or whatever. We know some or most are fake but still helpful.

May 01, 2019
My Scammer Story
by: Anonymous

The saddest thing that happened to me was the fact that I had no intention of ever giving my heart to another, but this guy put so much in my head, love letters, poems, sent actual Rose's, told me he loved me and couldnt wait to see me, well that never happened. I gave in and I gave him my heart and told him I'm in love with you, but now the problem is I'm still in love with him and the actual real person and he will never know, hes married with a beautiful wife and 2 beautiful daughters, so I sit here and hurt so bad as if I was back in high school.

The pain is real, the tears are real and my love is real, all this took place within 3 weeks and it has ended and even though I know hes a scammer I miss the poems, the love letters and him so much, but hes not real. I never heard his voice, he would post pictures of himself and with his daughters and he broke my heart and I wasn't even looking for love. I never accept friend requests but his was different, he was looking for someone who can give his daughters motherly love and pampering and wanted a Platonic companion which was fine with me, until he started after seeing me in videos and all of it changed. He lived where I live so I believed everything, I was vulnerable after losing my husband as he after losing his wife, he portrayed himself as an orthopaedic surgeon in Afganastan who wanted to come home, but money got involved and that's when suspicion took over me. I did face recognition on Google and found everything out, it wasn't the person in the picture, I tracked to Ghana got his IP address and reported to FBI, but it hurts so bad to love someone who doesn't even know you exist and it's taking a lot of time, so sorry for ranting

Apr 30, 2019
UN general surgeon
by: ML

Has anyone heard of the United Nations general surgeon named Michael Stark? I can't find a current list of physicians. He promises the moon and all the typical stories. Wife died during childbirth, 2 daughters in London boarding school.

He works in Milan, born in Turkey with missionaries. Parents dead, no siblings. Good at smooth talking however has not asked for money. Says he'll move to US and basically give me the world.

Apr 29, 2019
Dr Jeremy Palmer/ Nesbitt
by: Concerned Family Member

Yes, we have heard of him. Same storyline, same picture. We believe someone using that name has one of our older family members involved in a romance scam. We cannot sway her that it is a scam; she is adamant he is legitimate.

Can discuss further, if you want. We are at

Apr 29, 2019
For Instagram scammers
by: Anonymous

If it's John Clifford223 then yes he's definitely a scammer as this man is on scam sites scam419, scamhaters etc. so do look up the United Nations list of doctors.

Apr 29, 2019
For Instagram scammers
by: Anonymous

You can check the United Nations list of doctors to see if his name is on there which I bet it's not so just go to United Nation list of Doctors the list will come up on doctors that are working for them.

Apr 28, 2019
Instagram scammers
by: Anonymous

Hi, has anyone come across someone called John Clifford who claims he is a United Nations medical doctor stationed in Iraq? He claims he is half Argentinian and half American and most of his family died of tuberculosis. Sounds a bit suspicious

Apr 28, 2019
by: Anonymous

Does anyone know alex nicholas or gentry forest long

Apr 27, 2019
I have a New one Ladies
by: Anonymous

Do not accept a follow request from a Robinson Michael or his twitter account is @robinsonmichael as he is definitely a scammer. I blocked him but he's following a lot of ladies only and only has two guys he's following and claims he's in the U.S Army so keep a eye out for this guy just letting you know about this guy stay safe.

Apr 27, 2019
Syrian UN doctor
by: Anonymous

I was reviewing some old messages sent to me in Aug 2016, before deleting. I googled his name & it took me to this site. He noticed my FB profile picture & sent me a compliment using messenger. He represented himself as both a neurosurgeon & an orthopedic doctor, from New York working for UN in Syria, & his job was to look after US injured soldiers.

He said his name was Dr Martin Anthony, a widower whose wife had died at the time of the birth of his son. When that happened he was working in Iraq. I was suspicious because in his picture, he appeared quite young. At any rate he advised me that he was 53. He asked me for my info. I kept it vague because I had not joined any singles apps & assumed he had picked my photo because I was wearing a lab coat & stethescope.

We chatted a few times over a couple of days. He volunteered that he had a 15 year old daughter called Rose who was attending boarding school in his country (didn't divulge which was his country) under the care of UN government. He asked me to get in touch through whatsapp to chat at his New York #16467147677.

Apr 25, 2019
Bradley Jones
by: Anonymous

There is a Bradley Jones lurking out there, too! He is the very first picture you see if you go to the website Syria Surgeon Scammers. He is a scammer 100%. Don't go there with him. He has been so many names it is almost unbelievable.

Check him out to make sure you don't go there. He has been John Frank Luther as well as many other names. The poor guy in the pictures no one can find out who he really is....poor guy! Be very cautious ladies!!!

Apr 23, 2019
Re: Rodger Rees
by: Anonymous

Hi. I seen your comment about this person. I have never heard of him and I have had the displeasure of a few scammers messaging me. He sounds like a fake and scammer, the stories here are similar.

No man who was genuine would ask someone he’d never met for money or even discus such if you’d never met.

Try reverse google his image. Or put his username details into social media sites. You may find he’s multiple identities.

I hope your mum listens to you.

Tell her to block him. He’s not worth the heartache she will suffer afterwards.

Take care

Apr 23, 2019
Reply to Roger Reese
by: Anonymous

Give this site to your mom and let her read all the articles/stories here. I am sure she will be enlightened.

Apr 23, 2019
Roger Rees
by: Anonymous

I wish this forum would allow you to post pictures. Several of us who have posted are talking to the same gentleman. Just changing his name and story around. Educate your mother that romance scammers exist. YouTube and this site are perfect places to become educated. Also google reverse image look up for photos is helpful: That is where I found my scammer lying, when the stories he told me about his pictures didn’t add up and make sense..Show her my past posts about Anothy Jones. Hope everyone ‘s stories and experiences help.

ED: you can post pictures when you start a new submission [but not when you are adding a comment to an existing submission] - use the page below and you can see photos there and you can also post your own story and photos there:

Apr 22, 2019
Roger Rees
by: Anonymous

My mom joined back in January and she quickly started talking to Roger Rees claiming to be divorced for 12 years, no kids, no siblings, and both parents have passed. He's originally from Ireland, but grew up in the UK. He was a mechanical engineer, but has since retired and is now a consultant. He claims to be 60 yrs old in good shape/health. I've only seen one picture and he has salt and pepper hair and beard. He says he's currently in Johannesburg, South Africa doing some consulting work.

My sister and I have been trying to tell my mom that this sounds like a total scam, but sadly she doesn't believe us. We're worried she's going to start sending him money. We don't think she has yet. He has some bogus story about having off-shore bank accounts in the Bahamas and can't get his money sent to him, so he is now stuck in South Africa.

Has anyone else encountered someone with this story? It would be very helpful to show my mom, so she'll start believing that this is actually a scam.

Apr 22, 2019
Dr Palmer
by: Anonymous

He sounds like a man who friended me on kik. Dr Robert Taylor. Using the same pic. He’ll try to get her to buy real estate.

Apr 21, 2019
Dr. Jeremy Palmer/Neisbitt
by: Anonymous

Has anyone ran across a guy claiming he is Dr. Jeremy Neisbitt or Palmer? Suppose to be a UN Dr. in Nigeria and Formerly in Syria. Suppose to be a Ortho Surgeon. Says wife is dead and has mother in Ohio or Philadelphia.

I think a friend is being scammed big time by him. Have a pic of him on a seaside wearing black golf shirt and tan trousers.

Any info would be helpful

Apr 20, 2019
Making a correction to the April 18th Post
by: Anonymous

Sorry I wrote that the wrong way it was about exactly what you where talking about. I wanted to correct that and I still say ladies be careful who you are communicating with and stay safe.

Apr 19, 2019
Reponding to the April 18th Comment
by: Anonymous

What you wrote is so true and been there done that it. There are so many scammers out there on all the dating sites I had a gentleman claiming to be a Doctor but was not the same stuff you wrote about. He was not only talking to me with the same line but also twenty five of us when I came to this site which I was happy to find and to only find that the ladies were also on here talking about the same man so I hope these ladies take your advice and I hope they never give any information to none of these scammers because it will only hurt them in the end.

Basically I would block and cut all communication with them, and one that I was talking to I reported to the place he claimed he worked for and to the other sites he was on so with that said take care of yourselves Ladies and protect yourselves from these men.

Apr 18, 2019
How to spot SCAMMERS
by: Anonymous

Ladies please be smart and dont be a victim of this Romance Scammer. Note the following:

1.Profession:Engineer/Doctor/Contractor/Finance Professional/Consultant
2 Status: Widowed/Divorced
3. With 1 child or 2 sometimes
4. Parents passed away and no siblings
5. Location: USA/UK/EUROPE
7. Pictures are so clear, NO Videos. They just send videos but not real time.
8. They talked about marriage trust and meet up after a day of chatting.
9. Sending flowers and cards just to impress and earn trust (Take note the money they will pay for that is from the credit card they got from you ladies)

Be aware use your head not your heart :)

Apr 13, 2019
RE: Anothony. Jones
by: Anonymous

Mine was in Dublin, ROI. He might have a place in the US as well, if so presumably Seattle or Miami. He gave me line and mobile phone number in Dublin, and the mobile number exclusively in the US.

He didn't ask me for money in a direct manner but told me the company that his parents and brother (in Waterford) was in financial problem due to the recession in the US (exporting electronic devices) and had to fire employees who had been devoted to them, and it is a damage for the local community. One day he talked about his dream to purchase huge land to start an animal sanctuary. We met on Veggieconnection, the dating site for vegetarian people.

Apr 12, 2019
Anothony. Jones
by: Anonymous

The address I received was 438 Beechwood Ave. Carnegie, Pa or Pittsburgh, Pa area. What did he tell you about himself? Did you meet him on a dating site? What story did he spin for you?

Apr 11, 2019
Anthony Jones / Thomas Cook
by: Anonymous

His home address he gave me was not correct when I verified it. He sent me massive flowers several times.

What is the postcode and name of the street/avenue?

Apr 10, 2019
Dr. George Lange
by: Anonymous

Contacted me through FB. Same story, Orthopedic Surgeon in a mission in Yemen. Sweetest guy and the picture is a blue eyed spiked gray hair very handsome. After I asked him for a selfie on the spot he said he will wait for his colleague to come to take a picture of him, and he send me a picture laying sideways on a beautiful bed in shorts! He asked me to install hangouts to communicate better. I sent him a few selfies, and when I asked him to video chat he said he couldn't because of the situation in Yemen.

Today I googled his name and this post came up.
I only invested three days which it was entertainment for me, but he was ready to get married... lol

Be careful out there.

Apr 06, 2019
Anthony Jones
by: Anonymous

Anthony Jones/ Thomas Cook left the states st the end of July last year and has not been back to the states since due to his miscalculation in his financial project. I told him to reach out to his staff or persons he is close to in business to have them help him to get home back to the states. He said it would destroy his credibility and branding. I asked him to send me pictures of the area he was at.

He told me his camera was not working properly on his phone. There was always an excuse or something else that would pop up. Fees for storage for his gold, tariffs fees etc. When I told him that I couldn’t help him, that is when he became angry. He told me that I was lying to him , made up excuses why I couldn’t help him and that was not how a relationship should work.

I explained to him we did not have a relationship, we were only talking on line. He got mad and I haven’t heard from him in awhile. He is most likely targeting another person.

Apr 06, 2019
Anthony Jones / Thomas Cook
by: Anonymous

Anthony Jones / Thomas Cook sends ladies flowers.
John Power will send you postcards from cities in North America and London. He also likes to give Irish stuff especially calendars.

Apr 05, 2019
Anthony Jones portrays himself as Thomas Cook
by: Anonymous

I met Anthony Jones on Our Times dating site almost 1 year ago. He was charming, educated, charismatic, extensive traveler amongst my other things. We had a lot in common. Over several months , things did not add up. We texted and talked on the phone all the time. He would never send me recent pictures of himself, our video chats were too blurry to really see him. His home address he gave me was not correct when I verified it. He sent me massive flowers several times.

We made arrangements to meet and of course he had to leave the country on business, to return back in a week. Well that never happened, suddenly he got stuck in the country he went to do business in. He miscalculated his expenses for his gold purchase. He said he was in investments. Interesting enough originally he told me he had retire from the UN job as a catastrophic loss assessor for emergency funding to those in need.

Over the months things just didn’t make sense. I found google images search. I found he was using actual photos of American business man and speaker Thonas Cook. When confronted about this find, he said he was Anthony Jones and Thomas Cook was his name behind his business brand. He seem to know a lot of the going ons of Mr Cook. He eventually started to ask me to do things for him. He ordered a lap top and asked for it to be sent to a address in the states to be forwarded to him.

Then he wanted me to get him iPhones, laptops, and do wire transfers to various persons. I said no I wouldn’t do that. That is when he became very controlling and angry in his texts and talks on the phone. He still reached out to me and talked to me. He stopped asking for money for several months. I received flowers for Valentine’s Day and then that’s when the pressure for money began. I just said no I could not help him and he got mad. I dismissed him.

His description is : a very handsome man about 5ft 10 inches salt and pepper hair approximately 56 yrs old. Nice build 175-200 lbs. and occasionally wears glasses. Fashion conscious. Likes Genuine Gucci and Hermès. Wears Cartier love bracelets and other beaded bracelets along with a ring in his photos. No wedding band.

He told me his wife died of cancer. No children. He said they were married 13 years. I am a widow with no children, that was part of our common ground. Last time we texted he wanted me to send him bitcoin so he could pay his living expenses and come home to correct his financial situation and then go back to conclude his business.

I never sent him the bit coins. He wanted several thousand dollars. When reading about the posts about Sea , I was wondering if it could be a similar or same person changing up his profile. Hope this helps someone.

Be alert.

Apr 04, 2019
Thomas Cook
by: Anonymous

The man you have been speaking to for a few months sounds like this man Sean Dunaway from Ireland who speaks articulately, asks you questions, emails you music, is very polite, and educated. Sean doesn't sound narcissistic. In his writing, he never uses I am only am that is one of the signs the person is not from USA and is a scammer. Sean never asked me for money.

Sean was supposedly in Afghanistan going on secret mission trips. I believe a lot what he said except for the part when the banks over there had issues and he had to send me his money. I felt that was strange. I never went ahead with that or heard back from him.

Did Thomas send you any pictures of himself? Sean who is 5'10 with blue eyes, and spikey hair. A very attractive man. You can find the pictures on Fillipinoinlove, Like You, Wamaba, and Seniorcircles. The picture is described so differently in the profile. Saying this man Robert or whatever name he goes by has brown eyes and black hair meanwhile the guy has blue eyes and brown hair and he might even be married since I saw a ring on his finger.

I am sorry you had to go through that.

Apr 04, 2019
Tony / Anthony Jones / Thomas Cook
by: Anonymous

This dating site gentleman is attractive, attentive and charming and states he does not need your money but stuck in another country trying to get his large gold purchase out of and back home. Wants you to send wire transfers to shippers, purchase iPhones and computers to offset the shipping fees and tariffs.

The latest is he wants you to purchase bitcoin and send it to him to help his cause to get home. Uses sunnysmile2013 . Found on OurTime dating site and probably several others. Very romantic, poetic, send music and songs. Great conversations, educated, and very polite. Supposed to be born in the US but raised in Finland.

Has anyone out there encountered him on the sites and what happened (what was the outcome) I talked to him for months before he asked for anything. Lately, it seems like there are 2 of him. One gentleman who is very polite and nice and the second one with narcissist tendencies and insecurities. Anyone encountered this guy????

Apr 03, 2019
by: Anonymous

I know Sean would email songs. Also, when I did a reverse image search the picture he had posted would come up and in a few pictures the man with the short spikey hair with blues has the last name Mooney on his army uniform and a shirt he was wearing.

Did you find the way Sean wrote was very militant? I did. Sean would say Hello, How are you and how was your night? Always thanking you for the heartfelt emails and Prayers. He had mentioned he was on a secret mission.

Apr 03, 2019
Sean Dunaway from Dublin
by: Anonymous

Besides his given name, the location (nationality), height and and writing traits (hey ~, long messages, poetry-like style etc. ) his email address also makes me suspect this perpetrator could be John Richard Power from Dublin, ROI. John Power's email used to be

Shamrock is the call sign for Aer Lingus where he works as a pilot. 787 should be his favorite aircraft which are Boeing. Aer Lingus does not fly Boeing any more, though. sounds like captain Sean/John to me while I have no clue about TRIPLE-ONE.

Apr 02, 2019
by: Anonymous

He sent me pictures of a blonde headed guy with a beard. He said he had a daughter and that his wife had divorced him because of his work schedule. He contacted me on Words With Friends first; then through Hangouts.

He told me he was very wealthy because he worked on oil rigs in a ownership position and he’d never ask me for money. I didn’t hear from him for several days and then, when he contacted me again he asked for a $100 iTunes card so that he could have a gift for his daughter for her birthday.

He said he’d pay me back later as he just didn’t have access to his bank account while on the oil rig. I told him that I knew he was scamming me and then I blocked him.

Apr 01, 2019
by: Maryellen

Did Sean mention to you that he had a seven year old daughter Florence in Ireland at a Boarding School and his wife and 2 kids died in a car accident in UK? Did he send you pictures of a blond hair guy?

Apr 01, 2019
About Sean
by: Anonymous

"Sean" also contacted me. As soon as he asked for money I blocked him. I found it interesting that in less than 12 hours (and knowing nothing about me) he was in love with me.

He claimed to work on an oil rig when talking to me too.

Mar 31, 2019
by: Maryellen

Yes, I did contact FBI and was told to fill-out a form to be sent to them. Sean Dunaway was using someone else's pictures. If you go to Reverse Image Search upload pictures then click images and click Yandex you can see the pictures. You can on other pictures of the person they are on other dating sites. I Like You, Wamba, and Filippoinlove. Very scary!

Mar 27, 2019
To Maryellen regarding Irish named Sean
by: Anonymous

Did you report about that story to the site administrator? You had better report it to FBI or local police. Keep correspondence record and check out the IP address if possible. That perpetrator may abuse your personal information for other forms of criminal activities though he failed to money out of yours.

Mar 27, 2019
Reverse image search
by: Anonymous

Hi there! For those of you being sent pics, do a reverse image search. I did with my scammer. Interestingly enough, he was using pictures of an Alaskan nature blogger. Hmmmm! Not the oil rig worker he claimed to be. It will be eye opening!

Mar 26, 2019
Dr. James Michael
by: Anonymous

I was friended by a guy named Dr. James Michael. He claims to be an Orthopedic surgeon in Somalia. He said his wife died in The middle east as a journalist who was shot dead leaving behind a son who is 14. He sends me pics of himself which are all the same guy so at first I was weary. Keeps telling me he is falling in love with me and everything is top secret over there. Can’t find his name on google search engine so it appears its some creepy dude.

He hasn’t asked for money yet but is sending me fake dick pics wanting me to send inappropriate pics too which i refuse. Not sure where he is getting these images of this blond doctor.

Mar 26, 2019
Sean from Dublin, Ireland
by: Anonymous

He wanted to come To The United States to live in my state to establish a new life with his daughter Florence and myself and to get into Real Estate Properties or become a Counselor at a school for underprivilege kids.

It reminds me of John Richard Power on Veggieconnection (dating site), the Irish pilot who has just turned 49 last month. He tried to establish a relationship and trust by telling his dream to have an animal sanctuary for unfortunate animals after his retirement from commercial airline work. He loves some cities in the United States especially Seattle and Florida.

Mar 25, 2019
An unexpected surprise
by: Maryellen

I was on Christian Mingle Dating Site on Friday, March 8th when a message popped up saying Hey Pretty One I am closing my account since I found my partner on here, however my friend would be interested. He is a forty-nine year old widower and who is a gentle person.

This is his email address

He would be happy to hear from you. I sent this man Sean an email. The very next day he sent a lengthy email. He goes by the name Sean Dunaway. He told me his wife and 2 kids died in a car accident over in UK. He has 1 remaining daughter Florence in a boarding school in Ireland. Florence was taken care by the Grandmother until she got sick and is now in a medical facility. Sean told me he met his wife in the military and she eventually retired to take care of the kids. He did say lovely things to me to proclaim his love so fast. Sending me songs. I was interested in him. I am widow.

Sean put in for an early retirement. Waiting for the paperwork to be processed might take 3 months or earlier. He wanted to come To The United States to live in my state to establish a new life with his daughter Florence and myself and to get into Real Estate Properties or become a Counselor at a school for underprivilege kids. The last email that I had received stated that he was going to send me 1 million six hundred dollars and for me to put the money into my account or open a safety deposit box or even keep at my place.

Take out fifty-thousand to open a business or wait until he comes to the States. Sean was explaining issues with the banks/storage company in Kabul, Afghanistan. I am so proud of myself that I didn't fall victim to his scam. I had sent him an email stating that I am not comfortable with this situation. I never heard from him again. I do feel bad for the solider he was impersonating.

The pictures he sent me of the soldier was about 5'10, short spikey blond hair shaved on the sides, and blue eyes. I forgot to mention the man Sean told he was born in Dublin, Ireland. I hope more women come forward with their stories.

Mar 25, 2019
Friends request
by: Anonymous

I just got one tonight from Alvin Jim Stilwell from Los Angeles, Ca formerly from Indiana, Pa. I don’t know him and he is not friends with anyone I know. For the past 3 weeks I have been getting lots of friend requests. Mostly US military.

I looked at one guys photos and they were all of pictures of foreign guys in their late teens or 20’s. Waving money. Hmmmm, I guess the scammer forgot to take their personal pictures off the site. They have to find other places to chat since google + and hangouts are shutting down early April. Lots of scammers out there. Don’t become a victim.

Mar 25, 2019
Just got friend request
by: S

Glad to come across your letter. I just received a friend request on Facebook from someone who claimed to be also an orthopedic surgeon for the UN...but in Syria.

I had deleted him before I ever saw your letter.


Mar 25, 2019
T1 and T2. Sound like Anthony Jones Thomas Cook
by: Anonymous

This definitely sounds like a similar scam team that I encountered. Beware of all of them,

Mar 25, 2019
Captain Thomas
by: Anonymous sucked in

Thomas Surman using Captain Thomas Lindegaard Madsen’s pics. Contacted first on Word With Friends. I have been talking to him for months. The first one seemed legitimate & said he was from Pittsburgh. Went on Vacation to Germany but contact was patchy. Then he accepted a new contract and contact stopped for about 10 days then Thomas 2 took over.

Phone was supposedly stolen and could I help him get his money from Crystal Securities.Could I write a letter saying I are his Beneficiary so I can get my money when I come to Australia. I fell for it and had to pay $2500 USD registration fee. ($3,524.75) which I insisted go to an Australian a/c. A dodgy one named CBA a/c.. Crystal insisted that 3K didn’t go through so Thomas 2 rang up distraught once again. You have to repay the 3K and you’ll get the other 3K back. I fell for it again and again an Australian a/c.

Then Crystal said we need the original deposit slip but T2 didn’t have it so could I pay $1500!for a new one. I refused. This went on for some weeks and then Crystal had a new email address ufor the ‘missing money' & sent me an email wanting all my personal details which I refused & videos of the money being counted but in the meantime I got a message from Thomas 1 saying his phone had been stolen so I had 2 of them.

I found out that the real Captain Thomas is gay & is married to his man. I asked T2 & he said he was changing to being straight lol and if I hadn’t been scammed I would have laughed but I was still trying to get my money back. T2 & T1 disappear and then reappeared to help me with return of the money which will never happen. I am still in contact and it is a very clever scam known as a 419 & obviously run by a call centre with a multitude of Thomases.

Watch out for anyone purporting to be a ships captain as these people are diabolical & have an answer for everything.

Mar 23, 2019
Robert Sean
by: Anonymous

Watch out for Robert Sean. Operating on Twitter and Instagram where he follows over 6000 women @robertsean922.

Said he’s in construction, and lives in Florida but will soon be going to Nigeria to re build some damaged buildings. He called me and he’s Nigerian.

Block him, he likes to message via hangouts and in some conversations he say NM. I asked what this was and his response was a miss type. However I feel this is Nigerian scammers passing the conversation on to the next man.

I believe this is common.

Mar 23, 2019
Dr Donald Kiser
by: Anonymous

Hi. Yes the person calling himself Dr Donald Kiser is a fake and scammer. He messaged me via Twitter, where he still operates even though I reported him. He’s stolen the identity of a Russian cardiologist.

Block him.

Mar 22, 2019
Dr kiser
by: Anonytinamous

He Went through his friend on POF and said he wanted to meet me at the phone number and a email and been texting me for the last couple days. Once I asked him to call me I told him he didn’t sound like he was a Mexican like he said as it was Jamaican or African and he laughed and said he wasn’t. I told him I said you’re right you are a scammer and he goes by Dr. Donald r Kiser. I looked him up and the picture he sent belongs to a different doctor. I blocked him. He never got around to ask me for money. I would have never sent him anyway.

Bewareand always investigate before you give any additional information. States he was a UN doctor in NC Fort Brahms. Lol 😂

Mar 18, 2019
Too funny. Alarm Bells from First Messages
by: Anonymous

Dr. Lee Brown, Orthopedic Surgeon working for the UN in Yemen. Says he's Australian but when questioned about his poor English says it's because he was in Syria for a couple of years and adopted their ways and English. Though he says he still has an Australian accent.

I'm just having fun with him now. I'm going to ask him for money soon. LOL

Mar 18, 2019
Engineer James Marsh
by: Anonymous

"Downgrade his English due to all the traveling". That’s a first! Hysterical. These scammers will say or do whatever it takes to get what they want! Walmart is a new spin.

Mar 17, 2019
Engineer James Marsh Phillips working in Nigeria
by: Anonymous

He calls himself an engineer. Tragedy struck him since he was little as his dad was killed in New Zealand when he was only 10. Then moved to US with mom and went to the University of Houston where he graduated from. He has a son and no wife. Sons mom was a terrible woman that would only do drugs and many other men. Currently working on a project in Nigeria for the US Government.

Asked to start a chat using goggle hangouts. Writes long love letters that make him appear madly in love. After some email traffic then starts asking for gift cards from Walmart? Red flag was his strong accent and when I asked he said he had to downgrade his English due to all the traveling he has been doing. And this was not even on a dating app it was Instagram.

Mar 17, 2019
Dr. Frank Werner
by: Anonymous

Met on Words with Friends. Claimed to be an orthopedic surgeon working for the UN stationed in Kabul, Afghanistan. He claimed to be German, moved to California as a teenager, went to medical school in Texas, moved to Atlanta Georgia with his wife who passed away 2 years ago. He has a daughter in boarding school while he is on duty. He owns a large house in Georgia but wants to spend a month with me to meet me, my family, and friends. He wants to marry me and have a mother for his daughter Annie. He writes beautiful, long emails professing his love and excitement for coming home in a few weeks. He has a very consistent schedule and checks in with me at the same times every day.

When I first discovered the scam I told him he sounds like a scammer because they all speak the same way. Very inconsistent grammar and soo many typos. He told me maybe it is the Talibans who are somehow screening and copying our conversations.

I’ve asked why his name does not show up on any medical licensing boards where he lived and he said as a UN doctor they are at risk for releasing sensitive information because of the Talibans so their names do not appear.

He insists on explaining everything when he finally comes home since he is very restricted in Kabul.

Early on I used tineye to search the photos he sent me and didn’t come up with anything. Just now I used google reverse image search and discovered he is using the photos of Dr. Hamilton Janquera! A Portuguese doc who posts videos on YouTube!

I have made it clear that I have no money to offer. But he continues to chat with me and asks for photos, even inappropriate photos. Luckily I never did so but I would like to warn everyone that they might use your photos to lure other unsuspecting victims. So just do not send anything!

I feel very manipulated and betrayed. I am tempted to find out what he plans to do when the time comes for him to come home but I also don’t want to waste any more time on this bozo.

Mar 17, 2019
Be careful in social media people pretending to date!
by: Anonymous

This one is supposed to be a civil engineer graduated from University of Houston working for the government in Nigeria. More alarming is its not a dating web site just Instagram but Same modus operandi. Really charming and asked to download an application to chat. A tragic divorce and looking for love. All of the sudden request to buy him a card - game card at Walmart as he didn’t have any money?

I cut everything out right away. Be careful there is so much out there so sad!

Mar 15, 2019
Thomas Cook
by: Anonymous

All the same scam. Do you realize how easy it is to make dinner reservations online and then cancel? It’s all part of reeling you in.


Mar 15, 2019
Anthony Jones in Amsterdam
by: Anonymous

Anyone out there heard of him?

Mar 15, 2019
To Dr. John McGil
by: Anonymous

How many posts will it take for women to realize they are being scammed. He isn’t on the list because he isn’t a UN Doctor. Don’t you think it’s odd that they are all widows or divorcees with kids in boarding school? Do you know how much boarding school cost? I do!

If he can afford to have a kid in Boarding School he wouldn’t be asking you for iTunes cards to speak to you. As Cher famously said in Moonstruck, SNAP OUT OF IT!!!

Mar 15, 2019
by: Anonymous

Recently I was contacted by a man on Instagram and when I saw he was a doctor he told me he was from Washington state and working 3 yrs in Syria as an orthopedic surgeon. He wanted 300 $ in iTunes so we could talk and when I said no he said bye.

I happen to come across this article.

Thank you

Mar 13, 2019
Dr John McGill
by: AnonymousAndrea

Supposedly an Orthopedic Surgeon in San’a Yemen and working for the UN. Supposedly has a daughter at boarding school, 13 yr old Freda. I can’t find his name on the UN list.

Anyone know of this man?

Mar 12, 2019
Reply regarding; Thomas Cook / Anthony Jones
by: Anonymous

Met him on Our Time dating site. Messaged on site for 2 months, then he gave me his number and said to call him. He sounded very nice. He was from my state. We talked for a month or so , He wanted to meet me and I wasn't ready. Then he had to leave go visit his mother in Finland. When away he called and messaged me as well as phone calls.

He returned home. We texted and talked all the time. Tried to video call, it always failed on his end. We planned to meet in nyc., but then he had to leave on business to Finland. We never met and he cancelled the arrangements in nyc.

I verified all the reservations at the restaurants. They were all cancelled by him. Anthony Jones says he is from Pittsburgh. Had a home in DC, Florida, Nyc. Lots more to this story so if any of this founds familiar I would like to hear your version / story.

Mar 09, 2019
American businessman A. Jones - T. Cooke
by: Anonymous

Dating site scammer. Gentlemen by the name of Anthony Jones uses the pictures of American business man Thomas Cook. He states he is from America. He states he has homes in Pittsburgh, Washington, DC, Florida and more. States he is a widow, well off who does not need your money. States he is a financier and gold investment buyer and he miscalculated a business deal. He needs money to pay for taxes and tariffs to get back home to the states.

Could you tell us the name of dating site in which you were caught? Did you contact outside of the site? e.g. personal emails, phone etc? If you had contact via email, can you check out the IP address?

Mar 04, 2019
Anthony Jones / Thomas Cook
by: Anonymous

He states he has homes in Pittsburgh, Washington, DC, Florida and more. This scammer is well educated, polite, charismatic. He writes loving emails and engages in long conversations. He will send you flowers. He will never send you a picture that is current of where he is at, he will not provide you with his address and makes plans to meet and then cancels them.

This guy could be a commercial airline pilot. An Irish airman who had been on the dating site since early 2000s and left a year & half ago (I reported to the site but he might rejoined with other name). He sent me dozens of postcards from around the world, especially from the US cities (his favorite place in the state were Seattle and Florida).

Mar 03, 2019
Henry Ekwe Cotonou Bénin
by: Anonymous

Henry Ekwe Living in Cotonou Bénin Afrique is a SCAM, be careful.

Mar 03, 2019
Peter Ernest and Antony Wilson Scamners
by: Anonymous

They found me on Instagram almost at the same time. So I communicated with both. Ernest is a widower and living with daughter. I asked him to send a picture of him with his daughter but he didn't. He is a marine engineer from Florida and the company sent him to Nigeria, where he lost his wallet with card and of course money and he asked me money because he has to pay his workers and continue work for a month.

I said no. So many mistakes when we're chatting, lying and didn't remember what he said to me. When I tried to call him he didn't accept and said there is no cam on his phone.

Other one is Antony. First time he wrote hi my name is Antonio. He is a usa soldier deployed in Afghanistan with peace keeping mission. He is a orphan. Parents died in a car accident. In about a month he said he was suddenly deployed to Nigeria. Here its a bad place and he wants to leave that country. He asked me for IiTunes but I said I never heard about it.

So I was surprised two of my men were in the same country at the same time. I will complain on Instagram about them.

Be careful girls.

Mar 02, 2019
Anthony Jones poses as Thomas Cook dc
by: Anonymous

Dating site scammer. Gentlemen by the name of Anthony Jones uses the pictures of American business man Thomas Cook. He states he is from America. He states he has homes in Pittsburgh, Washington, DC, Florida and more. States he is a widow, well off who does not need your money. States he is a financier and gold investment buyer and he miscalculated a business deal. He needs money to pay for taxes and tariffs to get back home to the states.

Requests wire transfers, use of a credit card and more. This scammer is well educated, polite, charismatic. He writes loving emails and engages in long conversations. He will send you flowers. He will never send you a picture that is current of where he is at, he will not provide you with his address and makes plans to meet and then cancels them. He is building up to ask you for large sums of money.

Beware of this fraudster.

Feb 23, 2019
by: Anonymous

Donald TALLMAN is a scammer. Told me he is a contractor on an oil rig. He told me to meet him in my hometown. He is boarding a plane in Texas but showed me a British Airline boarding pass. When he supposedly landed, I got a call from immigration to clear his bag which is full with US dollars.

I called immigration but there was no detaining of The guy. He called me and I refused to go clear his bag. He is definitely a Scammer. He is still on Instagram.

Feb 18, 2019
Dr. Jeffery A B Dickson Fake Instagram Account
by: Anonymous

A person going by the name of Dr. Jeffery A B Dickson contacted me on Instagram. He had posted photos of a handsome, young, white physician in white coat and in a clinic and OR and posing with what looked to be African villagers and children. He claimed to be an Orthopedic surgeon working in Ghana.

Said he had gone through a difficult divorce and left his practice in Ames, Iowa to go on a mission to Africa to help children because he never had any of his own. Claimed both his parents had died in a "ghastly car accident" when he was 8 and he was raised by his aunt and uncle. I searched medical licenses with the Iowa Board of Medicine and there was no such name.

Then he claimed he has gone to residency at UCSF and still had a California license. I searched the Medical Board of California and no such name. I confronted him with that and then told him I'd searched all Orthopedic Surgeons registered with the American Board of Orthopedic Surgery and found no such name.

He became indignant and accused me of having trust issues. Then he sent me a photo of him jogging down a wide, city avenue lined with palm trees and tried to tell me it was in Ames, IA. I laughed and told him I'd grown up in the midwest and assured him that no palm trees grew in the midwest.

He then told me I just hadn't been to all parts of Ames. Then he again accused me of having trust issues and said he could not risk getting hurt again. LOLOLOL!!

He told me he was blocking me. I blocked him, for sure.

Feb 12, 2019
Kennedy Prado
by: Anonymous

I’m totally humiliated! I started chatting with a Mexican surgeon from California on Instagram. I made it clear I was married from the beginning and thought he was just interested in my paintings that I posted for sale. Next thing I know we are chatting about various things of common interest and he says he is totally into me. I am taken in. He claims to be an orthopedic surgeon working in the UN. He has 2 sons in US with nanny and wife divorced him but she’s dead now. No records of him anywhere.

I found pictures of him he stole of Dr. Neville from Botched!!! I called him out on it and he actually claimed they went to medical school together and that he stole his identity and that he went so far as to have plastic surgery to look like him! Can you believe that bunch of crap!!! Worse yet, I was upset but started to buy into it because he was so upset telling me the story.

I never gave him any money but he did want to send me a suitcase of money by a UN diplomat so I could transfer the money to him. Right! Not! Said it was his money owed to him for his UN contract and he needed it to pay back supplies that he used on children he helped that should have been used on soldiers to the tune of $39k. When I wouldn’t accept the suitcase, he wanted me to transfer cash via credit card and he would pay me back but claimed it wasn’t my money anyway. What??? Wanted me to increase my credit card limit so I could do this.

I said no. Then he wanted Amazon cards for phone units and Google cards. It just goes on and on and I said no. He got mad and said he was upset because I wouldn’t support him.

Oh well. I’m not stupid!!

Feb 11, 2019
Dr Walter Berry
by: Anonymous

Dublin and Florida.hmmmmmmm.

How old is he? DOB 11.02.1970?

Does he have ginger with grey eyes, round face?

Feb 11, 2019
Orthopedic surgeon based in Cyprus
by: Anonymous

Didn't get very far into texting to figure out this guy is fake on Hinge dating App. Some people have already complained about him on here with the same story. His name is Ryan Williams. From Amsterdam, working as an orthopedic surgeon in Cyprus. I tried to google image search to see who's images they stole to use but can't find anything. If i could post a pic i would.

ED: you can post pictures when you start a new submission [but not when you are adding a comment to an existing submission] - use the page below and you can see photos there and you can also post your own story and photos there:

Feb 10, 2019
Civil Engineer based in Syria
by: Anonymous

A friend of mine got involved with a guy she just met through a dating/marriage site. He claimed to be a Civil Engineer working for the UN from Canada but based in Syria. As per the site, the uncle created the profile looking for a suitable marriage partner for his nephew and gave details of the guy in question and asks the girl to contact him. According to the guy his parents had died in a car accident and he was brought up by his uncle.

My friend and the guy chatted for a while and whenever my the friend asked if they could talk on the phone his only response was that there were in a war zone and are not allowed to make any unencrypted calls or use cameras there.

Also told my friend that he has completed his existing project so that he could come and meet her. Applied for his leave and paid for the Visa arrangements but asked my friend to pay for his tickets (USD 1500)

This did not go well with my friend so we did a background check including doing an online search on the persons whereabouts and tracking the phone number provided. That's when we found out about the online dating scams. Luckily she did not transfer any money and when my friend told the guy that she was unable to arrange for the cash the guy got abusive (verbal abuse) and was showing his tantrums- now his phone is unreachable and his profiles on all social media have been removed.

Please beware these scammers can go to any length to take out money from any of us vulnerable ladies

Feb 10, 2019
Dr. Jerry Brown
by: Anonymous

Contacted me thru Twitter, says he is a U.N. doctor in Lybia of all places. He loves and misses me even though we have not talked on the phone. Sent a couple of pics of a handsome graying man in his 40s or early 50’s. I know he is a scammer but Im playing along for a while without giving real information on me. Will cut him off soon.

Feb 09, 2019
Dr Walter Berry
by: Anonymous

Handsome Widowed Doctor (car accident 5 years ago), teenage daughter called Doris in Boarding school in Dublin. Actually in Florida, pretend to work for WHO, about to leave to Syria on a very short notice. Asks everyday what I had for dinner and suggest that I should drink a lot of water.
Loves me already, calls me his wife, suggests I should send a present to his daughter.

Well I am broke! Contacted me on Instagram, has no picture of his daughter because "i am not good at pictures". I Sent him a fake "hot" picture of me, asked for some more. I said no. He is willing to apply for his retirement and should be with me within a couple of months and he will spoiled me.
Well I am broke anyway so this is really entertaining and while he is busy talking to me, he can’t fool someone else.

Feb 09, 2019
4th in a few weeks.
by: Anonymous

New name, Obru Utche, born in Spain, now lives in California. Engineer, deplorable English, no friends. I like his photo of him in Ferrari but over 100 likes for photo of young Cambodian boy and young Asian girl who looks very upset. I really wish they'd get lost .Errrr

Feb 07, 2019
Marc Adams on Words with Friends
by: Anonymous

He chose to play a game and starting chatting. Said he was an Orthopedic surgeon Dr with the UN with a son in boarding school, mom dies at child birth. Was set to retire in March and open a school for under privileged children and wanted to run it with his soul mate. I noticed his words with friends is not that of an accomplished surgeon and the grammar in chat was off.

DELETE! Don’t fall for any of this BS and didn’t give him the chance to ask for anything! Shut it down

Feb 06, 2019
Arthur Scott on Twitter
by: Anonymous

A man called Arthur Scott contacted me today thru Twitter. He said he is a orthopedic surgeon from Atlanta Georgia. Currently he said he is in contact with UN in Yemen. He claims to be a widow with a 13 years old son.

I totally believe is a scammer.

Be aware

Feb 06, 2019
ID theft
by: Anonymous

Some of you may see that personal information cannot been misused for criminal activities. It's wrong. Information such as name, DOB, the place of birth, nationality, social security #, passport # etc., residential address, phone number match a real individual and then that data proves an attribute of a person.

Feb 05, 2019
Re Response
by: Anonymous

Yes, it fits the description as to the same situation. I believe it’s a scam. Glad I read this post and was able to see it’s someone that is not real. Where did you meet this guy and how you noticed it was a scam?

Feb 05, 2019
by: Anonymous

Yes, it’s the same description. Where did you meet this person?

Feb 05, 2019
Re: Response
by: Anonymous

Are you speaking to someone that fits the description. Have you gotten a request from them, or someone that fits the description ?

Feb 05, 2019
Re: Reponse
by: Anonymous

Hi, as a question to whom wrote: Has anyone gotten a request from a Michael H Smith a UNICEF Cardiologist? He was born in Barcelona Spain and his Dad is American.

Can you let me know what you found out and where did you meet this person or the story? Also concerned. Thanks!

Feb 03, 2019
RE: possible/probable scammer
by: Anonymous

He was supposed to be on an excursion in Indonesia but had lost his credit card. I told him I didn't believe him but he acted very hurt and full on indignation.

The man who contacted you is DEFINATELY a scammer.
You should report him to the site manager where you met. Hope you have not provided your personal information as those data can be used for human smuggling, money laundering.

Feb 03, 2019
Should give up romance
by: Anonymous

He has been communicating with my 82 yr old aunt who thinks he is 70.

82 y.o. should give up new romance regardless of young looks (yet still 70). Just having friends to have tea or coffee is fine!

Feb 03, 2019
Jason-United Nations in Syria by: Brenda
by: Tracy

My mother was involved with this same one. We finally convinced her he was a scammer. I threatened to expose him if he didn't leave her alone. He was upset because he had invested a lot of time "grooming" my mother, who just turned 82.

Feb 03, 2019
Jason-United Nations in Syria
by: Brenda

Just wanted to know if anyone has had contact with Jason, an "American" assigned to the UN in Syria with a son. He has been communicating with my 82 yr old aunt who thinks she is 70. He has sent her a photo of a good looking man with 5 o'clock shadow. She has not admitted to sending him any money at this point but talks about how their relationship is growing

Feb 03, 2019
Possible /probable scammer
by: Anonymous

Recently accepted friend request but regret it now as feeling stupid. Mr James Robinson, reported to be a surgeon serving in the UN on. 3 month contact. Very intense which was off putting but alarm bells rang very loudly when he asked for financial help for his 13 year old son, Christopher.

He was supposed to be on an excursion in Indonesia but had lost his credit card. I told him I didn't believe him but he acted very hurt and full on indignation. Believe I was right in my actions of disbelief and refusal of assistance.

Has anyone else had the misfortune to have been friend requested?

Feb 01, 2019
Possible Scammer
by: Anonymous

Has anyone gotten a request from a Michael H Smith a UNICEF Cardiologist? He was born in Barcelona Spain and his Dad is American

Feb 01, 2019
Beware Dr Aric Gorge
by: Anonymous

He just opened another account under Dr Aric George. He contacted me under the Aric_gorge account which is still open. Same story. UN doc in Syria, widower, son in boarding school. Thank god I ignored his DM’s as I don’t trust anyone that I do not personally know. Also, just had feeling he was a scammer.

Jan 30, 2019
UN doctor
by: Anonymous

It's easy to prove to her he's not legit. Do a search on UN doctors

Jan 30, 2019
Another scam?
by: john

I'm putting this out there, if anyone can help. My friend is getting involved with a Dr. Austin H Williams, and of course he's another UN General Surgeon. I'm sure it's another scam.

Any help is appreciated.

Jan 29, 2019
Scammers get angry
by: Anonymous

Scammers get angry when they are asked questions to be revealed their real faces and are refused to give them money. Besides those reasons, scammers know misplaced anger make targets upset. Most targets break off immediately (that's is fine) but may also delete all correspondence including clues to trace scammers and evidence. Scammers may use the art of psychological effects. Stop contact but keep records in case.

Jan 27, 2019
Perpetrator blames victim
by: Anonymous

Yes, he wants to marry me and be together. TOTAL SCAM! BEWARE! He’s an angry, vindictive person when he doesn’t get what he wants!

Perpetrators blame targeted prey and appeal to be as victims. They often seek unjust and irrational vengeances. That's why you ladies should not give personal info met online.

Jan 26, 2019
RE: Scams
by: Anonymous

A son of Andrew Dickson in boarding School in Germany. Wolf Wilhelm in Turkey, widow with a daughter who said he was from Worcester

Those profiles of two separate individuals could be opposite. The name Andrew Dickison's sounds really Brit yet his young child is in Germany. Wolf Wilhelm, both given name and surname are typical German but is originally from Worcester, England?

Jan 24, 2019
Dr. Martin Dupre Rodriguez
by: Anonymous

Yes, he wants to marry me and be together. TOTAL SCAM! BEWARE! He’s an angry, vindictive person when he doesn’t get what he wants!

Have fun, beat him at his own game by never providing personal info and string him along. Then block him!

These guys are a JOKE!

Jan 24, 2019
by: Anonymous

Beware of Andrew Dickson, as he said he is a doctor for the UN, lost his wife and has a son in Boarding School in Germany. Needs money for vacation leave. Scam

Also my friend talked to Wolf Wilhelm in Turkey, widow with a daughter who said he was from Worcester, Ma. Needed money to pay workers, etc.

Same friend talked to Henry Morgan, same thing widow, daughter missing mothers, said he was a contractor in Egypt, needed money to pay workers and hotel.

These are stories from my friends, but didn’t want to tell there stories. Andrew Dickson, Wolf Wilhelm and Henry Morgan.

Don’t think that are there real names!

Jan 24, 2019
Dr Martin Dupre Rodriguez
by: Anonymous

Has anyone been contacted by a man of this name. He claims to be a Cardiologist in Incirlik Turkey. He stated that he needs approximately 5,000.00 to secure his exit card to come back to the US. He reached out to me on Indeed and soon switched to "Hangouts" and is a very convincing man.

Anyone else have with experience with this man???

Jan 24, 2019
Fred Fabregas Fabio sounds like John Richard Power
by: Anonymous

The post regarding Fred Fabregas Fabio reminds me of an Irish airman John Richard Power on Veggieconnection, a real pilot for Aer Lingus, and sudden appearance of wife though he has been on that site as a single man seeking wife/lifetime partner. His lawyer (John Power intimidated me not to report his misbehavior to third party by implying lawyer and police, lol!).

I had contacts from the police, not the Irish Police Garda, about John Richard Power and learnt that multiple employers of Aer Lingus had been engaged in human trafficking for over a decade by means of workplace resources (from Spain to Dublin Int’l Airport then the third countries) and one of them involved in money laundering.

It was John Richard Power and his employer that want to avoid investigations by law enforcement agencies and authorities. In this case, Irish police was not willing to solve the crime in a proper manner – actually US or/and UK police urged them to work on. Initially, the Iris police saw more than 10 Aer Lingus staff would be arrested but the exposure didn’t go further and the prosecution did not.

Beware, John Rochard Power left Veggieconnection but he is on Facebook. His Guatemalan wifes name is Elizabeth. Your personal/privacy information and photo of yourself can be used to create FAKE IDs for illegal immigrants, gangs such as MS-13 and undocumented asylum seekers.

Jan 22, 2019
For is this guy real
by: Anonymous

Go to the United Nations list of Doctor's and see if his name is on there and I bet he is not so do a reverse image to see if he's real. If you have a photo you can use google reverse image or Tineye so hope this help be very cautious of these men.

Jan 21, 2019
Fred fabregas fabio - scammer
by: Anonymous

It seems Fred fabregas fabio is still spinning the same story to all women he chats to on line. When I talked to him he even had a friend email me which was supposedly a lawyer trying anything to make money. Beware he hangs round on Facebook and he has no picture of himself and he is under fabregas Fred and he is one devious person.

Gets very angry when you doubt that he is a veterinary doctor. I think he is either a failed one or a dreamer. He got very angry with me one night when I chatted with him and threatened me. I showed the police as I was frightened he may have contacts or for all I know fabregas could be in any country.

One time he got some woman to chat with me on Facebook and it was supposedly his ex wife but didn’t make much sense as she was supposedly still in love with him but didn’t want to get him out of Nigeria. Fabregas also claims his phone does not accept incoming calls and yet one night I rang the number and he must have answered it and not shut it off as I could hear other voices in a foreign language.

He is a liar and takes your money with no intention of returning it. About time this low life was caught and banned off internet.

Jan 21, 2019
Watch out for Sean Perer
by: Anonymous

This guy thinks he’s so smart! Started chatting with me on Words with Friends. His wife left him, 16 year old daughter set up his game account. Says he’s looking for a soulmate. I kept chatting and then got a message that his daughter was having a birthday and he didn’t have access to his bank account because he’s working in Canada for an oil rig.

Claims his daughter is angry with him because he didn’t get her an iTunes card. I told him I wasn’t going to buy an iTunes card and he deleted the game.

Watch out for these men! Be smart and don’t send money or gifts!

Jan 19, 2019
Is this guy real
by: Anonymous

Anyone know of a Dr Chris Rogers working for UN as an Orthopedic Surgeon at Camp Eggers in Kabul?

Jan 17, 2019
Too all the new Posts
by: Anonymous

Just wanted you Ladies to know these men you are communicating with are scammers and they are very good at it. I had a so called doctor talking to me and twen