Kody Ganzer

by Anonymous

Kody Ganzer aka Kody Anthony Ganzer allegedly from SF; met on Facebook dating. I was suspicious, pushed back and gave every opportunity to go away- almost fell for it except the sudden trip to Germany, arrest and detention. Fake letter and Fake attorney info- was asked to pay for attorney. DID NOT

Now new Facebook profile up under Kody Anthony Ganzer, same photos as Kody Ganzer profile- now different age

Have to admit my heart is a bit damaged but never believed in it 100%. OH btw, I had requested proof of ID- got a fake CA drivers license photo

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Dec 01, 2023
by: Anonymous

He hit me up on tik tok saying he was originally from Australia and that's where his dad was born. Says he lives in SF Bay area. Immediately wanted to know how I felt about long distance relationships.

I felt something was off.

Then he asked me to use the telegram app to keep talking. Big red flag there. Cheaters and men from other countries use that app a lot to scam women.

I knew I was right.

Reading this just proved it.

Sep 27, 2023
Anthony Kody Ganzer
by: Anonymous

Anthony reached out to me through TikTok and said he was looking to fall in love, he told me he loved me within a day or so and I stupidly sent him some money through bitcoin, he wanted me to delete my TikTok and Facebook I knew it had to be a scam, but didn’t think he would message me that much, but those jerks will do anything for a scam, BEWARE!!

Sep 27, 2023

He is back, and now asking me to download Zelle, I knew it was too good too be true, but I really wanted to believe that he was " looking for love" I did already send him some money thrue bitcoin be ware!!

Jul 14, 2023
The real Kody Ganzer
by: Anonymous

So…the photos being used are of a guy from Melbourne Australia. He is gay. Nathan James Bull. I sent him a message via instagram to let him know.

Someone should stop this scum!!!

Jul 11, 2023
Kody Ganzer. Anthony Kody Ganzer
by: Anonymous

He is back on Facebook. Anthony Kody Ganzer. Also on tic toc. Same guy!

Jun 27, 2023
Anthony Kody Ganzer
by: Anonymous

Anthony Kody Ganzer, Kody Anthony Ganzer. He messaged my thru Tic Tic. Said he was from San Francisco California. Red Flags! Beware of him. Conversation was in-depth, nice man, handsome, has a dog named Kelly.

Persistent about Telegram, me getting a new iPhone! Asked me to buy a Razor Gift Card for him.

I called him out, now he has vanished off of all social media.

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