Learn About Both Types Of Timeshare Scams: (The Resort Scam and The Resale Scam)

by Timeshare Scam Help

Every day people stay or vacation at a luxury timeshare resort. They arrive at the resort for different reasons, but all resorts have the same goal in mind - to sell them a timeshare (at any and all cost).

The scam is perfectly set up and emotions of the vacationers are built up to make the mistake of buying a timeshare.

The resort sales staff has the lying memorized and are very good at convincing people to see it their way.


The above link gives you the full and complete story of what happens and why.

There is also information on what to do after the mistake is made.

Lets hope there is only 1 mistake made, not 3 or 4 of them.

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Oct 17, 2013
by: Peggy Bryant

Not all time shares are bad, actually, a time share can be a good purchase for someone who does enjoy revisiting the same destination each year.

However, vacation properties are not for most people, being that they only seem to work for people with very specific vacation desires. Time shares are not for people who like to enjoy trying a new vacation spot each year, nor for people who like to travel spontaneously, or families who do not use to stay at expensive resorts. http://www.timesharescam.com/

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