Doctor John Honesty aka Doctor John Wigbert East Rochester NY

by Biggles777

Stolen Image of Innocent Man Used by Nigerian Scammers

Stolen Image of Innocent Man Used by Nigerian Scammers


John Honesty is on Scrabble GO as John. 58 years old from East Rochester New York with a 13 year old son named Fred. Says his parents are from Oslo, Norway and he has lived in the U.S. all his life. That changes a little after a few days to losing his father aged 13 and then moving to the USA with his mother from Italy. He doesn't say what he does for a living and you are to assume he is a doctor from his pictures.

If you meet someone online and in the first days you're told the following it's fair to say something is amiss.

Him: My parents are originally from Olso, Norway

Him: But I lived all my life here in USA

Me: Great

Edit to next day

Him: I'm the only son of my both parents lost dad when I was I was 13 and I moved with mom from Italy to Rochester NY

Edit: He can't spell Oslo and if his parents grew up in Norway why have they moved from Italy? The kid doesn't think either;

Him: What time is it over there?

Me: It's 9:55 am here

Him: Nice

Him: Have you had your dinner

Edit: Time and again I see this. They ask, you answer and they just have no idea of time. You're asked all the questions on what you own and where you live. He sends pictures of a house claiming it's his. None of what you're told is true.

Him: Alright what's the question

Me: Who is Richard Terry?

Him: Sorry I don't know him?

Him: Anything wrong?

Me: Okay

Me: What about Louis Anderson?

Him: Who are this people?

Him: Why are you asking me about them ?

Him: Do you know them?

Me: No I do not.

Me: You should though as they're names your picture has

Him: Really oh my god

Him: Why is someone else pretending to be me

Him: Can you give me there page

Him: And where you get them from?

Me: I found it, you can find it.

Him: Where did you find those names?

Me: You explain all your names

Him: I'm John honesty that's my name I no nothing about all you're telling me

Me: Why is your email John Wigbert?

Edit: They only deny and put the onus on you to show how wrong they are.

Email in use:

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Aug 31, 2024
Being scammed by you!
by: Anonymous

I am now being seduced by a James McKenzie who claims he is in Syria and needs cards to pay for the Internet. I’ve done my homework and there is no Internet in Syria!

He claims he loves me and I should help him so he can talk to his son!

I am truly sorry someone is using your photos to deceive innocent woman!

Apr 26, 2021
Also approached by John Wigbert
by: LG

So weird how all these people playing Scrabble ask all the same types of questions and they all want to chat on Hangouts. ??? I knew something was up.

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