Hard work = great compensation

by Kristin

I am a division leader with Primerica. I have been with the company for 3 years and have never been disappointed or mislead by the company or my up-lines.

I believe that most people who consider our company a scam are those who are not ambitious and expect something for nothing. People are so accustomed to earning a dollar per hour amount, which is predetermined by the position, rather than the person's effort.

If you work, you get compensated very well. You're in business for yourself, but not by yourself.

It's the best business opportunity in American business today!

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May 08, 2016
To Misinformed
by: Anonymous

I don't know what I'm talking about? Would you care to read out loud the content at the top of page 38 concerning historical policy sales per rep annually?;


While you use hype to reinforce your arguments, mine are strictly based on Primerica's own financial statements.

Jan 28, 2016
by: Anonymous

To Misinformed

Your point would have validity if we were talking about a small company, or one or two offices. However, with Primerica, we're talking about a company with huge numbers and a 38 year history.

Statistically speaking, with a sample size that large, we can predict with 99.9% accuracy that only a few will make anything of this opportunity, and even with that, most will only do it once.

Jan 26, 2016
a good opportunity?
by: Anonymous

Latest Primerica Stats (Between 2009 and the end of 2015)
- Recruited 1,502,173 people

- 1,253,657 recruits left before obtaining their license (but after paying their $99 to $199 fee)

- 243,167 licensed reps quit the company

The only people you will hear talk good about Primerica are naive new recruits (who haven't learned the truth yet), or those preying on prospects to pump up their downline.

The facts speak for themselves.....low income (if any) and high turnover. only 5980 reps out of 500,000+ over a 38 year period ever exceeded $50k in any best 12 month period, and most only did that once or twice. Thats less than 1 out of 100, and those people got in during the hay days of term insurance growth (80's and 90's).

Dec 31, 2015
by: toolbelt

One of Primerica's exaggerations is that they have the most 6 figure earners. Any normal person would assume they meant "per year"! But in truth, they mean any Primerican thats earned that level of income during any 12 month rolling window since they started the company.

It doesnt matter to them that many on the list did it just once and only earned $5 since. They bend the truth until its a lie;

Dec 16, 2015
by: toolbelt

Once you take a look at their annual reports, you realize their whole operation depends on faking success, selling one or two policies, and leaving. Over 84% of new recruits leave, as well as 35% of their licensed reps, each year.

Based on the last few years, avg policy sales per rep is less than 2.5 per year. Tho the stated avg commission is $6k, that avg is highly skewed by the 1-2% of reps making 6-7 digit incomes. The typical street level rep makes $0-$500, and they must pay all their own expenses, incl their online access fee of $30/month, and business cards, gas, etc etc.

If it was even partly lucrative, why do 67% (combined) leave? Its all based on constant turnover after making 2-3 sales, including one u may buy for yourself.

Dec 15, 2013
by: Anonymous

To the above post...you don't know what you're talking about. One person's experience isn't everyone's experience...good or bad.

However, people that follow a developed system, do experience success. There is nothing predatory about our business...if it's managed by ethical people.

Thankfully, our office is amazing and prides itself on truly helping people reach their goals.

Dec 15, 2013
Another pyramid scam
by: Anonymous

If you are a predatory sales person you will make money with this company.

Most people who do well in these type of schemes prey on gullible people who don't have the 24/7 time and devotion and predatory deceptive sales skills it takes to make a profit in these MLM companies.

And when the get rich scheme falls apart you will be blamed for your lack of(Hard work = great compensation) and you will be made to feel like a looser and you will just drift away with your bank account drained of thousands of dollars, and your garage filled with get Primerica's shiny brochures.

And then the person who got you into this scheme moves on to the next victim and the next.

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