Kirby Vacuum scam Review

by Casey
(St. Louis, MO, US)

If you have them at your door tell them to wait one minute and call the local police. Tell the police to rush to your house immediately.

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Aug 01, 2013
by: Phil

hey annonmise...

You have to have a solicitors badge you get from the police - if not its illegal.

I hate sales people knocking on my door to sell bullshit I don't need. I have to get up after a hards day work and listen to lies.

I think it should be totally illegal and sales people that knock on doors are low lifes.

Jan 17, 2013
by: Anonymous

The US Supreme court has ruled that door to door sales is legal. If you want to waste the police officers time and demonstrate your ignorance then go ahead and call 911.

Myself, when a solicitor comes to my door, I simply tell them no calmly and politely like a mature adult and they go away.

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