Malcolm Roberts ExxonMobil Oil Rig Contractor Scam From WWF Part 2

by Biggles777

Stolen Image of Innocent Man Used by African Scammers

Stolen Image of Innocent Man Used by African Scammers


This is the second part of scammers on Words With Friends called Malcolm Roberts and also Malcom Roberts. In part one I gave the following information on who the person originally claims to be and how over the course of the scam I spoke with three different men. This is their original story;

Malcolm Roberts is the name used on Words With Friends. Also his Hangouts account. He is in Kansas City Missouri and an oil rig engineer. He has no interest in playing the game and goes to Hangouts as soon as he can. He is a God fearing man who quotes the bible. He then says he is a petroleum engineer for the last 29 years, he will retire this year after he finishes his contract. He says will be taking a private jet to Aspen, Colorado for a conference on a yacht. There is only a river there, no room for a yacht the size needed to hold a conference. He has a son and it changes to daughter, never mentions age or where, her name is Phoebe. He is called out for sending a picture of a Russian child actress called Kristina Pimenova, she has a very large online footprint. As with part one, this is also heavily edited to cover my alias.

Him: I am a single father with a teenage boy, because whenever I leave the states for my job tour, the late mother of my son always abuse herself with hard drugs, and it leads to us divorced, few years later I heard she was impressed with (heart attacked) and died.

Him: My both parents and my only sister has been deceased in plane crashed 13 years ago. I and my son are the ones only left in my family that i could remembered for now. Due to my job i haven't got time to check out if there is still a relatives. We were two kids that my parents gave birth to an I'm the oldest among us. My mom / dad including my only sister were on a trip (Idaho) to visit the grandmother of my father, when the plane they were in crashed on their way....

This will now focus on the scam. As with all they usually test you by asking for cards. These men were no different but after talking to two, I knew the third was very good at being a professional scammer. He was asked who he worked for. He first said Ecco, corrected himself and said ExxonMobil and spelled it wrong.

After the constant changes in part one we've settled down and are talking. He
repeatedly asks for my love and I say no. The following exchange starts after I have been offline for a day and he has asked for iTunes cards for internet data usage. On an oil rig they have satellite communications, they do not run out of data. On very remote oil rigs, some really do have communications issues. But not in the Gulf of Mexico.

It is all very simple and does not take too long to call him out. He does not work for ExxonMobil and is nowhere near the United States. These men are Nigerians.

Him: How are you doing sweetie?

Him: Have you gotten the cards yet?

Me: Hello Yes I found 2 $500 iTunes cards

Him: Ok do you have them with you?

Me: Yes I do but I need to know I can trust you

Him: Yes you can sweetie

Me: I do not think so
Him: Why

Me: Your daughter, Phoebe, right?

Him: Yes

Me: Why did you lie to me? The picture of her you sent is of a 14 year old Russian actress called Kristina Pimenova and you are not her father. Please explain?

Him: Okay...I you know I can't lie you... Phoebe's Mom hid her from me for some years now..she kept a letter in her safe saying she took her to Canada to her relatives I've not seen my daughter for some years now..I thought if I told you you would get mad I'm so sorry and in tears now😢

Him: I have not seen her in years now according to her grandma she says Phoebe looks exactly like that little girl I sent to you

He is confused. All he can do is turn to excuses and a woman's emotions. He clearly tries to tell me I'm the one with trust issues when he is the one caught lying to me twice. I've walked away. I then receive two emails;

It has no subject title. The name created on Gmail appears as "ExxonMobil Operator"

Him: Hello ***** this is the company Email...I don't like coming on it but since you insist

Him: We can't chat on this email okay so reply me on hangouts now

Me: I do not who you are. Exxonmobil do not use Gmail. They confirmed with me that any email that does not end with @exxonmobil is not their correct email address or associated with their corporation.

If you work for ExxonMobil your email will end as

He messaged me again saying to "Hit me up" I said he was good, he knew when to walk away just like I did.

Emails used;

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Sep 28, 2024
Prospective Scammer
by: Anonymous

Prospective scammer. Exxon oil rigger contractor sent fb friend request 9.24.24

In the UK on the sea. Pressuring me to call him and give my phone number up. Said I’m a scammer because I won’t answer messenger phone calls, and I seem to have trust issues.

No children and never been married. Broke up with girlfriend because he caught her cheating when surprised her by going home.

Wanted to know my occupation on day 2 of conversing.

Mar 10, 2021
He has changed his to Christopher Norman
by: Anonymous

On Facebook his name is Christopher Norman

Mar 10, 2021
New name Christopher Norman
by: Anonymous

This guy is on Facebook scamming women for money. He said he works for Exxon Mobil and now his name is Christopher Norman

Dec 21, 2020
Is trying to scam me also
by: Anonymous

Same guy but with a different name, calls himself phillipjohn now,

Apr 26, 2020
Update. He Comes Back With New Story
by: Biggles777

I said he was good, I take that back as they always come back.

He was on an oil rig in the Gulf of Mexico. Says the same and changes his story over two days. Goes from working for Exxon to ConocoPhillips still on oil rigs in the Gulf of Mexico. He is pushed on his lies and goes to Mexico on contract arranged by his brother and building roads somewhere he can't name.

He wants $1000 in iTunes cards for internet data no matter where he says he is.

Him: If did not need it I wouldn't tell you to get it

Him: You got it for me right?

Me: Well. As I said all you did was lie to me

Him: Why would I lie about needing Data

Him: That's akward

Him: I really need continue chatting with you

Me: Don't chat. You do not work for Exxon their oil rigs have satellite communications. They don't run out of data

Him: I worked for them before not anymore

Me: Last time we were speaking you did or thought you did

Him: I work on a oil rig in Mexico

Him: I normally tell people it's Exxon Mobil

Him: It not okay it just an ordinary oil rig okay

Him: It a contract

Me: Well that oil rig would also have sat comms
I doubt that it is a contract. I also doubt you can name the oil rig

Him: There has been a number of rumours about Exxon selling assets without official confirmation

Him: You know am an independent contractor
Why would that matter. You just said you don't work for them

Him: I work with different company

Me: That you can't name

Him: You don't believe anything I say anymore

Him: Why??

Me: Because all you do is lie. Lie after lie. You don't work for them. If you do you'd have ID, passport, licence and a contract. But they, like Exxon, only have employees on oil rigs. Goodnight. Get your lies straight. I don't mind if you laugh at the fool I am making of you

Him: Have I ever lied to you before??

Him: All I do is thinking about you and our lives,I do care about your well being so much but you never care about mine, Goodnight and Sweet dreams


Him: ***** I'm not used to us being like this

Me: Like what?

Him: Like we don't know each other

Me: Well I'm certain I am not talking to the man in any of the pictures you've sent me

Him: How are you certain?

Me: I looked and what you sent me is all over the web with a lot of names and emails

Him: Really

Him: Did you ever think about this also...they could be the one using me

Him: Don't you understand?

Me: I doubt that. Just like I do that you are on an oil rig. Bet you can't name it

Him: It's not a company contract...Its a per time job

Him: Just so I don't get bored

Him: I miss working for Exxon tho

Me: I doubt you worked for them too

Him: Not for long tho

Him: ***** I don't work for them okay

Him: Its just a little job am almost done with it

Him: Can't wait to go home

Him: I really miss us

Him: I don't know why

Me: You could have named the oil rig but you can't

Him: My brother linked me to this little job

Me: So why can't you name the rig you are on?

Him: It's not an oil rig
I told you am an engineer...

Him: I get called for different types of engineering work

Me: Well you needed data for Exxon, yesterday it was someone else and now I have no idea where you are either

Him: Not for Exxon I said that to make you feel better okay

Me: I think you just say what you feel like

Him: It's more like a private contract

Him: Can't get anything over here that's the reason I asked for your help

Me: Where would "here" be today?

Him: Try to understand

Him: I already told you it's Mexico
The gulf of Mexico

Me: That is the sea. So now you can walk on water?

Him: Let's try to get things clear and done today okay

Him: I really miss you

Me: You clear up where you are and what you do. I think you are clueless

Him: I'm an engineer am at Mexico right now

Him: I didn't mean to lie to you

Him: Let's start all over again...and put this all in the past okay?

Me: Do you know what a pun is?

Him: Nope

Him: Yes I do

Me: Then look this one up
denial is not a river in Egypt

Him: Okay what do you want to hear from me now?

Me: The truth

Him: Ok I'm an engineer

Him: What more

Him: I'm on a private contract linked to me by my brother for some more earnings

Him: What more?

Me: Well ever since we met all you've done is say things that are not true. Your brother can pay for data

Him: This is the whole fact

Him: He's on his own job

Him: You're the only one I have now and my kids
Don't leave me *****

Me: You have him. I did leave you

Him: But you came back and u appreciate that

Him: Thanks allot

Him: I appreciate allot

Me: Appreciate what? Me leaving you? I'm done for the day on this app tata

Him: When will you be back?

Him: Let's chat a little okay

Him: Don't go now

Him: Hello *****

Him: How are you doing today?

Him: Why do you always come back?

He is still texting and calling

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