Key phrase!

by Greg

I don't have a certain case here, however, I am wondering because I had 2 lovely ladies about 2 weeks apart want to have an instant chat on I did so. They both had the same story: "My dad is from the U.S. and my mom from Ghana, I am just visiting her right now as she is in bad health."

Now what are the chances of this being the case twice.

Watch out Gentlemen for this phrase. Neither asked for money, however, I did not continue dialogue long enough with the 1st, and the 2nd not as yet:4-14-16. I am still texting her, but will question her more thoroughly after having the same story!

Good luck to all!

Watch for match profiles that go hidden within a few hours after they want to chat with you!!!

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Apr 14, 2016
Same Stories
by: Terri

Good for you! These are professional scammers. Within a few days you will become their life mate or soul mate, or the 'one' that she's been waiting for all her life blah, blah, blah...

They have infiltrated every single dating site known on the Internet and way too many people fall for these scams.

Keep up your radar because there will be more scammers than real people that are truly looking for a partner.

Good luck to you!

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