danny or heaton perez

by nancy mowbray
(berea ky usa)

He poses as an American soldier that lives in Columbus Ohio, and is stationed in Afghanistan, but is sent to Nigeria on a mission.

He wants to marry you, but needs $830.00 for food. He also has a Commander William Davids who will talk to you and try to make it sound official and convince you to send the money for food.

The guy will tell you how hungry he is and be very pitiful on the phone. He has very convincing pictures on Facebook. He claims to be widowed and have a daughter.

Its a scam

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Apr 11, 2014
Danny Heaton perez
by: Anonymous

Sounds like the same guy who I met only his name is Toney Mike

Mar 13, 2014
Same man?
by: Anonymous

Mission to Nigeria is a real joke. The US Army are well fed! In fact they have 2 different meals to choose from.

It important that you post the FB link so everyone gets to see the pics. There is also other sites you should post on. The more sites you post the more it shows up on search engines.

Google Francis.williams90@yahoo.com. I have posted about him so it maybe the same man.

Similar story single dad.

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