Captain Smith Morgan - Rochester, NY

by Gracia

A certain man named Smith Morgan saying he is a captain working in Maersk Shipping Line. After professing his love in just 4 days then asked me for USD500 for a gift for his son as he is in the sea and will give it back after he docked even give it back double.

He can't fool me.

After I told him, you cannot fool me as I heard chat scams, all his sweetness were gone and he even cursed me.

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Nov 25, 2016
Captain Smith Morgan... looking for another victim
by: Evelyn ( UAE)

I'm glad I've browsed his name or else I wouldn't know that this Captain Smith Morgan is a scam.
Did he say that he lost his parents when he was 6 yrs old, living with his uncle and has 12 yrs old son Kenneth?

He hasn't ask me yet for a money but I will definitely delete him now on my skype contacts.

Thank you for posting.

Nov 14, 2016
Caption Smith Morgan scam
by: Anonymous

Can you post a pic because some of these guy's use different names.

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