My First Scammer

Yes, I said first scammer. I have had 12 more since. They are making mistakes and I always put pictures thru Tineye, after Tineye pops up saying no image found, you press on the picture and another pop up saying google image search, hit that button and they are usually found.

I am finding them representing famous people, from the Netherlands, Far East, South Africa and now:The one from Ghana.

I was courted 2 years by this piece of crap. He went by the names, Anthony Morgan, Joshua Morgan, Morgan Daniels, and

Phone numbers from Pennsylvania. I never heard of the word scammer. He wrote very well. He said he was to go to Dubai on Oil Business. Even showed me pictures of his celebration winning this contract. Of course 4 months down the road, he missed coming home for Christmas, then New Years. Needed money for a lawyer and was short. I helped him. First $700, well something came up, this went on for 2 years. He wanted me to cash checks for him. This I stopped, said no, so he put cash in my account. Oh he got me good, he was calling me his wife, queen, all those famous words.

I know it is in Ghana because I had his IP address checked on another site. He took 15,000 from me. Said he was thrown in jail trying to escape Dubai, then he owed for taxes and guess what he is out on the alert again.

What was the final straw for me was when I took at a loan for $2600. Had a horrendous interest rate. Over $100%. I'm in debt for 3 more years. He kept contacting me until I had to change my number. He was upset because I kept denying him anything. His latest was some bitcoin project.

I hear he is out scamming again. He is good ladies. Beware!! Be Careful!!

Once someone scams you, it just never seems to stop.

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Jul 12, 2018
My first scammer
by: Anonymous

Your first one was seemingly, also my first and hopefully only one. With me he had exactly 1 year ago, when Kurt William who was so shy and innocent, 1 son 13 years Larry. With me he wanted to send money but it does not work on Swiss. I have a lot of trouble because of a dirty swindler. Suspicious of money laundering, although I have never done anything, but yes he is from Ghana. Send a picture that he has used and look at my scammer Kurt William.

I have pictures there and good luck to you

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