Gold Scam of $500,000 USD dollars done to an Australian Citizen 14 months ago

by Tony Cardillo

Hi I would like to share my story which we have all the evidence you need and all the facts and figures how an export agent in Ghana colluded with some Gold sellers and scammed me out of $500,000 USD dollars. I have contacted both the export house and the sellers and no one can tell me where my money has gone nor the Gold I purchased.

I have all the evidence you need. We put in a complaint to the local police who simply will not look into the case further because the export agent who is involved has paid people off to be quiet. I will be escalating this to your prime minister Mr Akufo Addo to also see if he can help and bring justice to these criminals who have produced false passports, names and paperwork which also includes high profile lawyers and their firms.

If you want to reach out my email is below. Its a shame and a disgrace that such a beautiful country I visited 15 months ago will now be published in such a way that will frighten off other investors. I can give you the full story and all the facts and figures, correspondence, emails what's app messages

Tony cardillo

Mobile: (Australia) +61 414611508


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Jan 31, 2022
Ghana gold scam
by: Ms.Dutchburn

I won’t keep mute and will share my story to save a soul- my story started in 2016 where I met Sgt. Lee on a dating site and I was found in love until one day he said he has come across a box of gold and want to secretly sent to me for upkeep until he returns home I paid all cost but he was always given excuse for a request for money therefore my friend-Dave contacted the Embassy and it was confirmed scam and my case was reported to the Ghana Crime Unit(info.ghanapolice at consultant. com) as his ip was traced to Ghana and luckily the perpetrators was brought to justice! Beware of scam and if any office asks for money then it’s a scam.

Jul 25, 2021
Couple from Perth?
by: Worried Man

This sounded very much like the situation I am in with an Australian woman who is using photos of a famous porn star to lure me in and keeps hitting me up for money to secure her inheritance. Please tell me about the couple from Perth because that is where my money is going. To her and her "uncle." I put the brakes on. But now I need to know what you have been able to find out about these scammers.

May 17, 2021
Don't go to Australian state law enforcement,yet.
by: Biggles777


I've come across many Ghana and Nigerian gold and jewelry scams.

The Australian law will do nothing. I advise you contact Interpol and the U.S. FBI.

They won't just take details but actually investigate.

There is a couple based in Perth Western Australia and they work with organised crime in Ghana on these scams.

Post if you want their contact details as this has then written all over it

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