Gold scams ghana

by Daniel Lemieux

I wrote a previous story how I got scammed over a course of 5 years on a gold scam in Ghana. I believe I could now write a book on how those scums operate.

I know every single in and out on this. They use all official looking forged documents that even fooled me. They are very persistant and the person that was handling my legal entitlement
of so called 25 kg of gold went as far as to even send real gold to an importer that was going to handle my transaction just to keep me thinking they were honest.

They very very good at what they do. I found out after 5 years of trying to export my gold by an expert exporter of gold that I had been scammed because he went to the high court with the douments otherwise I may have lost thousands more.

If you ever have any questions you can e mail me @

I know it like a pro believe me.

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