Edward Carter - jewelry broker

Met Ed - reached out to me on okcupid. Originally didn’t even swipe “like”....but kept pursuing. We connected -he lives in North Carolina (high point) supposedly - leaving for Dubai to get some “ gold” he purchased cheap.

We texted/emailed daily - asked him to take picture of himself but always had an excuse. Eventually asked me for money to get gold out of a holding company & get back home.....told him when he sends me a picture/or face times with me, I’d do it (knowing he wasn’t goIng to do it- I’d never give money).... he blew up!

Told me that he was desperate, thought we had built up a relationship....etc and days later his phone # and email no longer worked.

Total scam!

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Oct 22, 2017
Beware of Steven Cohee
by: Virginia

Steven Cohee is a Scammer from Nigeria that claims to be from North Carolina and/or Virginia. He claims to be a miner that's a widow with a 9 year old son.

He asks for money to be sent to him in Nigeria or his Nanny Lisa Busick in Orange, Virginia. These people scammed a friend of mine for $5,000

Oct 22, 2017
Edward Carter
by: Cynthia

Good job so proud of you for not giving this scammer any money. Just like he disconnected his phone and email account the same would have happened if you gave him money.

We will not be paying their bills anymore.

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