Congrats U have won R900,000.00 in Rugby Promo Ref: RB-5287 Contact Mr Vanwyk on 0838660106 or email to claim
...and i never entered no rugby promotions nor competitions.
Oct 15, 2019 Rating
Possible scam by: Anonymous
Sent an email to the company (Rugby Football League) he claims he (Van Wyk Fourie) is working for. Displayed on his email.
If you get this message also email to them on:
''; ''; ''; ''
They should be able to confirm that this is a scam.
Oct 14, 2019 Rating
blacklist this email and phone nubere by: Anonymous
blacklist this number 0838660106 and email address
Oct 14, 2019 Rating
900000 Rugby Promo by: Anonymous just texted me with the exact same Rugby Promo scam.